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Notico Of Attacliment. THE CIECUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WAHHTENAW-Willard B. Hmitli, plaintiff, vi. Clara N. Ovenshlre, defendant- In Sttachnient. Notloe is hereby glveu, that on the ixteenth day of February, 1880. a writ of ftttachment was duly issued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, at tbc uit of Willard B. Smlth, the above named plftlntifl", aeainst the lands, tenements, goods, chattels moneys and effect of Clara N. Oveushlre. the above named deiendant, for the sum of S60 12, which sald writ was returnable on the second day of Maren, 1880. Dated Mearen 9, 1880. EDKINNB, 977-983 Attorney for Plaintiff. Comiuissloner's Nol ice. STATE OF MICHIGAN- The Twenty-sccond Judicial Circuit- In Ctaiinccry. Snit pending in the Circuit Coort fur the County o! Waohtanaw- In Chanccry. Marcus W. Wallace, complainant, vb. Mary Wallace, dofendant. Upon due proof. by affldavit, that Mary Wallace, the deteridant In the above entitled canse, pending in thin conrt, resides out of the said State of Michigan, and in State ol Indiana, and, on motion of J. F. Lawrence, solicltor for cnmplainant, it is ordered tbat the aid defendant do appcar and answer the blll of complaint, dled In the said canse, within thrce munth from the date or thls order, else the said bill of complaint shall be taken as coufesstd; And fnrtlier, that this order be pnblixhed wilhln twenty days frora thiB date, in Thï Ahn Arbob Couribb, a newopaper printod in the sald couniy of Washtenaw, and be published thcrein oncn In each week for olx weeks in succeaslun ; snch pnblication, however, hall not be necessary In case a cupy of this order be served on the aid defendant, personal ly, at leuet twenty days before the time hereiu prescribed for her appearance. Dated, thU sixteenth dy of March, A. D.. 1880. .IAMKS MoMAHON, A Circuit Conrt Commlseionor in and fur Wanhteuaw County, Mich. J. F. Lawbknck, iiii lor for Complainant 078-984. TO FniTiT (JKOWKKS aml jKiEwisn. Twenty acres for sale on reaaonable terme, by II. ROOKKS- two milos west of Ann Arbur, on the Dextel road. Good buildings. Fourteen acres in lare and sraall fraita of the best vurieties. The bauuiC6 Is the best quality of lund for gardeniní;. Also house and four lols in the fifth ward, Ann Arbor city, for sale chuap. Knqnire of H. HOGERS, on the premisee, orof J. Q. A. SKSSIONS. Or N. B. COVERT. Ann Arbor, Feb. 6, 1880. 973-9S6 TTOUSES AND LOT8 FOH SALE. Sevcral pood hrlck dwolllni hoaeee, and a number of framed dwellinB, dcsirably nltuated, wlth une or more lote for each, for sale, on fair terms and rcaennablc credit. Also, flfty city lote, well located, with Rood title, and on long credit. Aleo, farms and mortaies for sale. Money Bafely Inveeted for lendere, at ten per cent. Inquire of mtl B,W.MOHOAN. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Single Machine-made Hürnene... $6.00 Single Hand-madc Harnesa 8.60 Single Nickleplated Harnene 15.00 to $35.00 Single Strap Harness 30.00 to 35.00 Ught Doublé BarnesB „ 25.00 50.00 All Bristle Briishes .75 to 4.00 Whalebone WhipB .75 to 3.00 Good Blarkets 0 to 6.00 LpRobeB 2.00 to 7.00 CryStallzed 2UIK, Tranka 8.00 tO 9.00 Also a large stock of Horee Furnisbing Goods at Bottom Prices. J. C. BURKHARDT, Tío. 4 II ilion Sirve. 9S7tf Ann Arbor, Mich. It 111 be for ytmr Interest to Khow That GASPAR RINSEY [Late from a Wtaclesale Grocer'e Honee in Detroit,) hae opened a GRDCERY M PECH STORE At - 16 East Hurón Streel. lic will alto keep In etock FLOÜIl, FEED, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All ijoortt are freph and new, and, beine purchnsed at the lowest WholeaMe Cath Pricet, wlll he sold at raten correspondlntly lnw. nli pald for all kind ! Country Produce. íl-8- CASPAR HIN8KY. TO THE PUBLIC We have this day sold our business and good-will to an iocorporated company bearing our firm nanjo, and pledged to maintain its high reputation. The stockholdors ol the new company are the members of our late firm, with the addition of othern, who for many years have aided largcly in building up the succossful business of our house. IH. S. n il I I II &, CO. Fcbruary 1, 1880. ANNOUNCEMENT. In starting out under our now arrangement, we have decided to instituto eonie changes in the methods of our business. We shall hereafter adhere strictly and under all circumstances to a oneprice sistem, believing that both the interest of buyer and seller will be best subserved thereby. We have accordingly placed the price of all our wares at the lowest possible point at which they can be sold, and havo marked every article in plain figures. Only goods of fine quality will find a place in our collection, and, as heretofore, every artiele will be guaranteed as sold. Asking for the new combination the continued favor of the public, which we shall earnestly endcavor to ujerit, we are, respectfully, M. S. SMITS & GO. FIIANK O. 8MITH, JNO. S. WOOD, EDW. J. XMITH, CHAS. ROE, JR., M. 8. 8MITH. 977-1029 Book and Job PrintinxAll kinds of printing and Job irork wlll be al. Tuk ('oitkikk In better Kt y Ir ttutl ¦it ohUHpur ratvH taan at ttny othur offlee.