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State Central Committee

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The repabltoan state ceutrai oommiuee choaeo al tbe lata state eonventwu, beldba firat meoting in Detroit, ut No. SO Contrws atroot, west, Wcdnesday afternoon. There w;is r l'nl! tttoodaooe and ¦ grcai amoantof enthaúacui diplyed. Th [Ira. W. 1!. Batea iratehoseu ai seeretafy, aad the R1" Iowíml' gentleman rclected asajp exeouüve oommittee: Rice A Boa!, ohairman ; W, Livingotone, .Ir., W. B. Oorge, .Ino. C'. Sharp, and .! M. Bhepard. It deoMed lo hold (be state oonvoatimi Cor (he purpose of nomínating state ofBeen and presidential eleotow, at thr oity ofjaekaoa, on theöth day oí Aumist oext. A roaolution was algo adopted reqaesting chairmen of oounty committoca lo transmít to the sccrctary of tlio Btate écntral com mktoe oertifiod lista of delegatea elcotod ii-, mi iba sereral ooaktiei, so tiurt the otliois] prima fe roo of' oonventieD oaa ba oompiled auJ the oommiUee reliered of neediesa woric, and dolBJp in organiaation avoidod. paotiag tho íiu-ctiiiK thc Detroit l'ost nuil Tribuno axyi : "A Cnv nterohange of riewa n the oanvaM took place, and uniFormly favorable reporta of ropnblican harinoiiy and enthnaiaain W6re mude iroiu every ngresíional district. All niombcrs of' tlie coramitte concurred in the opinión that tho canva.-.-i would be viporously and svstein.-itieally conducted on the part of tlie npuolieans of Miobigaa, and with n rcsult even moro decisivo and gnitií'ying than uua! iu tbis ever rcliable sta'.'. "Aftor adjouriiiuent tho greater jiart of tlio oommittee aooepted the hospitalices of tho Hou. Web. LiviagatoDe, Jr., for a sail on the river on ika ateaaa yaoht Matute. The party were aocompaoied by President Wendell and Secretary Erwin, of the board of trade, and thoroulily enjoyed the excursión, whieh included a bounfoou gapper at Oross l'oint."