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TOAGRICULTURISTS' Tlie unders:nL aro no miinufecturluí; a a snit tor íurtlllziug purponus that Ís pecullarly adapted to tlie use for wliUU it i.s doslgnccl. II s enllrely free from dlrt, or hard Imnp, nnri Ís mulé by a procesa whlch loavea MtpMM n tlie sult. all tUí valuablo plaut fcxxt, as wull o liigrodlents caloulated to free and rndr olable the Amtnonla alroady contalned In the solí. We propose to piuco the prtce so low tliat lone hall be detorrod from RlvInR lt a íalr rlal. Tlie use oí siilt íor fertlllzliiK purjioses s no loupr un experiment, but ba been fully irovcn, not only sclentlflrnlly and theoretleally, hut practleally, by scores of onr ruont HUccessful ourlcultarlHts. Wo horewith present tho experleuce and iplnlons pTsome of the luadlUK Farmers and s.i.Mitist of thla and otlier countrle, hnpinn hut I he peruaal of Uie mime muy bo mulually benullolal. We shall contluue to gather such Rlntlstli-.K as we win on tlifs subject, and cucli niid every one wlll ald un lu thls by IvIuk uh the uni'iH ol liis espártenos Orders and coraumulcatlons muy lio adlressed to elther oí the abffenlgnM, who will furnlsh all neoesary Information aa t pilces, tntuHpnrlatlou, etc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATIQN, Kust 9aglnaw, Mlh. THE AMERICAN OAIRY SALT CO., (Umitod) Syracnw, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER ANO KANAWHA SALT CO., Clnclnnaü. Oblo. Mr. Jame Tolbert, per H. G. Brown, hu thle pslt for aio at Uic Ferdou Lumbor Tard ïn thin ctly. yr ferBoñlumber yard JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mannfactnrcr and Dealer In SACINAW (A1-8AWËD LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We Invite all U (Jivc a a cali, and czamluu oui etock bofore pnrclmsliiK eleowhen . ALSO AUBNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8KLLS FIRB BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. K.KKCH, Hopt. feb.ia.'T'J HANGSTifiJUTEllTS OYSÏBE AND ICE CREAM PAELOES, 30 AID 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS A SPBCIALTY. Wwldinj; Cakeft, Ice Cream, Macarooii lid Creara Kiw ¦Pyramids MiDK TO OUD11K IK 8UO11T NOTIC R. Whilinan'a r'rcnch O'andlea, Kresh V'K', MalaKa Orapes, Florida Orancc?, c, Ac, KKIT PONSTANTLÏ ON HAKU AT HANGSÏERFKirS 3O AM) :ta MAIN STEEKT. BOATS TO RENT AND KOK ALK. 93-1Ü1U ' ANTON EISELE, DKALKli IN U&BBLE & &EAHTE MOIUUEITS The public In iuvited to cali and examlnp nptiCimvn of the cclcbratcd KNOXVILLE, TENN..MARBLE Of whlcb wo bflve a supply of ncw diaJKiB. It I Haperior to any nmrblf in beauty ainl durabilily, hui tHKCH the place of Scotch (iranito. ritins lowertiian i:vi:it WORK AIL WA1.RANTKD. Shdp- Cor. of Detroit and Catherine Sts ANN AKBOH, MICHK4AN. W15 ITIAIAMK COLOnAVS EXCELSIOR IIAIU WASII + Thiu Celebmted Arlt-1 VUÊ lí".Hr tilt1 LTtat(í8t n jrnhí9Pi HB toriitivc, iiiviL'üriiiu un fJKMrB Hg hoMliliLT q'i'tliti' of ftiiy r SÉfJfSE lifl'' "' 'Iil' knnl tuuw LjHXkallnBK to t ti tniíiiíin inmily. 1 PÍQ HK cltaiií-(.'H ihc unir anü ncilp BvSQ rnntiM-s duiidrull, cuhvtju JBfc. bk thf roots, rX'fteiiH tho hair B." jfe produciniTH Uirtrnl iippcar f9 anct; nml Indiicc u luxur Pat, March JO, 18X0. aut growlh. FcpABn) ítY MADAME BOLPMAJf, TOLEDO, OHIO czsiincAiE or akalt:i: To ichom it may concern:- I have exanUned Maj amk Gouihan'h IIaiu Wahii, mikI flnd it to contal DO Ingrediënt thut wlll provu hurtiul to the Imir o Kcnlp. lt l in nosfnne or the word a huir d-. It conntitiienlB are well calcnlatud to act aH tedativu and check that lrrltrttlon of tho fralp that rectiltM ! an eicesslve secretion of diindruir, imd an nnnoytn itclilnt;. I MO S. H. DOtfOLAS. $100 REWARD ! FOK ANY OASE OT CATARRH THAT CANNUT BE CUKED WITU H-A.IL.Xji'ss GATARRH GURB. Thli la oo hnmbug. No natal douche. No snnir Nothln? to irrítate the Nasal cavity. r doitrov ti leDM of aniel), lt I un INTKRNAI, RBMIÏDY ACTINO Ul'UN TUS BI.UÜl), cleaiiKlng it from it impnrltlcs, cnnsin thv puriform matter to be carrlc olí ilirtMiirh the tmtural channeln. It ia a scientifl pruparation, UBCd and prescribcil for jepn liy onr the abluHS prnctltioner lu this country, ainl han neve faüud to enre when uBod accordin to dlrectlon, 1 any pereon, afu;r t:ikinr ont' do.on of llall Cutarr ('ure it not cured or bcrullttt inore thau fonr time Uh coat, we will refund the raoney paid. If it (loe yon l'.i'mI, you aru willinj; to pay Tor lt. If it doce no fíond, It coets yon nothing. Price 75 cents per bottlu Sold liy all clniRKistB. Mannfactnrud by F. J. CHF.NKY&t'O., DriiuKmts Toledo, Ühio ir yonr dnigjrist does not keep it Ín ntock, ?k hlm to L'et it i. ir yim, or ;ud direct to prupriolora, Hnl i wil] be i'roiiiptly forwarded. For wtle it) Auu Arbor by H. J. ISIIOWN & (., 7-1001. Oor. of Main nd Hurón St. A1I about rmiVAO S E N D your Addrosa 1 i Aiiij of tho CAZETTVERírAUlCPUIDE, whiohooíf tAios full lnforniatioa on all rnatturu of lntorot roltin to the " 1 .0110 Star Stato " and a now corroe 1 couuty mnp of Tozu, 36 x 36 inohea. JOHN ROSS CO.. 6ENL A6ENT5. ST. LOUlS.Ma ZACH.CHAÑDLKlt' A0INT3 WAWTIC. E. D. C. TYLEI! i CO., Dotrol