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Dr. Moutgouiery, of Adrián, was in town over Sunday. Mrs. S. MoCord is od the sick list, a viutim of la grippe, A son was bom last Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. John Gauss. Miss May CoDlisk and Miss Katip Biley, of Adrián, who have been visiting at H. Parr's, returued hoiue last Satnrday. Mrs. JR. M. Teetei went. to Iron Creek, Tnesday, to see her ranrher, Mrs. Rnshton, who is siok at the h ime of her sou W. B. Rashton. Henry .laoquemau, wbo has'clerktd for some time ia Gieske & Bluni's store, was ordeied to Island Lake and lefthere Satarday. He was a membti of the Ypsilanti oorupany. E. S. Hagaman went to Teontnseh Tnesday and brongbt back a new boiler for the cheese factory. The faotory will resume operations nest week. It is a good thing for the farmers. Dr. Conklin's borse ran away last Weduesday nigbt abont three miles west of town and the doctor finished his jouiney on foot. The wreek wus brougbt in the next afternoon. The horse was quite badly lamed. O. F. Taylor was giveu a surprise last Monday by some of the relatievs and friends, the ocoasion being his 67th birthday A pleasant time was had and a number of appropiiate gifts weie left as mementoes of the day. Tbe war exoitement runs high in town. A procession of about 200 met the nigbt train on the Jackson brancb last Monday night and there was muoh cheering and waving of handkerchiefs. There were torchlights and flags, and patriotio songs oould be heard all over the town. Quite a uurober of the yonng men have enlisted and are eady to be called out at any time.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News