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Tbc Sohutzenbund hd a regular praoüoo Monday. Jaa, Shirley, janitor of tlie first ward sohool house, has resigned. The rifle team of Co. A. have elected Stm llavenaugh as tbeir captain. The comniittee propose to expcnd 1700 and over for the coming celcbration. Co. A. will leave on the Toledo and Ann Arbor road for Monroe on the 5th prox. A party of 15 studente went to Tuledo last Thursday to have their " picturstuk." Kive brass bands are to compete for the premiums on Saturday, July 3d, in this city. Courtadjourned last Saturday until Tuesday, the Cth day of July uext, at 9 o'clock a. m. _____. The Ann ArW Savings bank reeen tly declared a seniiannual dividend of 4 per cent Excursión tieketa over the T., A. A. & N. 11. 11., are goed for the 3d and 5th of July. _______ A oew house is being ereoted in place of the old o"nc, ou l'rof. l'erry's lot on Sagiïuiw street. The new fire engine is to be delivcred 1iim July lst, just in timo for the celebration of the 3d. Mayor Allen, of Tpsilanti, í.h to dcliver the 4th of July oration at WilfiuutoB, hii'liam couuty. lUspberriesappeariid in the niarket Tuosday, wlule gooseberrie, cUerries, eta, are quite abnndant. J. S. Karls has now lieeu Gncd f 5 for asBaulting " Dick " Johnson. A week or two agn it wa.s the reverso. All those who attended tho Cincinnati convention froui this section, took passage over the T., A. A. & N. R. II. ? A friend in Oakland, Ual., senda us The Ari'i.niiit , wliii'li is oue of the best journals we have perused in many a day. Last weck Eugcnc H. Hall went to Guelph, Canada, and when hu returned hc brought a spanking fine team with him. Arrangemcots have bueji perfected by which the northern intensión of the Ann Arbor and Northern, will be pushed rapidly. ______ At the ooiu menee ui ent of tho Michigan military academy last week, Chas. O. Brush, of thU city, was aniong the gradu&tes, ___-___ Tho houw of David Marx, next north of the CoTJUSB building, is bcing nicely repairctl, preparatory to painting and pencilin.'. If you wish to enjoy a rich musical treat, altend the concert of the Beethoven Ges&ir verein sooiety this cvening at the opar house. _ Nickels' meat iuarkut on State street will presenta handsome front when finished, and will be a model of convenienoe in ïntorior arrangement. The exorcices at tbc olosing of tho Flint state soUool for the deaf and duuib last week, wcre very mtcresting, as reported in the Detroit dailies. A ramble over our streets will bring out a great many old plank walks that are dangerous. Let the tar walk continue to be oontinued. __ Hev. J. Akbaster was in attendance upon eoinmoncemcnt exercises at Albion last Sabbath, and his pulpit was supplied by Kev. R. Hudson. The oold weatlier of aeveral daya ago, -" 'liilli'd Borne recently-sheared Hhccp on n Ann Arbor town farm that thcy died. l'rctty bad for June. Whitinore Lake will colebrate in good tyle July 3d, and proposen to have everything in good shape for all who will come id pend the day there. ' The Ypsilanti band proposes to add to l'i honorB she gained at Flint, by taking a chance on the first priie here on the coming Hli of July celebration. ui When Ann Arbcr gets her water works, t'-'lephone exchangc, strectcars to Ypsilanti, nd town pump runnlnir, won't she ust slng on tho style though ? There is to bc a temperance moeting in I; basement of tho opera house next Sun'lay evening, to Uke the place of the afternooo meeting which was omitted. Another corrected time table of tho M. ' R. R., will be found in its proper place. A ew looal passenger train westward ''Bod, has been plaoed on the road. It is rumored at Flint that Prof. Deloss li of Albion college, is to be tendcred 1 "' xiition of superintendent of schools of l"t city, nu Crisscy, allowod to resign. U is understood that 75 clectric clocka WW been ordered by the university authorlt'-'f, of the firm of Swect & Upjohn, of 'lantings. The clock is a new invention. Tllc '-. A. A. & N. 11. R. is to issue nfaionrate tickotHon tho coming 4th of "''¦ The tickets will be ono fare Cor the Jd trip bctween all MtatioiiN, and good 'f three days. One day last