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IMPORTANT LETTER From a Distinguished Physician. 'V'O slnt-I.' clisóme Iiiís moro sufferinif or hasJ.1 tenad the lircaklnic up of the connilliitfun tlian Calarrh. 1 tte n.-iif of noli, of tute. iifKlKht, of Indring, the human roloe.tha mimi, one or moro and ometimea all jrleldto 11 destructivo lm polsen It dlstrltmU'S throogbout tho lytlrnuil rorcc.aud braaka uplhe most rotjust i.f i-niiMiiiitlous Iinorcd be.auso butllttlo nnderstood bjr moat iilivslclana, Impotently aasailed lv quackl ai'd charlatana, ttaoni uiioriiiK from Ithare Ilttle kop to rellero4 of It thls sirte of tliu mr, lt I time, tin n, tht tin popular trratment of thls t.Trlblo dismist; bj rcmedtei wlthlntneri'ach of all passed luto hands at Ol p.uiitandtrtworüiy. Ttio n w and JiKl). rt.. untried metlmd adoptad bylr. Sanford In thu preparatlon of lila UiDir.M, Criilma won myhcarly approvnl. 1 bellcvu H llkely to Buccocd whon all the usual n . rail, bccanae It strikes at tho root of the distho acMfflrt blouil. whllo lt henla tho ulcerati brnne by dlreet appllentl.m to tbs nasal navsapvl. Iti setlun 1 hasedon CertalB flxed niks. and miliss tho vital forcea are too fisr exhaoated, mnst, ín the irreal majorlty of casus, cfl'ect a curo. „ , OTO. BEABD. M. D. Hobbcott Uloci, So. Framinoham, Oct. 1, 1874. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE MAY Bafcly clalm to be onc of the few popular remo ■iviiiírthoapproTalcirim-dk'al gentlemen, who, Ín prívate, not only recommend It lint nsc lt Ín thelr fumllícs n preferente to auy uf Ule preparatlon usually prtsi-ribrd by physlrlans. "Yon uro aware," aald a dlutlngulsh. d cltyphvniclan, "that mj obhuatlon to tlio M:U9. Medical Si. clety aro such that I eunnnt publicly rocommend or prescribe the HadlcalCurc;butFlnee I recelndto imielí relief from the use of lt myself. after a thnrouirh trinl of tho usual remedies, I hare privnti'ly advlsed fts n.'. and presumo I nare sent to yonr atore no lesa thiin una hundred oí mj patieiitsfor lt." UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. GENTLElTEN.l-TVe have snld Sakibd's IUdical Cüï for nnarly ono yc:ir, nd can y candldly that we never sold asimilar prepnratlot that universal satl-fuctiou. We Lavo to lcaru the flrst comlil.iii.t ■ t. We are rot In ttie hablt of rocommendlm.' patfnt medici ais, but your prp:iratlon meet the wanta of thoasaüilrt, and ï think thnso attllrtrd Rb(uld bc convlnoed of lts Kn'at irrrlt s thattli. r uit. ■■mi; wlD be rclleved. We bTe Been In the drui; uslncss for the past twelve ycars oonstantlT, and suld everythlnir for Catarrh, but ynursleails uil tbe rest. lf y nu ere proper you can use thls lettur or any part of it that vou wlsh. Very trulv vmin, 9. 