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Death Of Hon. A. F. R. Bradley

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The abovc gentleman died at his home in Saginaw City, Friday morning of last week, very suddenly, of hemorrhage of the lungs. He was a cousin of R. A. Beal, the proprietor of The CouBiER, and Eugene E. Beal, of this city. His life has been blaniuless and uuspotted, and his character such as to draw around him hosts of fiiends who will hear of his death with deep foelings ot eorrow. The following account we take from the Saginaw Courier of Saturday, August 7th: "Tho cheek blanched, and not unfrequentky tho lip quivered, as the sad news of the death rf the Hon. A. F. K. Braley passet! from one to uiioiher, os the busy tliroog passed through the Areeta asteraaj. Each feit that a frioud wan gone - a generous, lüige-hearted, genial, wholeKouled friend- and that, too, without warning. In the midst of secming health, of usefulness, iif lovcd ones ; In the prime of Ufe, with much to hope for, much to enjoy, much to give.he wat cut down. Though never a strong mau, Mr. Braiey's dealh carae without warniug, oven to his most intímate friouds. It 1h true tl int for the past few monllis his health has int quite H8 good as usual. A complicaIkiii of diseases made hls case a dimcult one. Needlng relaxation Hom busluensand achange of air nul set-nery ho, with his wife aod littie slx-year-old daughter, went to Illgglns I,ake OU the 22.1 uit. Fora few days he was benefltOd, hut símil eoncluded that it would be better tbr him at home, and returned last Monday Dight. Thursday morning he wafl feellhg unusually wcll, so that hls wllo returned U Higijins ón account of thclr littlu daughtoi-'s he!Uth. At noon he suffered from some difflculty with his head and consnlted his physlcian about halt-piust one. He then returned to the bank and reinained thereuntil 3o'clock, when ut to lus home. About tí o'clock lie wa feellng BO unwiïll that he sent for hls physiciau, Dr. Kewrbrlnger, who remaiued with hlm ncarlyall the time UU his death. For a time appctplexy was feared, but most of tho time he was perfictly 0OO40loai and gaye hls directlona ¦ his breakfasl, talked of Mr. Jerome's nominal Ion and other mattcru. liet ween the boon of 10 and l'2he slcpt some, but on awukenIng showed naon dlacouragiug symploms. By his phjsloian'i requaat he lunoented toa conHultation of physicians, and It was while thls Wius belng arraned tiiat a sudden and Kevore bemorrhage of tiie lungs occurred, aud lu ten minutes lie was dead. Mr. Braley wan bom in Albion, N. Y., Oct 20, uidwas therefore uearly 5'2 years of age. lie recelved an academie lucatlon in Albion, and niterwanlH Btndled with. the well-knowu 11 rm ol saüfoni K Church aud Noah Uavis. iraaadmltted lo the bar In UKB in Albuny circuit and soon went to Toledo. O., where he ootnmeooed the practico of hls profeulon. Falllns bealtb owlng to lungdimcultles, smu eoinpeiled linn to seek a warmer clime, and he ¦.ut to I.oinsiaiKi wliere he spent several months and then retumod to Alhion, N. Y. llere he was made JunUco of the peace aud rnJoyed hls old home asaociatlons. lle was regarded with a degree of esteem in Orlcans oouaty and had a circle of frleuds not even s.'rond to u-hat he has acqulred here. Among the proudest events of hls life, ad regarded by him, was tin: (act that on the breaking out of war, in 1801, he was able to be persoually instrumental il) ralslng the flratcompany of volunteers trom his county. In lHfa he carne tothis city and engaged In the salt business with 1). L. C. Eaton and otbers, the flrm Ijelug known as Braley, Katon & Co., at the same time he engated in tho boot and shoc business. membcr of the llrm of Katon, Smlth c lo, DUBOSlngof these interests he entred for the banking house of Oeo. L. Burrows In 1808 h becamo an active member of li;mluni,'tlrmoi Millar, Uraley & Ck.,whlch wai bubwijiieutly margad in the First National Bank of Saginaw, of whlch Mr. Braley was r, whlon pontloo he held until the time of hls death. In addition he has been Int erested in lunibering. As a business man he had few equals mul no Dperlon. Aotlve, sagaclooa, pure and nprlgbt. 16 won and hi-Id a positlon m the commercial world worthy of emulatlon. Polltlcally Mr. Irah'v was ;i dejiiociat- u democrat of tlte beat iml uoblest type. sincere aud truo to his ion 'lctlona of carrying into politics theuprlghtüd honor that eharacteriïed his Ufe. The molumenta of oilico he uever sought. Mr. Iraley waa electod reoorder lu ïfvsü, re-pleeted n 1866, elected mayor lu 1S7, and re-ele;ted lu jOSand Imi. Th.' dut les Of thps(i offloM lic discharued vtth a dogree of fldellty and uuKelïiBhnes.s tcomlnjg 1 m:tn. oma relations were most pleasant. In Mö )e miuiit'd ,len AndiTson, dauKhler ot oi. Andenon, of C&rleton, Orleaoa county, N. '., who with a slx yem-old dnughter is left to tourn the Irreparable loss of a kind, tender, ovlng busband and father. They returned to hclr ftrlel tftrleken home last avenlDg, and ine t!ic Irlldrjfst slnpathy ol the wliolr iinmunlly in tbls, Uielr had boar of dlitreai,"