week, Catharine Schulth's busband obtaincd a divoroc from her on the ground of cruelty, and the succeeding Saturday a Detroit man named Preskhorn, took her for his wife. Tho manufacturing statistica of this city will bc gathered by William A. Clark, our worthy ex-recorder, wbo rcccived notification of his appointiuent a special census CDUuicrator last Saturday. The schools of our city are to close day and a vacation of twclve weeks will cnsue. The hard and over-worked teachers will eojoy it, probably as wcll as will raany of the pupils who nced the rost. The cnthusiasui for the 4th begins to jubble over, and every little while a sky rockut or Roman candle is seen to go up - of its own accord, undoubtedly - becauso of oy for the coming oelcbration. On Thursday, the 17th, Miss Eugenie J. Johnson and Alex. T. Hurst, worc ïnarried by Rev. Wyllys Hall. The bride is a daughter of E. J. Johnson, and the ccremony was performed at his residencc. What has beoome of the Anu Arbor boatng club that was to bc resurrectcd this lust spring ? There ought to be nufficicnt interest in this most excellent sport to form a good club herc, and to keep it up, too. The Detroit dailies now leave that city on a fust mail train on the M. C. 1!. R., at 4 o'clock a. iu., including Sundays. This will !e of incalculable conveuience to the readuig public and business men gcncrally. (leo. Hutze!, of l'ittsfield, raised a large aam 10x80 foet last Wediiesday, and had somc one or two hundred friends from this city and vicinity to assist him. It was one of tho oíd fashioned enjoyable times. ? ? llave you seen the nioc new hack just put in by J. A. Polhemus & Son? It is a boauty, and will add considerably to the iurn-oun of the city. It was purchased of (Junningham & Son, of Rochestcr, N. Y. As will be scen by the council proceednga, the oíd court house well is to be opened up for public use. Now the next thing is to hire a policcniao and station him at the well to prevent the horse watering nuisanoc. Something has combined with the strawirry raisers- probably the weather clerk - to keep the price of this dclicious fruit up to 10 cents per box- by courtesy called a quart. And the berries are very small at the last. Saline and Lodi are making great preparationa for the kh of July eclebration in this city, while in the tnrantimo other towns are juiutly preparing to capture that beautiful $25 flag for the largest processioo, upon that day. Now that vacation is at hand, and all hve plenty of time to arrango their books, and get tlieir pamphleta together which need biuding, they should not forjret that this is the very best time in the year to havo their binding dono. Tho eoncert of the Boothoven Gesang ver - icn at the opera house will be one well wortli hearing. The society are taking unusua' pains in the preparation of their programmc and mean to surpass anything of the kind yct given in the city. Go and hear it. The students who havo received instructions from Trof. Cady in music, aro to give hiiu a benefit next Monday evening, the 28th inst., atuniversity hall. The professor is Haid to be an enthusiast in his work, and deserving of a "benefit as is a benefit." A car load of pupila i'rom tho school for the deaf üdcI durah and blind, at Flint, paHsed through the city on the mail train poing west last Thurxday, in charge of two guidefl. Thoir lively conversation on their finger tipa attracted considerable attention. Last Thursday the pupila in Mire Eldridge, Miss McDivitt's and Miss Beal's rooms, of the lst. ward school, repaircd to Millen'a G rovc at about 9 o' doek a. m., and spent the day in the woods, taking uiculy fillcd baskets along to quench hunger. ______ Station agent Pilcher informa ua that there is to be a change in tliTS time tablc on T., A. A. & N. road next Monday. The train now leaving at 8:08 a. m., will hercafter depart at 7:30, making it much mure convenient, and affbrd Monroc pissengers sure connections. m It is to bo hoped that Prof. Tyler will not again repeat a quotation from the poets in a speech, for nearly every paper we piek up has the same thing, and the beauty of the thing is, they all claim it to bc original with themsclves. The