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Athens Theater

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auTjuuxrunruinjvnjuuTJtnriruxruu Roland Reed and bis company, ineludiDg charming Isadore Rush, will be the offering at tbe Atheos Theater néxt Tu6sday evening, May 3. Mr. Reed is an aotor of strong individaality, vvhoae style and metbods are peonliarly bis own and since he became a star he bas wisely cboseu to appear ouly in sncb obaracters as are, to a oertain extent, refleotions of bis own persouality. However, creditable versatility may be from a bistrionic point of view, it oaDnot equal individuaJity in winning approval from the public, and Mr. Reed bas beooise so thorongbly ideutih'ed witb a peculiar line of obaracters tbat any radical departure wonld be regretted by the majority of bis adiuirers. In this "Man of Ideas" he has seonred an ideal oreation. It preserves bis individaality and allows bis talents full soope for znirtbfnl exploitation. Perbaps none of Mr. Rosenfeld's nnnierous previous efforts in this oomedian'n bebalf have proven quite as happily suooeasfal. The "Man of Ideas" is a olever caricature of tbat peculiarly up-to-date individual known as a promotor. In this instance be is a bustling, bustling, noisy fellow, of infinite resources, wfao attaoks all obstacles with good natured aggressiveness and generally sacceeds in overcoming them.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News