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Republican Achievements

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Suppression of a gigantic robelhon. Ileconstruction of the Union. Payment of f 9Ü0,Ü0U,(X)0 of the public debt. Defeat of inflatiou and "fiat" money. Enactment of llic homestead law. Insurance of peacft, prosperity and general happiness. Payment of more tlian $30,000,000 of sol'iiera' pensions. Restoration to a solid basis of our nationaj obligation.s. Ruising the credit of the natiofl frona far below par to fr ftboTS it. ïransformation of 4,000,000 liuiuan beings froui sluve.s to itiinni Increaso of our fcireipn tradc to nearly doublé what it was in 1HGÜ. llaisiii); the value of paper curroncy from 35 por cnt. to par with gold. Building of 50,000 miles of' railroad. Ilefunding the debt at a low rate of interest, md deerea-ing the annual interest charge from $150,000,000 to $89,000,000. Making the United States a great, free, and powerf'ul nation, respected throughout the earth. REPOBMCAN PRINCIPLJCS. Ilonest money. This is a nation. Popular edueation. Death to polygamy. Payinent of pensiona. Further reform of the civil service. Restriction of Chinese immigration. No public funds for sectarian schools. Improvcment of harbors and water courses. Promotion of commerce and national industries. Purity of electiona and freedom at the ballot box. lU-duction and honest payment of the public debt. No more land grants or subsides to rnilroads or other corporation3. The general peace, prosperity, growth, and happiness of this great republic. Thou hast a doublé nature. Choose betwcen the and the bettcr that is within thee. Thou hast it in thy power to beconie the slave of passion, the slavo of luxury, the slave of censual power, the slave of corruption. Thou hast it in thy power to become the frec uiaster of thyself, to boeome the everlastine benefactor of' thy country, and the unfailing charapion of thy (JOd.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News