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The Most Favorable Season To onre oatarrh is in tbe spring. Dnring the winter the patiënt is likely to take a fresh oold and have a setback. But if treatment is begun in the i spring and continned into the summer, notbing need be feared for the succeeding winter. Of course, it all depends on tbe ine ücine. Tbeie are a gieat many catarrh medicines wbiob relieve tbe most disagreeable syinptoms temporarily. Pe-rn -na cures more slowly but also more permanently than tbis class of medioines. A course of Pe-ruua dnriog the spring will cnre catarrh more quickly than at any other season. Mr. VValter H. Tucker, Concord, N. H., writes Dr. Hartman as follows: "Wben I begau taking yonr medicines four years ago I was suffering with chronic catarrb. I had taken nearly two dozen bottles of a so-called catarrh cnre without mucb. relief. Pe-ru-ua onred tbe nigbt sweats and dizziness; it oored tbe oough I bave bad from ruy oradle; I oan say it saved my life. " Dr. Hartman has publisbed in book forra a series of leotures on various phases of chronio oatarrh, whicb he oalls "Winter Catarrh." This book will be sent free to any address by The Pe-rn-na Drug Mannfaoturing Compauy, Cüluiabns, Ohio.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News