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Miss R. O'Leary spent Thanksgiving with Detroit friends. Miss Amanda Allmendinger spent Thanksgiving in Chicago. Mrs. Susan R. Davis made a business trip to Gregory last week. The Misses Mary and Ruth Durheim spant Thanksgiving in Detroit. Dr. Eliza Musber spent her vacation in Chicago visiting the nniveisity. Robert Gerner, of Detroit, spent Thanksgiving with his sister in this city. Dr. W. L. Dunn, of Ashville, N. C, was the guest of Ann Arbor friends Tuesday. Miss Pauline Schmid, of S.fPir9t st., spent Thanksgiving with her brother in Chicago. Miss Bessie Richards, of Saline, was the guest of Wm. Krapf and family the past week. Mrs. H. C. Markhain went to Milan Wednesday to visit her sister Mrs. G. R. Williams. William Arnold is again able to be down to the store aDd attend to bis business affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Junius E. Beal and Mis. Travis ate their Thanksgiving dinner in Kalamazoo. Mr. and Ma. Bach, of Sebewaing, were guests of Philip Lohr and family over Thanksgiving. Mrs. Lew Henry, of Davison Station, was here visiting her sons John and Guy P. Henry last week. Mrs. L. E. Cheever spent the latter part of last week with her son D. B. Cheever in Chicago. Albert Wescb has gone to Menominee where he has secured employment at bis trade as a bookbinder. Mrs. A. D. Seyler, of Detroit, has been visiting her sou, E. D. Seyler and family since Thanskgiving. George Breakey, of Owosso, was the guest of his uncle Dr. W. F. Bieakey daring Thanksgiving week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Beal, of Detroit, have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. H. A. Williams, tbis week. L. T. Limpeit has returned home from Cheboygan and will spend the winter hera with his family. Misses Carrie and Lena Tessmer spent Thanksgiving in Chicago with their sister Mrs. J. H, Walker. Rev. Robert Scbreiber, of Saline, preached the Thanksgiving sermón in Betblehem Evangelical church. Miss Ella M. Herrón left this rnorning for her home in Williainston to visit her sister for a week or ten days. Mr. aod Mrs. Hawkes, of Chicago, ware the guests of their daughter Mrs. George F. Key, over Thanksgiving. Asa Washburn and Robert Worden and their wives, of South Lyon, spent Thanksgiving with relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss, of Jackson were called to Ann Arbor Saturday night on account of the death of Mr. Sellick Wood. Miss Tucker, who is teaching, in the ïoiwell High Sohool, spent her Thanksgiving vacation with her mother on N. State st. Mrs. M. L. Traver, who has been visting her sister, Mrs. Jennie Traver, of Thompson st., has returned to her home n Cbicago. Dr. W. H. Dorrance and Eli W. doore attended the meeting of Moslem Temple, Mystic Shriners, at Detroit Friday night. E. Gray and daaghter. Miss Eva, of Akron, Ohio, have been tbe guests of heir cousin, Jlrs. .Wro. Krapf, of Detroit t,, tbis week. Fred C. Biown was in the oity Wednesday on bis way to Chicago, where ie bas again branuhed out in the linoype business. Manrioe F. Lantz has severed his connection with Schairer & Millen and will now devote all his time to his Whitmore Lake store. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coleman, of Pontiac, spent Thanksgiving witb Mrs. Coleman's mother, Mrs. H. L. Richrds on E. Huron st. Karl E. Harriman, of the Detroit ournal, was in the city Saturday and Sunday visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs W. D. Harriman. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke C. Hawes, of Toledo, spent the Thanksgiving season vith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georga Hawee, on N. División st. Prof. and Mis. Albert H. Pattengill spent the Thanksgiving vacation in Grand Rapids witb Mrs. Pattengill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. West. , ifnn. ,3. M. B. and Mrs= Sill bave returned bome from the Corea and are visiting at the home of their daughter Mrs. A. B. Cram, in Detroit. Miss Gertrude Sunderland, who is a teacher in the Flint High School, spent ier Thanksgiving vacation with her parents the Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Sunderland. Miss Claribel MoMonagle has organized two classes in elocution in Ypsilanti, at the Y. W. C. A. rooms, one of which is for membeis, the other for children. Rev. Frank McElfresb, of Columbus, O., who bas been visiting bis old school fellow, Rev. B. L. McElruy, preached in tbe First M. E. church on Sunday mornicg. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Sbeehan gave a pleasant dancing party to the members of tbe Fiiday Club at Nickels' hall from 4 to 7 o'olock Thankgiving afternoon. Dr. Albert tí. Mills, class of '97 hasj been visiting Dr. Jobn Kapp and family and other friends in tbe city. Dr. Mills bas a position on the staff of the Calumet an Hecla hospital, at Calumet, U. P. Mrs. Henry Schultz, of Spring 6t, is sick with diphtheria. Mrs. George E. Moore is seriouslr ill at her home on Millar ave. Mrs. W. W. Watts spent several days last week with Mrs W. H. Whitruarsh, at Milan. Ernest Perry, of Bay City, spent Sunday with bis parents.Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Perry. H. W. Schwab, of the Ann Arbor freight office, had the misfortune to severely sprain his ankle yesterday: John Piatt, of Bay City, división engineer of the Michigan Central, spent Sunday with O. Fred Griuimer, '01 medio. Ald. Emmet Coon arrived home from Tennessee in time to spend Thanksgiving with his family. He has been away about nine months. Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Childs entertianed quite a family party at ttaeir home on Maynard st. Thanksgiving Day. It consisted of E. M. Childs and five daughters, of Ypsilanti, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell and daughters, of this city. It was a happy gathering.