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Man Of War For Hayti

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Washington, Nov. 30.- The Haytlan government has asked the United States to use its good offices for the fettlement of ita controversy with Germany. Ambassador White is feeling the pulse of the Germán authorities on this phase of the subject, and if it can be ascertained beforehand that Gerjnany will not reject the good offices of the United States they will be tendered. Thus far the United States has held loof frora the controversy. There is no expectation that Germany has any ■other designs upon Hayti than that included in her demand fov indemnity for the alleged outrage upon Herr Lueders. Haytl Says It Means Agfffression. The Haytian government, however, has insisted that this case has been taken as a mere pretext for more aggressive action in the direction of an extensión of Germany's colonial system. The administraron is reluctant to believe that it will be called upon to make any assertion about the application of the so-called Monroe doctrine to the present controversy, but state departmënt officials do not deny that this government will take a very flrm stand should Germany make any movement in the direction of permanent occupancy of Haytian territory. For the purpose of giving adequate protection to American interests, Secretary Long, after consultatlon with the president, has directed the kruiser Marblehead to make a cruise in the West Tndies. stopping at Hayti. Iustructions Not Vet Sent. The instructions have not yet been sent to Commander B. H. McCalla, ?ommanding the cruiser, under which he will act, but there is reason to believe that they will direct him to anchor in the harbor of Port au Prince and see that Germany takes no action in contravention of well-known principies of international law. Germany has practieally rendered an ultimatum. She has demanded the immediate payment of an indemnity and an apology. Notice to this effect was served upon the Jïaytian government before Lueders was released, and recently, in answer to the earnest request of the Haytian minister in Berlin to submit the whole subject to arbitration, Hayti was mformed that Germany would ins-ist upon immediate compliance with her original demand. I-OVERING FOUJÍD GUDLTY. Tli1 Captain Is To Be Reprlmauded by th Secretary of War. Washington, Nov. 30. - Secretary Alger has received from Lieutenant Colonel Hunter, the judge advocate of the court-martial, in the case of Captain Leonard A. Lovering of the Fourth infantry, the record of the proceedings and flndings of the court. The secretary admits that the published reports of the sentence are correct and that the officer has been found guilty of ill-treating Private Hammond at Fort Sheridan and has been sentenced to be reprimanded by the secretary of war. So far Secretary Alger has not acted upon the papers, but he took them over to the cabinet meeting and they formed the subject of discussion for some time. It is understood that the proceedings will be approved by thedepartment and that the reprimand will be administered through publication in official orders as soon as it can be put in language satisfactory to the authorities here. It is understood that the reprimand will be severe. Under the regulations the department has no redress practieally if it should regard the sentence as inadequate. It might be referred back to the court-martial with a. suggestion that it is not sufflciently severe. but the records of the department show that scarcely in one case in a hundred has a court been thus induced to amend its sentence. A new trial cannot be ordered and if the department disapproved of the sentence the effect would be to release the omeer accused from any punishment, so that it appears the only recourse is to approve the sentence. WII.I, SWÏIL GERMÁN EXPORTS. New Commercial Treaty with Great Britain Ik To Be Concluded. Washington, Nov. 30. - Commercial Agent Stern, at Bamberg, in a report to the state department, says that negotiations have been entered into at the instigation of Great Britain for a new commercial treaty with Germany. The commerce between England and Germany comprises nearly 25 per cent. of the latter's trade. The great amount of trade, he aays, is due to the treaty of most favored nations existing between Germany and England and her colonies. The treaty about to be terminated concedes to Germán trade the enjoyment of any concession or privileges granted to the colonies of Great Britain or to the mother country by the colonies. Professor Kothgen, a national economist, make9 some remarks which are significant In view of the late Germán seizure in China. He says that Germany must look to other markets. China is principally to be considered. The Germán merchant has gained a pood footing there, but Russla, Japan, England and France are always ready to snatch parts of that country away. "The twentieth century will brlng the struggle about China," writes Professor Rothgen. General Ordway'ft SuoceMsor. Washington, Nov. 30. - The president has appointed Mr. George H. Harries of this city to be brigadier general of the milltia of the District of Columbia to succeed the late General Ordway, fftrmer cammanding ofticer of the district national guard. Mr. Harries haa been a major in the guard for some years and as inspector of general ritle practice has taken an active part in i'ifl competitions. He was a well known newspaper man of this city for some years and in this capacity was present at the late Sioux outbreak In Dakota and also at Homesrtead. He has been nfaged In business pursuits for about ten years and is at present secretary oí the Washington board of trade. To Relieve Alaskn Minéis. Washington, Nov. 30.- The cabinet considered the subject of sending relief to the people in the Klondike. President MeKinley received a telegram from the Portland (Ore.) chamber of commerce stating that there was danger of destitutlon and suffering on the Klondike and offering to supply the necessary food for relief if the government would undertake its transportation. The Information was not deflnite as to the actual conditions, but was on the same line that has been telegraphed from the northwest. The cabinet considered every phase of the situation and discussed ways and means of affording relief. Iteslgnation Accepted. Washington, Nov. 30.- The president h-as aecepted the resignation of Chaplain W. M. Goodwin of the Wabash, against whom the captain of the ship made charges of Irregular living. The resignation of Lieutenant Michael J. O'Brien, Fifth infantry, stationed at Fort McPherson, Ga., has been received at the war department, but had not yet been acted on. It is said that charges had been or were about to be made against this officer, which in the event of the acceptance of nis resignation of course will be dropped. Colonel W. I. ( hipley Dylng. Washington, Nov. 30. - The condition of Colonel W. D. Chipley of Florida, who is yery dangerously ill at the Garfield hospital in this city, has nót improved. He sfems to be losing ground and his physicians have no hope of his recovery. He is suffering from chronic disorder and earbunele. It is not believed that he can survive more than a few days. Colonel Chipley was prominent in the Florida senatorial contest a year ago. Arinor Plant Woiild Ct litS.ííOO.OOO. Washington, Nov. 30.- The naval armor plant board will submit its report to Secretary Long at once. The board estimates that the total cost of establishing a plant will be $3.600,000.


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