1). DALDWIS ê "Wholesale imd BetAll Icfllers In Druir1, liooks and Statlonery, Washington, lud., Feb. 23, 1876. Kach packaRc contaln Dr. Sanford's Improved lnhalInsTnbcand fulldlrcctlons fortiseln all case. Prlce, $1.00. Fe r sale by all wttolesale and retall druKists and dcalpratbroiiirhout the Inlted State and Cañadas. WEBKS i POTTER, CuniTal Ageuts and Wbolcsulo DrugKlsta, Boston, Mass. VOLTAIG PLASTER Ani.FlT""í:'3?lvIlnlc Bntery ranibineil wlth n hiiihlv itlrdirntpd MrrnuthiMiiiiir Plnutrr, foriniuu Mie benf riimirr lar paluH and uches In the World or Medicine. ELECTRICITY As a crand curativo and rcstoratlvo aeent la not eqtinllcd oy any clement or medicine In the hlstorr oí UehealInKart. T'nlrattbovital spnrk has lied the bódv restoratiou by nieaiu ofeleclrlcity Is poBSlble. ltlstlic last resort of all physlclans and eurKuons, and bal r. scuedthousands, apparently dead, froni an untlmcly (irnve when no othcr hnman ageney could have eucceeded. Tbls is the lcadiuj; curativo cleniont In tMl BALSAM AND PINE. The hcalinif propertles of our own fragrant halsam andplueaud the punisofthc East are too well known to rcqulre dcscrlptlon. Their (trnteful, hcallnu, soothlnK, and strenjdhenlntr propertks are kn.iwn to thousands. When combineer in aceordance wlth latu and important discoverlcs o Jiharmaoy, tbelrVealinx ■! etreiwthcnüUf propcrue ar inercased trnfold? In thlB respect our Piaster la tbe best in use without tho aid of elcctncity. TWO IN ONE. Thus comblned wc have two frrand medical agents in one, each of wbich perfornis is runction n.l tinitcdlv producea moro cures than any liniment, lotion, waeh, or Platter .ver bclore compoundcd In the Llatory of medicme. Try one. Pkici, 25 Ckkts. """■"rl Sold by all Wholesale and Retall Drnggistfr throughporrE'prodprtrr,,aUDod.EJ,-.'Dy WKÏlf Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Gure. V f Fhrnurlv Ir, Oatfii Kxiney Cure-) A VPPtablo prt'p.-iríttinn and the on I y turo rentfdjr lu the worl'l lor HriuFit'tt IÍMie, ItlabeU nnd ALL. hidnt'j, l,uu, and 1 ria.irr J)i.t-a s. LiTestinioDials oí Uie hlghest order In proof Of thee statements. ■WFor the cure nf IialMtesT cali fur Warnrr's Iil n. t m 4-. OFor the cure ol' llriuht'a añil thp nther diseasps, cali for Maiuuié &ale liiüuvy and LiverCure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. ItisthebettBIood Purifler, arul stiimiia'.oi evpry function to more bMlthful actiun, aud ia thus a beneñt in all dlscascs. 1 1 cures Srrofulou and otherfflcfn Fniptiona aud Disenses,' tuucers, 1,1rr, and ot her Korps. I !E! i jfc, W pak ii-tis oflhc Stomarl, CoDslipaliun, liuii(-kH,.i]i(rul l-lilICy, etc.arecured by ttit Kafp Bittei-A. Iti unequaled as an appc tizer and recular tente. liottles Of two sizc-3 ; pncos, 50o. and Sl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Q']iííkl7KiTesKt and Mep tn tlHísufforinfr, cures Ili'ndai-li1 aud in ilia, prevenu lpílepiic t it, nul rolifvtís lVei-viut l'iodation broughton by excesslve ririuk, overv-rlc, mental shocks, atwl Atbvr -:inset. Puwerful