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ñ W W% REST0RES ViTAUTY. ïat ay. 1n?ifJcJ Well Mart I5lhW1B)f of Me. THE GREAT 3Oth I)ay. FULIEÏKrOiS: HEMEDY froluus the above results in 30 liiys. It act powcrfully and quickly. Cures wlien all othera fail Yoiinjirmmvillregatn tUeir lost mauliood aud oldRrV7vïreTC?Ver "r ;outhful VJOT. y using KEVI% O. It qiuckly aud BUrely restores Nervous rtess. Lost Vitality, Impotcncy. NlglitJy Eraissions Lost Power. Failiug Memory, Waetims Disoascs and all eiTects oL selL-abuse or eïoens and iudiscretion wbich unüts one for study. busmcss or marriage it not only cures by starting at the wat of disease but isagreat nerve tonic and bloori builder brlne ing back the pink f-low to jiale cheoks and restoring th flre of youth. It warda off Jnsauity and Consuraption. Ineist on havinu KI5VIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail S1.00 per rackaae, or six Lor SSG.OO, ivith a positivo written guariintce to ure or refund the money. Circular freo. Addrcss ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Wabasb Ave., CHICAGO. ILL For 8üle at Ann Arbor, Micli., byEberbacb Drug and Chemical Company. Biggest Offer Yet The Ann Arbor Argus AND The Twice-a-Week Detroit Free Press Both Papers One Year For Only f 1 .60. THE A-WEEK FREE PKESSis conceded by all to be MICHIGAN'tí LEAMNGNEW8PAPER. It is publishcd on Tuesday and Friday of each week, and is almost equal to A DAILT PAPER. Remernber, tbat by taking advantafre of thi.scomhination, you set 52 copies oí TH R ARGUS and 104 copies of THE FREE PRESS, for only ÍI.B0, which makes ( hv oost of tlie paper to you ONE CENT PER COPY. A 500-PAGE BOOK FREE The Free Press ALHANAC a„d Weather Forecasts for 1898. CORRECT. CONCI8E. COMPLETE. Over 20,000 Copies of 1897 Book Were Soldl at 25 Cents. An accurate and superior Book of Refereuce that tells you all you want to know. Therewill not be aueeless page in it. A Practicas Educator and Hand Book oí Encyclopedie Information on subjects Statistical, Official. Historieal, Politica] and Agrieultural; like wiee a Book of Heligious Fact, and genera? Practical Directions on everyday. affairs of Oftice, Home and Farm. A copy of tbis book wlll be sent to all sub scribinK immediately and sending 1 s cents ad ditional for mailing expenses, making $1.75 in all. The book wlll be published about December 23, 1897, it beiug impossible to get it outearlier on account of g-etting: complete records of 189Ï events. Copies of the book will be sent to alltaking1 advantage of this offer, as soon af ter above date as possible. Do not delay, but take advantae of this remarkable liberal offer which we make for a limited time only, by special arrangementswith the publiahers. Remember we send both papers a f uil year for $l.0, and you ca have a copy of the book by sondingl.5 cent additional. Address, ARGUS OFFICE, ANNARBOR. MICH For Christmas. ,.jj No Rmoke, ifítktfA. Xo Smell, ■ ■■ "v NoSmut, L3 No Matches, No Wiek, No Grease, ij1' ÍS3 yi " "anger, F J No Fines, WBÊfL - - NoProfanity iKPSíir A Briffht Light, tmifr W Irï?5 ASafeLight, ■BH "- aí; A Modern Light, B'N. It is Clean, I 5v lt is Novel, X5 It isScientiflc: &&& To sum it up '-J in one word, lt is Satisfaetorjv Ecouomy is wealih, and by its proper exerciteweare enabled to produce an efficiënt eloctric light for earriag-e or bicycle at the popular prices, if-1.00, W.ÜO and $8.00. For Necktie, MKS Complete with powerful Pocket Battery ana all accessories, postpaid. Send draft or post office order. G. L. SHUMAN, ,'Ï24 üearborn St., Chicago. J. Fred Hoe)zie5 DEALEH IN Meats, Sausaeres, Oysters and Market Goods. Porter House and Sirloin Steaks a Specialty WASHINGTON MARKET. Q R. WHLIAM8, Attorne? at L&v and Pension Claim Attcrne?. % MILAN, MICH. Conveyancintrand Collections. W. H. MÜRRAY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with Prosecuting Attorney, in Court House. Ann Arbor. Mich.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News