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READIN6 NOTICES. Next Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Alabaster continúes his sermón on " The Religión of the Ancient Egyptians. " Ey's Cream Balm cure,s Oi wïtLont the unplea círtcie ot snuffs or liquida. Se nivertisement elsewhero. [925-976] B. F. Underwood, the popular redical, liberal lecturer, will deliver his lecture, subject, "One World at a Time," in the opera house Saturday night, January 31st. Will the lady who picked up a mink boa at the opera house,' and spoke to W. Watts about it last Friday evening, please leave it with Mrs. Todd at the reform club rooms. Answer Thls. Did you ever know any person to be il], without inaction of' the stomach, liver or kidneya, or did you ever know one who was well when either was obstructed or inactive, and did you ever know or beur of any case of the kind that Hop Bitters wouid not cure? AskyoumimVh ■-,'■0 -amequestion. Hik kli ii' Arinca al?e. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, alt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every cate, or money ref'unded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by L. S. Lerch, Ann Arbor. 935-986 The Man who Heeds not the Warnlng of pain or suffering, which alwiys precedes uialadies, often becouies, through indo!enoe, the victim of incurable Lassitude, weariness, saduess, aching of the limbs indicate nervous disarrangement, the forerunner of many organio and lunet inruil diseases. The early employinent of Feil iws' Hypophosphites will effectually ward off sucn ma!auie Greatest Kemedy Known. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption is certainly the greatest mdical remedy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thnusand of once hopele.g sufferers now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful Discovery to which they owe their lives. Not only does it positively cure consumption, butcolds, asthma, bronchitis, hay rever, hoarseness and all affection of the throat, chest and lungs yield at onoe to its wonderful curative powers as if by magie. We do not ask you to buy a large bottle until you know whatyou are getting. We therefore earnntly rvguest that you cali on your druggist, L. S. Lerch, and get a trial bottle for ten cents, which will oonvince the most skeptical of its wonderful merits, and show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. For sale by L. 8. Lerch, Ann Arbor. 971-986 Of Prof. Reynolds, the mesmerist, who gives a series of entertainment, commencing next Monday evening, tbe Syracuse Standard saya: "Prof. Reynolds, the well known mesmerist, gave one of his unrivaled entertainment at Association hall last evening. Those who have seen hini know what wonderful power he has ever those who come under his influence. He succeeded in getting a number of excellent sulijects last ovening. They were made to see the cataraot of Niágara before them, to piek oranges out of the air, to be burned by cold objects, and so on ad ilntum. Whatever the professor desired to have them see, hear, feel, taste, stnell or tbink, they seemed in reality to experience, ana they were constantly making the most ridioulous performances imaginable."