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OLD AND RELIABLE, ; S Ou. Sanpord's Livicn bmooB&TOB'l !is a Standard F.imily ïtemody fur L i i i disensos of t'h'Tivcr, Stoinnch Sffl nud Bowe!n. II is f'iiivly %'B Vegetable. It novtT í I 1 J ?roi)iHtiit-K- it ís -.yfm II tci iGlIU %'' '" ni-v priu'ti(ii' 1M ¦ ¦ 5 im 1 l'.v the public, I IV % for more thíin 35 y. IPJJ witli nuprcceJcntoil rcítulta. % K SEND FOR CIRCULAR.S c r d iñuicfiRn u n lea MOÍBW4Y, 5 joi i ¦ ni OHnrunU) MiU,, newtoukcitïj f 1M limttKT II I. Til 1,1111 n-iïfi I 1T1I1V S uuvtuiut%tmtmvmtwu I m Ii. s. LERrn, t;i:vr. PHOTOGRAFBER IL 220 & 222 Wooaward Ave. , Detroit. CREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Cards, - - $2.OO per Dozen. Cabinets, - B.OOperDoen. Panels, - - 6.OO per Dozen. FINEST "WORK in the CITY. 'JHH-HW5 fAIRBANKS' SCALES 'rilK STANDAUÜ OP T11K WORLD. ECLIPSE WIND MILLS T1!K STOOÍídEfeT Mil. I. MADE. RAFBITTO 1(1) V, BccaU50 Warnuiled llie liest, und U'arruntoc U SllhNtllIil jrlt. (WTAIÜ AI.L, ÍTII'KOVKIKNTS. Prlcea Luwte I, Quallty oiihI1i r .1. Si-mi ior l'nie Ltat deocrlUüig ürtidt wanted. Fairbank8, Morse. Co., Chicago. ' 888-091 amerTcan BALlBLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLÜIIUG IJST TJSJÏ]! II' IS NOT I'OISONOIIS! IIKLI'S i;r.KACHIN( :m.l (UVES A liKAinFlL TIN T! 8"For Sale by all Orocers.„g American Ultramarine Works, ¦'¦' .llaidu liii ni-, f Vork. '.t,S2-lyr Warner's Safe Kídney and Uvor Cure. fc ( Formcrlv Dr. CraiQ't Kidney Cure.) A vegetable preparación and the ottlv taro wnwdy Ín tne world for nrlKht'a Dfaease. niabvtea. and ALL Hiilnc), Ll.rt, and Crlaarjr Ulwun. Testimoniáis of the blfibcst ordor Ín nroof of these statements. ¦ESFor tho cure of niabetca, CJ1 for Warner'a Safe Dlnbe tra ron. WFor tne cure of Hrlubt'a and the other diseases, cali for Waruci'i Salo Hi.luir and UverCnre. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. IMsthebestBlood Purlfler. nd stimulatei every fuuction to more healthful actlun, aud la thus a boneat In all dlseaset. It euros Sierofuloua and othor sjkln i liona and Diseoaes. iucludlm; Canoera, Ulcera, and other Sonsa. Dyapepala, Wcaknw ofthe Slomiu-ti, ouatipaUon, IHuinrsa, General DébilIty, etc., are cured by the Sare Biftec. It ís unpqunled as an ftppetlserand regular timlc. Bottlea of two siBe ; pnces, SOc. and 81.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qinckly r ves Beat and Nleep to the suffermr, cures nradacne and Neuralgia, prrvmn F.pllepticFlU, and relieves Htrvoiu rroatrnllon hruuKht on by exoeuive drink, ovurwnrk, mental shocks, and uther causes. Powerful as lt is to stop naln and soothe rilsturbed Nerves, lt never Injures the jsttiu, whethor taken in nmall or large doses. Büttles of two sizes ; pnces, 50c. and 91. 00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an tmmediatc anrt active stimulus for a Torpla IMr, and curo Coitívneil. Dripeptla. BllI V9Tï1knWV71 1 louinaii. BltlouB DUrI KZémH liláH M. rft. Malaria, Fsvtr ¦ nnuUsanTrX I nVft ancl Aru' U1111 soukl ¦jMÉPflKMBMgl nnll e used whenever ttm ¦ IpVKZISHInlHfiB hmvt'l do not opérate IBjS B W frwly Kinl reKulrly. W Wi n,,,,liirrl'llliro.,iilr.. ,urh ¦ PSffWlHTnS WffM """" l1ul" f"r tll"rlll1 TAgV'jBVALuS HS work. IMre 2& ot. a bul. ¦ MFnWTnfnfn 14 Wurnrr-iSBfvk.-nn-rlI., m ¦ LLLlLttkMLi JUIIB nl(1 hJ CruexiiU DrnlcM I SrFJBlH.H. Warner &Co.. gr} jB BVnPJfl I'roprletor, IjfylMaJl ROCHESTER, H, Y. ¦aKUMfJSjML! C Hnd for ramiiblct BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. S5 TO $10 PER ACRE! BIIIMH ViniT fililí1 Crop! Itallroad iliniuirU 4 riil4r of Landi. ll:tlili lliii:íc. SolnuiU mul liuirlt.-. ín tl-1lL'Ill IOlUl.illoll. HICHEST REWARP TO FARMERS. Tbae ' are a I"hk totancfl V-nt of the MiBHifwipnl Rlver. harír1 amonnc aavwl tu travel atiu transportatlon of crups, üacrlp tlvn iiiinii'M. l 111 Knulinh and 1 ir-rinan. Aildross U'.i). HI'i.lltHT. (¦ .niüiisK'iiiT, .ikimI Bapiíls, Michigan MSl-liHK Capa, ity .,1 1 ¦-.. !.U. LUÍ.-. j..i .u. ELEVATORS. rUJTPS, PATENT RACKS and Cloths, Jelly ranB. Cider Keepinír Solution, wüh ( v CIDKK MILL SUtPLIíiS. ¦ ¦ C. (i. ÜAMPTON, Datroit, kiUh. DW-1UKÍL' . W All about mVVAC S E N D CR iíSE 1 LAtíO of the CAZETTEER A CUIDE, whioh oontalns fu 11 information on all muiters of In torent riLi)if{ to tbe " Lono SLar mate." and new oorroct county map of Tuzas, 35i2& incho. JOHN ROSS l CO., GEN'L GENTS, ST. LOUIS.MO. lOIHTS WAltTEB. B. D. 3, T7LES CO., Dltrott