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TO AGRICULTURISTS Tlio umliTSlgiioa ro now ïnuiiiirni'turlng a a salt for fortltizing pui-pose tbt Is peculiurl adapted t tlio uso for whlch tt íh dcüigned. Il Is outlioly frcu from dlit, or luird lumps, auil Is mwlo ly a procesa whlch leaves incorpórate.. m the snit (UI the valuablo plant food, as we] ns Ingrediënt oáloulated to free and rendei KOlublO llio Ammoula ulreaily oontalned lu tht Wo propose to placo the prlce bo low that uoue hall bo detorroil from glvlng tt u fair trial. Tho use of guit for Ibrtlllzlng purpoues is no longer an experiment, lint lias been fully proven, not only Bolontillcally and tliooreti cally, hut praetlcally, tiy ¦cores of out mout BUccrssful agrlculturists. Wo borewlth present the cxpcih'im an eplttleM nrwmc of the loadlng Farmer am Brlnutista of tilia aud othur couu tries, hoping that the péfaaal of the samo inay be mutaally beneficia!, We hall continue to gather sueii HtatlBtlcs as we cnn on thls subject, and hope oach and ovcry ouo will aid us In tliis by kivIhií " tl" bimofit ót iiis éiperlenoe Orden and cnmmuntcntlouH may bo addrusseil to ituer of tlio undorslgnwt, who wil furnlsli all lu-commry Information as to prlces trinsportatlon, etc, THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Kast Saglnaw, Mlch. THE AMERICAN OAIRY SALT C0„ (Limited) Syracuse, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO. Clnclunati, Ohlo. Mr. Jumes Tolbcrt, per K. G. Brown, han thls ml for aalc at tho Kerdon Lnmbcr Yard iii tbis city, PËRDÖNLÜMBËRYARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., M&nafactarcr and Dealer in 8ACINAW (ANG-SAWID LUMBËR, LATH AND SHINGLES. Wo invite 11 to fcive n a cali, and examino om etock bcforo purcbseluj; cluewburcj. ALSO AÖBNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLLS FIRK BRICK. JAMES TOLBERT, Trop. T. J. KKKCn, Sopt. reb.12,-79 HANGSTEttFEES OYSTER AND ICE CREAM 30 AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS A Sl'ECIALTY. 'rca'ni, Mftcanionp mul (Vcam Kifw l'yramldn MADH TO (Htleit ON HIiniiT NIITU B, Whimion's Frcnch Candles, Krtsh Ki-s, MalKa Urnptíe, Florlda()rnní,'es, &c, Ac, KErT rciNSTANTI.Y ON nAND AT [ÍANGSTEllPER'S O AM) 32 MAIN STUKET. BOATS TO RENT AND FOB SATK. 95U-1010 .__ ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN um muro nam ft", i Tho puhlic 1h iuvitod to cali and examine Hpucimcnt ef the colubrrtted KNOXVILLE,TENN.,MARBLE Of vblGb wü liavc a supply of now deUciMi It i npertor to any umrbh: in lnjanty and darabüity, and iikea the ilacc of Scotch Grïiniiu. TRICES LOWERTIIW I.VER. WORK ALL WAPIUNTED. Shop- Cor. of Detroit anti Catlierine Sta. ASN ARBOK, MICHIGAN. RUÚ HIADAIIK i.iil,!) '1 . EXCELSIOR IIAIU WASH. JM Tlus (Vl'lr:iictl ArtU-lc fiB wttfr utr itv', iiivij'oriitin and _flt?MPg7 9 ¦¦ üi'iilinc qualitin of nuy arKaÉM T tirle of the kind kimwn %J Bs l 'u' llWO0 lunilly. It ]jPu H cleanst'H ihü tiair itnd cilp, BrWtefl ruinovcM daiiilnill, imiIivciih T5,3 HP tht' rooti, NuflfiiM tlic linir, S9kBB5mCl pru(iuciiur h liiBti;] aiier99 anccaud Indacew ti luxurt V, Murch 30, 1880. antffrowth. Phk!'arhd ny MADAME GOLDMAN, TOLEDO, OHIO. CÏETIFICATS OF IIALTSIS : To whom it may omoerm -I have exfttnined Mahamk (ioi.uMAN'n Haïr Wasii, And BM it Ui mnuin iö iDfrodleni that wi!l prtro hurtml to the hair or It ík ín no nriise of the word a hatr dyr. In cwiHtitnentfl are weil caJevAfttod to ad n Bedattroa And ctock that LrrltAtlon of tw wJp ttmt reraltB in an exwsHivc Accretion oi dandrnfT. and an animyinr tchlftg. s: S. H. DOVOliAB. $ÏÖO RÊWARDl rnR in y cui op CATARRH TIKT (JANNOT HE C'UKE W1TI1 6ATARRH GURE. Tliio !m DO humbii!;. No nnaiil (loncho. No símil. Nothtnu t irritntc the Niwnl rnvltv, or rti-trciy tho wnM oi Hinell. It I an INTJCKNAI. UEMKIIY, AUTINU Ul'ON TUK BI,OO1), claaoilng t from ltü muurltlca, cruhíiík (hi: purhbrin matter to be carrlod 11' thcoacb Iho imlurnl ihitii-lH. It Í8 n Hcientlfic irupvation, uscd mul prMcrUmd tor yt'.irK hy uno of ho hl.Li4 prwtitionoi'i in this country, and btw ncvor iiilfd to curt' when ufled nccordini; to (lircctmn. 11 u:y peraoD. :ifi'-r t.ikiru' one daaoo oi llallV CüiHrrli 'uru ia nul curtd or bt tujiti l imoru thiin tour times trtCOHt, we will rolti nfl L ti ir moiu'y paiti. lf it ilu, id, yon urv wlllLug to py tor It. lf it doeg nu rood, It cosih yon notbiiw. l'rico 7f cents por Imttle. old ly uil dfUnsfot8 Muiiufttctured ly Pi I. C1IKNEYCO., trusgBUi Toludo, Ohlo. 11 vour dniL'i;irtt dotw nut keep it in Htoclc, aek tuin o eet M Tor yon, or Kend direct lo proprleton, and it vil I bc iTompily forwvdsd. Kof hiiIc in Ami ArlMir by il. j. nitowN & co., 987-IOfll. Cor. of Mslu and lluron St. All about rpiJY AO s e n d &r. ox 1 ij A Ao of the CAZETTEER A CUIDE, wluch contoinn full lnTbrmatloD on all mattors of lnteroat reltiiiK to the " Lone Star 8 tato," and a aow correct eountj map of Tozos, 26 x '2b inches. JOHNROSSiCO., 6ENL AGENTS. ST, IQUIS.MQ. ZACH.CHANDLËR. AGÏHTO WAHTEC. E. S. 3. T7LEB i CO., Uitrolt MMÜB