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George B. Schwab, of this city, has been granted an increase of pension. Fraternity Lodge, No. 262, F. & A. M., holds its annual election of offices this evening. The Toledo Ice Co., of bis city has filed articles of incorpoiffion with the secretary of state. Capital stook $70,000. The furnishing club of the A. M. E. church give a debate on that important question "Woman's Rights" in the A. M. E. church this evening. Dr. Eliza Mosher speaks before the St. Andrew's branch of the Girls' Friendly Society, in the ladies' parlor at Bariis hall, this evening at 8 o'clock. A fine group photograph of the Ann Arbor post office force has been taken at Randall's gallery. Thare are 22 persons in tbe group and the likeness of each one is a striking and excellent one. Among a large class of initiates taken into Ann Arbor Oanip of Modern Woodmen Monday evening were Probate Judge Newkirk and Probate Kegister Lehman. His honor is cosiderable of a "joiner. " A horse attached to one of Mills Bros.' milk wagons ran into an electrio car on Detroit st., Thanksigving rnorning and was considerably bruised in consequence. Several of the Windows in the car were broken' .Tustice PoDd dismissed the case brought by Rev. J. F. Thomas against the Seaond Baptist recover an amount due him on salary, Tuesday. The reverend did not appear nor had he given security for oosts. Sunday at 2:45 p. m., A. A. Mummery will lead the Y. M. C. A. meeting. The subject will be, "The Relation of the Young Men's Christian Aseooiation to the Cburcb." All men are cordially invited. Special inusio will be heard at this meeting. Edward Thornton, known as the "Ypsilanti coon," was arrested in Ypsilanti and taken to Jackson on the charge of stealing a diamond pin from his former friend Elisha Steward. On Tuesday he pleaded guilty in the Jackson pólice court and was sentencd to 50 days in jail. The treasury of the sewing school is empty and it will take at least $50 to continue the school during the year. It is entirely a charitable object and Miss M. S. Brown, its superintendent earnestly appeals to the good heartedness of our oitizens to help the school along with gifts of money or material so that after an existence of 14 years it shall not have to go down for laok of support. The net proceeds of the St. Thomas' church fair amounted to $2,250. The Monday Evening Clob at Qrangef's will again resume is "functions: nexfc Monday evening. Lieut. Frank D. Keand, of Ypsilanti, has been appointed battal ion adjntant in the First Regiment, M. N. G. Sheriff Jurlson gave the new Northeide ohurch building committee a Thanksgivii'K uffering of a check for $50. Justice Pond gave two tramps five days in jail each Friday afternoon for having celebrated Thanksgiving by getting drunk. Mrs. A. B. Covert, who was seriously injured in a runaway accident leoently, was taken to the University hospital Monday for treatment. The Ann Arbor Railroad Co. expects to buy this winter 100,000 ties between Owosso and Toledo. Last yeat tbe road purchased 170,000 ties on its northern división. Mr. Bert H. Johnson, of Whitmore Lake, and Miss Anna R. Waite, of Azalia, were married at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. T. W. Young, on Monday evening. Tomorrow eevning, at the aoademy, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger will give a danoe to their student friends and on Monday, Dec. 13, a closing party before the holidays. Mrs. Katherine Fiegel, of S. Fourth ave,, was surprised Monday evenipg by her children and their families dropping in on her and helping her celébrate her 58th birthday anniversary. A plentifnl supper and a pleasant sociable time followed. A reception will be given to Rt. fiev. William Croswell Doane, Bishop of Albany, at Harris hall tomorrow evening, which will be attended by the congregation of St. Andrew's ohurch, and invited guests from Detroit, Ann Arbor and other places in this state. "Secret Service" by one of Charles Fronman's companies at the Atbens Theater, Saturday evening, was one of the strongest plays that has been seen heie this season. It was full of thrilling situations, had plenty of pathos and humor in it, and was withal olear and wholesome. The Ann Arbor Railroad Co. has given an order to the Pullman Car Co. for 400 freight cars to be equipped with automatic couplers and air brakes. Work will oommence on the oars about Dec. 1. John Walton, of Owosso, loreman of the car department will be stationed at Pulman as inspector of mater - ilas aud work. The Ypsilanti Sentinel of last week says of Wm. W. Secjrd, the unfortunate old man who has been confined in the jail as an insane peison. "Secord once started the Ypsilanti Yeoman in one of the rooms now occupid by The Sentinel, and aiso papers in Saline and Belleville, but never succeeded in making theiu pay. " Evart H. Scott has resigned the office of deputy game warden for Washtenaw county ad Louis J. Lisemer, of Ann Arbor, will probably be appointed in Mr. Scott's place. Mr. Lisemer should get incorporated. He is manager of the Washtenaw Evening Times, the Hausfreund-Post, the new Athens Thatre,the new State Telephone Co.'s exchange at Ann" Arbor, and now he is reaching out and getting the county in his grasp.