last semi-plagarist is tho N. Y. Tribune. A despatcli on tho bulletin board, which attracted as much or more attention than anything elao last Wednesday, read soinething like this : "One of the peculiarly attractive features is a largc army of little boys passing beer to delégales." Is it possible tbat any democrats drink ? It ia understood that tho committce of regenta appointed to investígate the necossity of an addition to the laboratory has dceidcd that iUis a nocossity, and that the present building will be raiaed one story, making an abundance of room. Tho work ia to be done during the coming vacation. Hon. Asher P. Nichols, a prominent lawyer of Buffalo, and ex-senator and comptroller of the State of N. Y., diod at Clinton, uncida Co., N. Y., May 30, 1880, at the age of aisty-five. Mr. Nichola was a brother of the late Krasmus D. Niehols of (Jus place, who died a little overa yoar ago. Father Robert J. Haire, son oí' the late Elias Haire, of Frcedom, and who reccivct his education at our high school, has left hi flock at Flint, and gone to Dakota to ostab lish a church of his faith - the Catholio. I he prove to bc as groat a firebrand thoro as he was at Flint, Dakota is welcomc to him. Therc are several firsl-class printinj, house in Ann Arbor, yct some pcople are so " tony " that when they want a quartc shcot poster they send to Detroit to have i done, and thon come around to the Ann Arbor papers and requeat a half column no tice or so of the performance. No cheel about that. _____-l On Monday evening a party of som twenty ladlea and gentlemen of the Olym pia or Germán society of thia city, repaire to cascade glcn, on tbc Huron, and passet an cxocedingly pleaaant evening. . A row on the river, a display of fire worka, etc. , serv ed to inake tho the time pass joyfully. Th evening was a beautiful one. Andrew Shanklin, who lives ncar Whit more Lakc has brought to this office a gen uino curiosity. It oonsists of an car of corn tbc lowcrhalf of which is pure King Philip without a kernel mixed, while the uppc half is oommon ycllow, an entirely diflcn i variety, and entirely unmixed with an othcr variety. The división of the tw kinds is as true as a line could be draw around tho cob. It ia oertaiuly a raro eu riosity. It eau ! eeen at the office of th Gocitos, Henry Ncumann, who works in Kcck's 'aetory, caught tlic tniddlo fineer of his ight hand in tho " whittler," Wcdnefday fternoon, and bad to have tlio same ampuated. Tho othcr fingers worc badly injurcd. There was no shouting or hurrahing or nthusiasni yestorday when tho nominaion of Gl'u. Hancock as maJe. 'Lat as tho matter with dot domoeratio 'riends? Wc hope they wil! get tip nough enthusiasm to makc the campaigu ively. A eopy of the list of inhabilants of cvery ownship and ward of the county has to be epomted with the county clerk, for tho use f sucü officials as ïuay nccd thcni. Up to bc present time the following townships lave been reported : Bridgewator, 1 , 255 ; exter, 869; Lodi, 1,378; Lyndon, 735; Northfield, 1,272; Sharon, 1,161. Tho last issue of Harper's Monthly lus n article upon "American ooileges and erman universitics," by Richard T. Kly, q which occurs this sentence : " To learn wliat a systcni of state action can do, vc have but to look to Michigan, whoso ducational syatein, ending iu the univerity at Ann Arbor, is an honor to the counry."
On Monday morning last, of inflammatory rheumatism, Mrs. Margaret Starr, wife of O. F. Starr, of the 3d ward, died, aged 45 years. She was a sister of Philip Winegar, and in her death six little childen are left motherless. One almost questions the ways of Providence, when so many little ones are deprivcd of a mother's care.
