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The meeting held at the court house on Saturday, August 7th, was called to order by J. D. Baidwin, President Dorr being absent. The new organ purchased by the society and mado by D. Y. Alniendinger, was brought into the rooui and its musical qualitics tested by Mr. White and bis daughter. It is a very sweet-toned instrument, and in a more expensive case would have cost $150. All were niuch plcased with it, and the musie furnL-hcd by Mr. White aud family aihled IllUch tO tllO enjoyment of the meeting. Mr. Toms, as usual, had a fine collection of cut flowers and pottod plants, which always afford delight to the beholder, and are an attraction to vioitors at these meetings. Mr. Kihmond read a paper on tlie legal rights of' orehardists and huw sha I bis rights be protected, and the necessity of forming a " Fiuit Growcrs' Protective Association. " Saying that overy proprietor of a fruit orchard would be justifiablc in making arrests without the troublo of taking out a warrant ; Ümt he has to suffer a great expense every year in guarding at-aint tlicive-', plundcrers, OOBSOÏOBS and unconscious trespassen, etc. Then followed considerable iuterest on the subject, the diaoussion lieing canied on by Messrs. Covert, l'ape, (auzhorn, Banc, Biililwin, and otliern. Each and all contending tbr the riglit of constituting hituself a special detective to arrest and bring eulprits to justioe. Mr. üanzhorn said that in some parts of the county every person was alloweJ to arrest a thief on bis ground without the aid of an oflic r. Mr. Covert had taken Uie metbod of pro vonting theft by sprinkling some fine peachex that wcre lef 't ander the trees with tartnr emelic. Tliey wero stolen and he thought the plunderers must be suöiciently punish'ed. It costs him scventy-five dollars a year to protect his fruit. " Fill uj) your bag," said a lady to some f'rightened childron whom she disoovered in lier orchard, " and the next time you want atiy, come and ask f'or them." Slie was nevcr troubled again. "Go down to the meliin citoh '' raída farmer, somo years jjo to his c rn huskers, " and get some wnter melons. Don't get those that aro pluggeJ. F put arsenio in tliose, as a batt tot thicves." "Then you may eat your melons yourself," replied the men. " We don't want my." Mr. Baidwin was ilrnouncod by two young men he had oaughl in his peaoh orchard, who gave him Betitioua numes, and aftergetting out warr.mïs nosnch men werc tn be t'ound. He was detei minod to overtake them ifit cost him $'5, if only to make uu example of' thetu. The committce on fruit examined a collection of apples, piutus and black berries, and proDOUDced favorably upon all. The meeting iljourned to tlio Brst Saturday in September. Multum in parvo ! - American Ball-Hluo i declared by expert housewives to I1 a liltle blue giaut of niany acfompli.shments for raundry-osp.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News