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Ann Arbor Courier

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NI IET POR ÍOOO. GIVEN AWAY A Book To Every Subscnber Who pays for THE COUUIEK in fall for the year 1880; or, if now pald toyond Jnnuary, 180t one year addltionol subscrlplion at $1.50. THE HOME GUIDE A BOOK BY 500 LADIES, A volume of 160 page, embraclng about 1,000 Practical Recipes and Hints ON Cookery, The Household, Toilet, Sick Room, etc., contrlbuted by over 500 Ladles durlng thc past three or four years. It containg more Information than do the $1.50 and 2 cook book, besides possesslng the Important advantage over all othert of belng Practical K ,.i iik-.m of Practical "Homi" Keeper. These Relect, original and practical contributlons from so many ladies have never before appeared in book form, and this volume is the flrat aud only compllatlon. We have exclusive control of the Book in tliis I.KcaMi . It can be obtained onlj tlirousli Tlils OIHce. Somethlng of real and practical va!ue. The bulles wUl be dellghted wlth lt. Make up your subacrlptlons now. If your uelghbors do not take THE COURIER, teil them of thls ofTer. They all want the paper and the book. You get the Bst Newspaper, and a capital, practical, useful Rook of one huudred auU Kiity paues, for the price of THE COUUIER alone. PREMIUM NO. 2. FOR TWO DOLLARS Kvery subscrlber, who pays as above, wlll recelve THE COÜRIER for one year and NEW WE1GHS I DOUBLÉ 1-4 Ib to I y SPRING 16 Ibs. I The superlority of thls Scale over any and all others is in iU rimplUAly; there belng only four separate and dlstlnct pleces. Doublé Sprlnu unlted at the lower extremlty makes the adJustment complete, and the tensión Is so perfect that thls Scale wlll last a llfetlme. Metal Cap and adjustable Dial; the whole Scale can be laken apart almost IiinCuhi b . It la ..i the best material, wlth great care, and flnlsbed In the most modern style of workmanshlp, Japanned and ornamented In colora. There is nol another Scale in the world to equal il, and partlcularly none that welghs from one-fourth to Bixtoen pounds. Thla Scale alone is worth th money. PREMIUM NO. 3. FOR TWO DOLLARS Every subscrlber, who pays as above, wlll reoeive THE COUKIEB for one year and 3DÏ6. CHASE'S ImproYedRecipGBook OV IH PAUE8. It embrace all the valuable Recipes of the Old Book, wlth the improvementn and dlscoverle In the arts. sclences and medicines of the last eight years added. The new edltlon gives In plain language full dlrectlons for the suc(BMful treatment of all the leadlng dlseases to whlch man, woman or chlld are helr, as well as those of horses and cattle, and are the resulta of long experlence of some of the moat sclentlflc physlclans of modern times. The publlsher has adopted the Keformed Practlce of Medicine, and many of the Recipes In thls department are more preclous tban rubíes. They are prlceless. No motber should be without thls book, as lts "Advice to Mothers" and " Rules for the Treatment, Care and Management of Chlldren " alone Is worth ten times the prlce of the Book, and should make lt a Welcome Frlend In Every Household in thls broad land. "It Is a Qulde In Health as well au Blckness." The publlaher has also added ■everal new and attractlve departments, Tl: 11 Rule for the Preservatlon of Health ; "AccldenU and Emergencles ;" "Advice to Mother;" " Rules for the Dress. Care and Brlnglng up of Chlldren ;" "Cold Water Cure;" " HlnU on Hougekeeplng ;" "Amusements and Indoor Oaraes for the Young;" " BeKeeping;" and OneThousand Housebold Recipes. The New Book Is complete in all lts departí menu; bat especlally so in lts "Medical," " Mother's," '■ Farrler's," and " Colorí ng," and conUlns over two thousand Practical Recipes, everythlng and everybody, upon almost every subject and branch of mechanlcal lndustry, and Is adapled to all classes and condlUons. Thls book alone cannot be bought for lens than 12. N. H.- The abovo premiums will be dellvered at Ibis office. IJ otherwite ordered, by those living at a dlstance, pootage must be sent as bl lows: For Home aulde.slx cent; for Recipe Book, Ofteen cents. The Sciile can be sent by expross, party paylng charges. TUIS oririi OF PUlimi WILL REMAIN OPEN üntil February lst, 1880. HUKRY UI' ! And Take the ood Things While They Are Golng, and Then Teil Tour Ntighbors.