- Chelsea Standard. John O. Jenkins, of Detroit, for many years au employee in the Argus office, is the proudest man in Michigan since Saturday afternoon. In fact, those who know say that be has grown fully three inches. The cause for all this is to be found in the arrival at his home on Leverette st. , Detroit, of a bouncing 10 pounds baby boy. The cigars are on you, John, the next time yon oome to Ann Albor. Congratulations. The cat-eehuuiens and scholars of the Zion Lntheran parochial school dined with Rev. and Mis. A. Nicklas on Friday. The children had sent the pastor two turkeys for a Thanksgiving present and tbat gentleman and his wife doubting their ability to get away with the birds invited Mr. and Mrs. Boes and the school oihldien to help thera do so. Tweaty-six responded and did their duty nobly and well, and when they left the parsonage theplump turkeys were a heap of bones, but the children's appetites had left them.jj; Born, Sunday evening, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoohrein, a son. Mrs. Emma Gardner has been granted a deoree divorce f rota Frank Richard Gardner by Judge Kinne. A new trial has been granted by Jndge Kinne in the case of Minnie M. Vanderwerker vs. Mary A. Tooker. Dr. E. W. Eayn, presiiing eider of this district conducts sciamental service next Sunday morning at tbe First Al. E. chnioh. Gerald F., the six months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeForest died Monday morning. The funeral services were held Wednesday. Wlftle the electrio lights were in a state of sombre repose Friday night Porf. Andrew Ten Brook fell on his bead on the sidewalk with such foice as to stan hint. County Clerk Schuh mailed the bound copies of the proceedings of the board of supervisors for 1897 to the several persons entitled to receive them on Monday morniDg. A class in penmanship will be given by the Y. M. C. A. provided there are enough who wish to enter such a olass to warrant its organization. The olass will be free to rneinbeis. Miss Nellie Loomis and Mr. Paul Carr, of Ann Albor, were married Tbanksgiving eveuing at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Near, in Ypsilauti, by Rev. W. W. Wetmore, of this city. Judge H. Wirt Newkirk is at present oorrespouding with the war department at Washington endeavoring to secure another piece of cannon to be set up with the one already obtained, beside the proposed soldiers' monument iu the park at. Dexter. Vol. 1, No. 9 of the Dimondale News, a paper published at Dimondale, Eaton county, by E. C. Sibley, forinerly an employee in this office, lies before us. It is well filled with advertising and news and looks as if its proprietor was in a fair way to make it a success. The Ann Arbor High School football team wound np its seasou at Grand Rapids on Thanksgiving Day by defeating the High School team of that city with a score of 14 to 0. This gives the state obampionship to Ann Arbor and the boys have won it by an unbroken series of victories. Offloer Isbell arrested D. B. Edwards, Monday nigbt, who is wanted in Pontiao on a charge of laroeny. Marshal Sweet reoeived a letter Sunday reqnesting him to keep a lookoot for him. Edmunds had taken away some property, wbich had been deposited with Mrs. Elizabetb Sinitb, of Pontiao, assecurity for a board bill. There was a good atteudance at the sessions of the 29th semi-annual meeting of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club held in the auditorium of che School of Music on Friday and Saturday last The papers read on the different subjects were of a highly interesting and instructive character and the debates were spirited and euthusiastic. A teacher in one of the schools at Sparta, Kent county, who is evidsntly a believer in the Darwinian theory of the descent of man, was explaining to her class the other day that men were descended from monkeys, when one little fellow floored her with tbe question:"The Bible says God made man after His own image. Is God a monkey" A largely attended Thanksgiving dancing party was held at the Light Guard hall, Ypsilanti, Thursday evening of last week. Among tnose who attended were the following from Ann Arbor: The Misses Clute, Celia Gilbert and Bessie Stafford, and Messrs. Coffin, VVoods, Pattison, Rem Jones, Frank Cornwell, Hook, Keitb, Parker and Harriugtou. The flrst number of the Michigan Alumni News has been reoeived. It is a bright, neatly printed fonr page paper and will be published semi-monthly during the