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FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. "THE LEADING AMERICAN NEWSPAPER." THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FOR 1880. During the caminí; Presldentlal year the Tribune will be a more eflective avicucy than ever for telling th news bist worth knowlug, and for enlorcing sound politics. The Tribune Ie now spcndtng more Ubor and money than ever before 10 hold the dlstlnctlon it hts long enjoved of the largtat circulation among the bett people. It secured. and means to retain it, by becoming the medium of the best thought and the voice of the beet conscience of the time, Dy keeping abreast of the higheat progresa, favorlng the freest dlscusslon, hearing all Idea, appeallng always to the best intelhgence and the purest morality, and rei'uetni; to caler to tlie instes or tbe vlle or the preudices ol the ignoranu TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. POSTAGE FREE IN THE UNITED STATES. DAILY TKIBUNB one year $10 00 THE SEMI WBBKLY TRIBUNE. Slnele copy, one year _ $3 00 Fivc coplee, one y ear 2 50 each Ten copies, one year 2 00 each THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Single copy, one year $2 00 Flve copies, one vear 1 50 each Ten copies, one year J OU each Any number of coplea of elther edition above ten at the same rate. A ddltions to clnbs may be made at any time at club rates. Kemlt by draft on New Yoik, post office order, or In reglstered letter. AN AMAZING PREMIUM. To any one subecrlblng for lhe Weefcly Trlbnne for ffve jrwt, remittlng ns the price, ÍÍ0, and f2 more, we well send Cïwmber'ê Encyclopadia, fmirteeu volume, with all the revisión of the Udinburgb edl Ion of 1879, and with slx addltloual volumes, covering American topics not tully treated In the original work, the whole embruclng, by actual printers' meaenrement, tioelve per cent. more matter than Appieton'ê, Cyclopadia, which sclls lor $80. To the 15,000 readre ho procured from ns the Webster'i Vnabridged prtmium we nced onlj say that whlle thi i.ffer ia even more llueial, we ehall carry it out In a manier equally satiefactory. The followlug are the terms In detail : f Chamiwr'.i Encyclopiedla, a Llbrary of I Knuwledge, 14 vola., wltb adiiiFor tl? tiou8 on AIerlcan subjects, 6 separate ror i. i V(]s _ .M voit ln alli iUbl,ïntiaT b.mnd in cloth, and the Weekly Tribune 5 years lo [oue subscriber. Í Chamberí Encyclopirdin. 20 vols., as above, and the Weekly Tribune 5 ear. iChamber'a Encycloptrdla, 20 vols., as aliovc, and ten copies of the Weekly Tribune 1 year. 1 ('hamber'e Encyclopiedla, 20 vols, as For $27. -j, and 20 copies ol tiie Weekly Trib( une I year. r u f Chamber's Encycloptedia, 20 vola , as roro. J above , and the Daily Tribune 2 years. The books will in all cases be sent at the subscrib ers1 expense, but with no charge for packing. We shall btgin sendlng them In the order ln hu-h subscrlptlons have been recelved on the flrst of Jauuary when certalnly tive, and perhaps six. volumes wil) be ready, and shall send, ihtncelorward. by eipress or mail, as subecribers m:o direct. The publication wltl cntinue at the ratc of two volumes per monta, cuiicludn.g in Sepieuiber next A Magnificent Cift! Worctster's Uiuibridged Dictiorutry Pree. The New York Tribune will eend at subscrib er's expense for frelght. or deliver In New York City ree, Worccster's Great Unabridged inarto Illnirated Dictloimry, bound in sbeep, edition qf 181V, the viry liiU'st und verv beet edition uf that L-rrut work, to any one remittlng $10 for a single 5 veara' eubscrlptinn iu advance, or flve 1 jear ëilnscriprions to the Weekly. or $15 lora eingii' t yeurs' niitwcrlplioii in advance, or flve 1 yeitr eubscriptione lo the Scini-VN'iekly, or 1 year e subfcriptluj] ui tfafl Daiiy.or $30 for h ingle ."Í years' eubecription in advance to the Daily Tribune. For one dollar extra the Dlctloimry can te ai'nt by mail toany prt of the l'niicd Siatcs. while for short dieUncee lhe exprfJM ie nmch thr;ii-r Address TUE TRIBUNE, New York. CT We Publish the Aniiouncements in our advertlsement columns for pay, and seldom trouble ourselvt-s to inqulre as to the qualities or merlts of the warcs advertlaed, further than to aseurt' ourrtelvt-e that lh-y nro leL'ttiniate and respeclable Hut wheu au iirticlr perfnims mlraclcs in our mldst, translormlnj; the olrl u youui;, in appearance at least, we cannot pass it by unuotlced. We knuw of paopM who, years ago, were grayheaded auil vvho now w.-ar dark and glossy lialr. How Is thle f I[ i'vnleiitly is not colored, lor II has a períecly natural upvearancti insteail ol tile harsh, dry, staring look of hair tfitinr'l with ulirate of sllver or other common halr dyes. No I It has lieea retored to lts youllilul colur, hietre and vluility bv the use of that wonder of wonders, HaU's Sicilian Huir Iíenewer. It ha many imitators, tut the Is uotblng llke It. The test of vears only lncreasen it fHme, whlle lts imitators die and are lorgolten. - Botton Daily Olobe. "POR SALE. A Farm of twcnty-one aerea, with a gcxid dwelllng house on it, one unie from city city limita. Euquire W5t At THE COÜRIER OFFICE.