A eontenary service ooininemorative of he work of the Sunday school and its csablishmcnt by Robert Raikes one hundred yeaw ago, will be held at the Baptist church next Sabbath morning at 10:30. This will e the only morning service, the Sabbath t-hool not coming togethcr until half past en. Addresses will be given by Prof. E. )lney and others. Sunday evening Rev. Jas. Walshe, of )etroit, is to deliver a temperaneo lccüiro at St. Thomas' church in this city, having 'or his subjeot : " Temperance, its pleasurea and influenecs." Father Walshe ia a gifted orator and one who will draw a largo audiencu. He is aiso a fíriu believor in emperance principies, and the pooplc will do well to hear him. Nearly every evening now uicuibcr.s of he gentlemcn'sdriving association are upon he track in the fair grounds, makiog a li vely scène. Work is still progressing, and the centlemanly socrutary and treasurer Jlr. K. 5. Hall, thinks if tho rains ever hold off ong enough for a conipletion of the job, thcy will have the finest driving track in this section of the country. W. P. Groves, of Northfield, has fiftecn acres of ryc in which the army worm is at work. lic obtainod the sced from a li:il dealer, and saya it is western soed. Mr. Groves desires to know how tho worm propágales, and if it was possible for tho gerni or larva to como in tho soud. The worm was nevcr in this county beforo to his knowledge. Will the agricultural college authoritics picase answer ? Messrs. J. S. & D. C. Case ment, of Painesvillc, Ohio, have taken the contract of building the branch of the Wabasli U. K. from Butler, Indiana, to Detroit, and are to have the sania completcd by December 15th, next. TbU in the famous Butler road which Detroit has been in labor pains over i'or no long back. The Oascmcnt hrothurs are wcll known in this county. To add to ttie grandeur of the proccsgion on the 3d, the merohants of tbis oity aroto :iave a groat inany industrial chariots which added to tho firc eompanies and engines, the military, civic and secret societies, will make with what 'm alruady proiuised, a procession three milos long. It raust bo remembered that every brasa band in tbis county - five in all- will be present to furnish music lor the day. . As there are in this city sovpral graduaten or formcr puptls of the 9choil-for the deaf and dumb at Flint, they may be interested n the fact that a grand rc-union and basket pionic s advurtiscd to take place on July 5th. The picnic at Grosse Islu, tlie boat eaving the Griswold street. wharf at 10 o'clock, n. nu, and the reunión at Bi. Andrew'a hall, Detroit, in tho cvening. Prof. D. A. Simp.son, of St. Louis is to be the orator. ir The sueecss of' the republican causo depcods lesa on whoop and hurrahcampaigtiing than on sober íhought. The principies oi' the party are sound, and its candidato Firat olass ; both invite and will boar the closost scruthiy. Tho thing to do is to get the facts fully beforc tho peoplo, and tho sure fruitage will be a republican success in November. In order to do this it would be we 11 not only to subscribe for the Courier yourself, butto soe that it is properly circulated among your neighbors. A better eampaign document can'tbe brought forward. ¦ Ono of thoso level headed individúala, who think an editor capable of explaining everything, stopped us on the atreet the other morning and wanted to know about "them airsun spots on Júpiter." We referred him to the sporting editor, but he got it all mixed up with the aces and ten spots, and was so unsatisfaotory in hits cxplanation that the interrogator was last seen enquiring tbr tho " boas of the medical vault." Ile said hc had rcad about tho " azure vault" and he tbouglit that follar could maleo it olearer. P. S. - The man has not sinco been scen. It couldn't be possiblo! that- no - no- they don't taken them alive. _ The pharmacy claf 3 of '80 hold it clasa supper at HanKSterfer's kst evning. The programme, after tho Inll of fare bad been properly disposed of, consisted of: Muslc. Oration K. W. B. Ferry Clan poem A. II. Cougar Muslc. Claas hiHtory J. C. Itcevo Muslc. The following wcro the toasts and respondenta, O. W. Teeter acting as toast mastiT : U.of M A. AUoi Clasiof 'HO T'. Ifw" Cliemlstiy „.CE. Foote üur faculty C. A. Kcllow After music the president delivered hi farewell address, which closed the cvoning' cxcrciscs. ________ Among the attractivc features of oom mencument week we notice the concert an nounced for Monday ovoning, by the uni versity musical society and choral union Rcmembcring the pleasure which thei previous performances have givcn to thei appreciativo audiences, it is with confidenc that we