college year. In its salutatory it says, "Our mission is to renew, revive and unite the interest of the alumni in their alma taater and render it aotive and effective for her welfare." And the Argus has not the least doubt but that under the direction of its effioient board of directora and its active editor, Ralph C. MoAllaster, it will do its sbare towards aceornplisbing these worthy aims. Subscribe for the Argns now and get the paper nntil Jan. 1, 1899, for $1. A juvenile class in danciDg will commenee tomorrow afternoon from 2 to 4 at Granger's aoademy. The nexfc meeting of the Wasbtenaw Teachers' Association will be held at Chelsea, Satorday, Dec. 11. A meetiDg of the fire commissioners, fire committee and financH comraitcee will be held at the city clerk's ofüce this evening. City Treasurer Seyler haa been bnay leoeiving taxes since Wednesday. The first one to pay np was Hugh McGnire, sr. , of N Main et. The ladies of the Northside contemplate giving a Christmas dinner Dec. 25 for the benefit of the building fuud of the new church. Mr. George H. Decker, of Detroit, and Miss Ella Blackmore, of this city, w'fere married Thanksgiviag Day by Rev. Henry Tatlook. The casa against Jerry Collins oharged before Justice Pond with keeping his saloon open Thauksgiving Day has been adjourned until Monday, Deo. 13. The several bonds of City Treasurer Seyler now amonnt to $95,000, $50,000 to tbe city aud $45,000 to tl e connty. The latter bond bas just been flled. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger's lötb annnal Thanksgiving matinee at their dancing acadeiny was well attended ann heartily enjoyed in spice of tbe inclement weather Josaph Donnely's money drawer in his fish market was robbed ou Friday last, but thft parties wbo did it were the gaicers of not much over a dollar for their sneaking act. It is said that snckers, red horse anri mullet abüund in the Huron river anc tbat the boys put on wading boots, tie a fine spool wire on the end of a short pole and rnn a slip knot aroand tbe fish as he lies flat ou the bottom. County School Commissioner Lister has jnst received 164 copies of the Michigan Manual. He will send one copy to each district school in the connty. This will be tbe first time district schools have reoeived a copy of tbe manual. The benefit committee of the B. P. O. Elks opened the answers in the oontest for the prizes oflered for the discovery of misspelled words in the Elks' benefit souvenir program on Wednesday morning, and awarded the four prizes as follows: Istj prize, W. C. Coopet; 2d, E. Gauss, 122 W. Liberty st. ; 3d, Mrs. Fred Showerman, Ypsilanti; 4th, Mrs, Rose Freeman, 712 N. Main st. Mrs. Maria B. Reimold, sister of Mrs. Christian Eberbach, of this city, died at the home of her son Jaoob Reimold, in Freedom, on Thanksgiving Day, at the advanoed age of 92 years. Mrs. Reimold carne to Washtenaw county in 1838. The funeral services held Sunday morning were largely attended by her numerons relatives and old friends and neigbbors. Rev. Jolina Klingmann ofüoiated. Tbe remains were interred in the Scio church yard. To read Wilfred Eames' petition to the prohate conrt for the renaoval of Capt. Cbas. H. Manly from the administratorship of the.Elijah W. Morgan estáte, one wonld tbink tbe captain wat one of the most dishonest men in Miohigan. Almost every kind of a breacb of trust and other misdemeanora are imputed to him and if Mr. Manly's character depended on that document he oonld not even get employment in a den of tbieves. It is lucky for the captain that his reputation for honesty is so well established or this thing might be his rmn.(?) Tbe department of public instruction is about to issue a valuable book, wbicb will contain suggestions for the exerci868 to be used upon eigbt days of the year nsually observed iu the schools. The editiou will be ready in time for tho celebration of Lincoln day, Feb. ]2, 1898. The other days will oomprise Washington day, Feb. 22 ; Arbor day, Memorial day, Foorth of July, Whittier and Longfellow's days. The book will close witb a special program for the Christmas exercises. Twenty-five thousand copies will be printed, and tbe book will be generally distributed throughout tbe seohols and G. A. R. posts of the state. Mr. Soule is treasurer of the university at Ann Arbor. Mr. Hart is cashier of the People's bank in Detroit. Mr. Kidney was long an Adrián photographer. Mr. Legg is a Coldwater lawyer. Mr. Hand is receiver of the Adrián Waterworks. Mr. Fingar was for years supervisor of Riga. Mr. Foote has charge of the electric light plant in Jackson. Mr. Back is a Blissfihld olerk. Mr. Haire is an Adrián farmer. Mr. Lipp is a retired farmer in Blissfield. Mr. Face is an Adrián peusioner. Mr. Head is a Morenci building mover, wbile everyone knows of Torn Thurab. It is proper to say that Mr. Mann lives in about every oounty in the scate.