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Village Happenings

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Village Happenings


Miss L. Curtis is seriously ill.

Milan will have electric street lights.

Mrs. Calhoun is out of town for a few weeks.

Mrs. Blenn has returned to her home in Clayton.

Dr. and Mrs. C. Johnson are visiting Milan friends.

Mrs. Hale, of Mooreville, visited Milan Monday.

Mrs. G. E. Williams is out again after a sick spell.

Mrs. Chas. Wilson returned Monday from her Detroit visit.

Mrs. Randel, will spend the winter with friends in Lansing.

Mr. Russel Wilcox, who has been very ill, is now convalescent.

Mr. aud Mrs. J. C. Rouse have returned from their Detroit visit.

Mr. aud Mrs. Sissem, sr. , are visiting friends in Ionia for a few weeks.

Messrs. K. Aldeman and Chas. Alleu will open a new meat market in a few days.

The M. E. ladies will hold their tea social at Mrs. J. Steidles Wednesday afternoon.

Rev. W. C. Macbeth and family were the recipients of a pleasant surprise a few nights ago.

Mrs. Chas. Sill left Monday for Ann Arbor. She is at the university hospital for treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brown are moving into Mrs. Alex Smith's house, corner First and Church sts.

Miss N. Simpson. will rebuild her house on Main st. , which was so badly damaged by fire a few weeks ago.

Miss Florence Chapin is visiting friends in Ann Arbor this week as her school is out for a week's vacation.

Miss Burroughs, who has been quite ill, is able to resume her school work in the intermediate department this week.

Mrs. H. M. Burt is improving her home, corner of W. Main and Church Kts. , by putting on new porches and a woodhouse.

Edgar Mead died very suddenly Monday. He leaves a son and daughter and a large circle of friends, who deeply mourn his loss.

H. C. McCowan will give the second lecture on the M. H. S. course Friday evening on the subject of "A Man Without a Voice. ' '

Wm. Whaley has returned from his Hamburg trip with a couple of car loads of apples, to be converted into cider for shipment.

Miss H. Cooper, of Detroit, state secretary of the Baptist Home Mission Board, spoke at the Milan Baptist church, Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Bogardus and family have moved out of M. A. Palmer's house comer of Hurd and Edwards sts. , into one of Chas. Wilson's houses.