urge the friends of good music t avail thcmselves of tlie opportunity t spend a few thoroughly onjoyable moment and to help in a good work ; for we under stand that the procceds are to be presentc to the able and cnergetü; conductor, Mr. C B. Cady, as a rcward for his untiring am unreiuited gcrvieeB. On Saturday allcrnoon a runaway occur red on South Ingalls street, which was at teaded with fktnl ooiihwiuences. (Jharle Steffy wuo gathers slops in that nection ol' ha city, had on hls oart h'w two Httlo boys t the timo mentioned, and the horso in omo way bcoamc unmanagcablc, and onc I' the boys, n&uied Charlie, aged about 9 cars, feil botween the horsc and the wagon, nd rcccived wounds on tho head from fhich he dicd on Mouday noon. lic was mmediately taken to the university hospial and received all the attention competent icdical skill could give him, but to no purose. The boy was uiotherless, we undertand, and ncver received maoy of thekindïoBses only a luotuer knows how to give, nd a child so much longs for. The niembers oí' tho Athletic club of' the iniversity are persovoring and "chuck" uil of go-ahead, and deserve to be successul in their undertakings. Their sports ipon the fair gTound.i, on " Field Day," icxt Tuesday, will be well worth sceing. he contests are to coninicncc at 9 o'clock, nd extend to 5:30, with an hour and oneïalf intermission, at noon. Hy the ruquest of Grand Master Scssions, )f the State lodge A. O. U. W., all of the rganization of th;it order in this county were requested to meet with tho Ypsilanti odfee, last Wednesday night, to learn the lew work wliich ha.s been brought forward uid atlopted for the running oí' subordínate odgos. Soventeen niembers went from bis city, and every oranization in tho ouiity, with oiie esception, was represent:d. After the meeting the Ypsilanti jrothers iet im thoioe-cream, strawberries, JtC, auJ a right jolly and social time folowed. Tho order is quito prosporous in n tliis county and Htate, and Uic amount )f good done by them for tho past few fears is large. It is the poor man'a means ){ insuranoe. The state normal school at Ypsilanti, has ssued a circular for the summer class for teachers, in vocal niusic, drawing, natural philosophy and chemistry. Course of instruction in these branches, with especial referencc to the needs of teachers, will be -;iven at tho normal school lor five weeks, eginning Monday, July 12, and closing ?riday, August 13. Tlic instruotion in music will be givcn by l'rof. Pcase, in drawing jy MissGoffe, and in physics and chemistry y Professor MoLouth, teachers of these )ranuhcs in the normal schoo!. The fee fcr nstruction in anyone of these departments will be sir. doüan. Private pupils will be charged oue dollar per lesson in instramontul music. Further information can be obtainod by addressing Prof'. F. II. Pease, Prof. McLouth, or Misa Fanny E. (offe, at i'psilanti, Micb. ltespocting the name of our sister city down the liaron, the Suntincl says : "We liave been requested onco more to give tbc origin of the name of this city and township. We theref'ore repeat, tliat, this township and city, are naniod after the Greek General, Demetrius Ypsilanti, who was being much spoken of in 1S25, when the Detroit proprietors, bought out the Krench claims and laid out the village. The Greck revolution, that was endcd by tho destruction of the Turkish navy at Navarino, and the independrnce of Grcece was in progress, and the bravery of Gen. Ypsilanti, was conspicuous. In the same war the G rocían Island of Scio was laid waste by the Turks, and sympathy feit lor the causo of the Grceks, induced the pioneers of tho western part of tho county to naiuo tlicir township Scio, as it is to this day. Wben this city was lirst named somc proposed to spoll it Ipsilanti, as it was thought tho pronunciation would bo uasicr seen ; but this soon feil into disuse and tho oorrect speUiniE, "Ypsilanti," prevailed. One advantage of this name is that there is not another placo of any iinportanue hearing it, on the continent of America. Thcrc is a post office of the same name n Mississippi we bclievc, but 60 little known that it must bc sought in postal guide books."