as U is to slop pain and soothe dïstnrbod Nerves, it nver Inj tires the sysiuiu, whether takon in sniull or lare doses. Bottlus of two tlzM ; prtcM, 5Oc. and $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Ar an Immediate and active stimulus for a Torpid Liver. nnd cure Coitlveneti, Dytppia, EilIfWHBWPI I iouinci. Bilioui DtarI KlXÉaUH lullj .aaaa_ rtlOËÏ, MalftrlaV, FCVeT I FfffvTyfcjBapf iHIb n Águe, hik! shculd lAüÉrSBLii fl ■ ''' ust-d whcin'Vfr the I iPWtfPïlï H VS l)mVlIs (tn "nt opt-rato M MM-H Dm freely and rt'ulurly. ■ I ■ VY No Olbrr H1U rrqnlrr .urh ■ PVWVtTITTH ■ l"jl1 '"" r"r Ihordiirh ■ rijuiiiiyj H wurk. rrifc i et. box. ■ PnannVrnTS 1 WarmrSaff IU r ■ yLJllliiUJ UB. ioM I.) ÜriigKU . li.lrr. yH. H, Warner ft, Co., MMalaaW Baw fcwd tr-iimoniitU. lite-idiö I PERMAJIENTLY CÜRüS HKIDNEY DiSEASES, D LIVER COSVSPLASWTS, I M Constiparon and Piles. ■ I Ilt. I!. II. ri.AKK.Foiitbllcro.Yt.. tajM, I " in ca- orciiixiT troi c:.::m i. :.u HH uctiJ ilkr i. t'Ii:. m. Il h - H liudez '.--il 1ILES, aritl ltanut i Hnayn, "lt l.i'fi'T!.. - -tica , ■W yerflwl i;rcitt #KfV;rl:]-r fr.wn f .'(■■ KD.Í " j" I tlvenea. II . -k,!i' _ : I C. S. HOOABON, fl jj ,-onc „ JH pik'küf i b:i . i.iiu. 1 -.::- ■'.- ;' r lao 1;. Ê plctely .-urlnj; n m-vi-re I.iver und IvlUne} l H Oomplalnt.' Ú ITHA3 VíriIV-Ol ■ womd[?fulW i i [f POWE. mommm [ I BECAÜSE IT ACTS ON Til KB Hi.iTr:;i,TiiE nowri.s AND kid.H I m:.s at r:'ii!is...:i' t: J Bccausa lt cloan-o tho systemofg ■ the poloonouB humors that dcvclope ■ H In Kldnoy :;ncj UrtiUWJ dlso.-.aes. H louencss, J-iundlco, Ccnrt'patlon, E I Ipiles, orín Ehoumatlun, Neuralgia I y and Femnleciordor. I KI!) ;:.VILT in a dry vegetable ij H poun.linul can boaentby muil r.pulil. K J )ni-inrkai;c"lllmalie-ix ,.tv ,,f m, ilirino. P [ TnY it : T lluy lt nt the IrueeUt. Mmj iM.OO. I WZIiS, IU:HA2DC01 4 CO., Proprtctmi, J 3 Ttnrlliiiclon, Vt. L 954-I(XK- oh . w P INSEY & SEABULTS BAKER Y,GR0CEliY iD - FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep conatantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE AND KETAIL TRADK. Wo íhall aleo keep a nupply oí 3WIFT 4 UEÜIiEL'8 BB8T WHITE WHKA1 PLOÜR, DELHI B'LOUIt, KYB FU)IK, BUCKWHKAT KLOUK, COKN MBAL, FBKD, c, Ac. At wholeeale and rctail, i general stock ol UKO KKIi: ! IMIOVIIONS :onetantly on hand, whlch wil] bc cold un reaaon termrt a at any ottir honftü (n the city. ('aeti irnid lorKutter. Kl'us, nnd Country Produr. itinernlly, jëÊT'(icmdtt deltvtri'd to fmy part of the wlth nt extra rh-' , yr HINHKv ♦ sbap-)ft TTorsKS SíitD LOT8 FOB S.LE k'aini 'Ttck dMNÉnflj honHi'P, ttud a uuinlier )T frHincd dweillAgB, d'vir.ibly iitttAtl, i lOfe lot' for eiich, for saje, 'm blr ble credit. A-too. flfty cltj tolfe, w ÍhAfeñ% vifiêi "ud tltlf, and od long credit, Also, farm- mui ' ':ii.'cH fot sale, Money ssfeiy nvewted tur I end et, at ; ■n por cunt. lugairuof ötf K.W.MOKGAN. I