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CHILDREN Cry for ïMirber's rnstorla. Tbey llkc It bODCBM il is swcel ; Motlicrs likc ('astoria beenuse il irivos benltb lo 1 1n rliild ; and l'h siciaiis, bi'canse it (mlaiiis mi iiKirlilmic or mineral. Castoria Is Nature's Romedy for assimllniin? tlie Food. Il euros Wind Col ie, tl1 raltlac Of SonrCurd and l)iarrlma, allays rVverIshnoss and kills Worm.?. Thns t lic Chlld lias In-ültli .ui.l tin' Mol lier obtalus rest. l'lriismit, Cheap, and Kcliablc CENTAUR LINIMENTS The moet eííectlve Pain-rolioving noctlis lor MAN and BEAST the world has ovor knownOvcr 1,000,000 IIoUIch xold lawt ycar! Tho roaaons lor this unprecedeiited populaiily are evident the Centaur Ltinimonts are macto to desorve coníidonco, tiej are absorbed lnto the Ptrncture ; tliey always cure and nevor disappoint. l pvnon need louter enffer with PAIN in the BACK, Rhoumatism or stiil" Jointa, lor the CENTAUR Mniincnls will surely extermínate tlie Puin. There is no Straiu, Sprain, Cut, Smid, Hu in. Urn Nr, M í nir. (.¦II or I.aineiicss, to wlilch Mankind or Dutnb Brutos nrc snlijicl, that does not ruspond to Ibis Soothiug Halm. The Centaur LINIMENTS not only relltve pain , lint thcy incito healthy actiou, suhdnc iitjlaintnatioh, and cure, whether the Byuiptoms procced from woumls of the Jlesh, or Neuralgia of the Nerves ; from contractod Cords or a scalded hand ; frora a xprainol ttnkle or a gaihed ooi ; whether from diaKuxtftii; PIMl'LES ou a LADY'S FACE or slmincd joint on a Ilorse's ter. The agotiy produced by a Iturn or Scald; mnrtiftcatinn from ETroet-bltái ; 9uéUtnQê from Straine ; the torfuni o llhevmtuism ; Ortppli d ft bj mn neglccted accident ; a valuable horse or a Ihictor's MU inay li be -lai'ed from One Bottlc of Centaur Liniinont. No Hotisekeeper, Ftirmer, Plnnter, TeameU'r, or Livcryman, erm n forti to be without these wonderful I.ininunts. Thi-y can be procured ín ONgf part o lu globe for CO Cent and il. 00 a bottlc. Trial bottlei" U Cents. Swallowing P01S0U Sjmrts of dLigusling miteous from the nostrite or tiixm the tontito, Wntcry Kyt'8, Smtfött, Huizing in the Ë:rs, Ih'nfm -wa, crack]Ín{ Hcnsations In tbe hrml, Inti:rniittmit Pains over the Kyi-t, Pfciid Hreath, NftPftl Twaiiír, ScabH in tlie Noptrils. und Ticklim,' in tho Throat, uro UGBÍS OF CATARKII. No olher bucK loathsomp, treachorout and utiditrmining mnlady cnrH' mankind. Onu-nfth of our Ctildrtn n! dliea es genontod by Iti Infectïous Foison, und one-fourth of living men and womrn dratf out nlMcáblfl BXlttmCM from the siiine rauwe. While azleep, íhe impuñ'irs in the nontrilB are neceesarily tmallowal Ma (M stomach and Inhaled intu thit Ufttfs to poi.ton every part of the systom. Dr. Wei De Moyer's Catarrh Cure alsorbs Ibe piiruient virus, and kills tlie scedsof [loiMin in (licfarthest jtartsof Ibe system. It vill not only relieve, bul ecrtainly cure Catarrh al any itaye. It is tlie only remedy wbich, iu onr judmeut, bas ever yet really cured a ofChronic Catarrh. Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! G. (i.Prcsbury, l'rop. West End Hotel, Long Brasch. Cnred of 20 years CbronlC ('atarrh. S. Benedict, Jr-, Jeweler, (!t7 Brodway, Nctv York, (member of futnily) (ured of Chronic CUrrh. K. 11. Brown, 380 Cauul St., N. Y., Cured ol 11 years Chrouic Oatarrh. J. I). McDonald, 710 Broadway. N. Y. (Sistcr-in-law) Cured of 40 yeara Chroiiic Catarrh. Kb. .lohn Donghty, KiahkUl, N. Y., Cured of yenra Chronic Caiarrb. Mr?. Jnrob Swaitz, Jr., 2UCI Warren Street, Jersey City, Oured of IS years Chronic Catarrh. A. IS. Thorn, 188 Montngne St., lirooklyn, (eelf and Bon) Cured of Catarrh. Hev. Wm. Anderson, Fordtmni, N. Y., Cured or 'Ü3 years Chronic Catarrh. MUe. Aimee, Opera Prima Donna, " I have rccclved very great benefit from it." A. McKinney, K. H. Tres., ïi Droad St., N. Y.: " My famüy experieneed immediate reliei." Lc., Sc, &c , Ac, 4c. Vei De Meyer's Catarrh Cure is the most important Medical Discsvery since Vaccination. lt is Bold by all Drngglsb, or delircrcd by D. B. Dewey & Co., 40 Dey St., N. Y.. at $l.0 a paekage. To clubs, six packn;es for $7.50. Dr. Wei De Meyer's Treatise is sent free to anybody. -cc. w fTHnnB?EDSEI y That Acts at tbc Saaie Time on L i THE LEVER, I I THE BOWELS, E I and the KIDNEYS. f I Theiw preat órgano are the natural clean li J era of the aystcm. Iithcy work well, heaith ma m tt1!1 bn perfect: lf tÈ07 become clotred, W ra dreadiul diseaBea are turo to f ollow wlüi J TERRIBLE SUFFERING. I ¦ niünnsnoss, Hcadachx, Dfspepsia, li dlcc, ('onutipatlon and nies, or H n noy Comnluints, Grarol, Diabetes, Sediment In the l'rlnc, Mllky Ê Ol Kopy l'rlno ; or lthenII m&tic I'alns and Achen, U M ar dcvelopcd bccause the blood Is poisonr-d H m wlth the humor ttial Bliould havo bten l" 1 czpellod naturally. H I KIDNEY-WORT win rcKtoro the healthy actlon and all tb ¦ m ;efttroyluK evilB will be bnalahed ; nogloct Wi m thein nud you will Uve bilt to auOcr. ftf ¦ ThouBundflljavobCL-n cnred. TryUnndyou OÊ I vlll add one more to tlie numher. Take It f 1 il and heaith wllloDCCmoregladdcnyour haart. I Why suffer longer from the tormont i ¦T of an achlng back ? ¦ Why bear ouoh distraes from L m gtlp;i.lon rtnd Pl'es? why be co fearrul becnuse of KI 1 orüored urino ? i KrPNlT-'WOBT will care you. Try a nucí. &j M age ut once and be satlsfled. w u It i.v (t dry vegetablt cemriound ant ¦5 One Piwkiurf r.iRkfmulx inart.HOf 'ÏMliclnc. ¦ Your Dritoa'" "' ". "" '"'" 0" " or r ñ you. frutal riptrn hOVtttff O. lárice, U-05. % WTLIX, HOIIalSiO'I CO., tafMm, ff 864-1006 -rli e w $500 REWARDT WB will pny aliove reNvurd for any nai ol Llver t'omplaint, Dyspepsla, sick Raadaebe, IndiRetido, Oonvtlpatloo or Coattveneu wecanmttcurc wlth westffl Vorot&hle Liver IMlls, when tlie dlrao tioni are etriclly complied wlth. '11. ey are pnrely t tratable, and never fuil t" ctlon. 8ugw Ooated. Uree rioxes, conl Inlng 90 Pilla, S conti. For Mie by all drai'gUts. irw.ire of euanterfslti and Imlunons. The frennlae manuf ctnred only l.y ,K)I1N O. WKST .v CO , "The PW Haken," isi & IS8 W. Madlaon su, Chiciio Pree tria] pai kaa sent hy mail prepiiiil on recelpl of a .' cent utamii. MM l'H' stephen FJEurrrr, mmmmmmm ol al! kind, CUJZS RfH, hthI al! Snoot Iron Work il !,-!¦ i8t. Waat, 1.KTWKKN Tiatrnit Minh Tlllltli AMD rul'inu rrí., UO11U1U, ÏIIILH,, Eopiiris? itso. Ciro',: ui Boilor Flato for Salo. KU IU07 OAL! CO AL! O. W. SHIP MAN, Ml hit mul ffbolOMle dcnlur í.f tlie ci-lohi'itt.-d BRIAR RIDC5E C0AL. Ai Dealer In Hard Coal and EMs Iron. Orden promptl} illird. Uffloe, 'i Urir-'.nilii itruot, Detroit, room :t. LD01


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