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Kalaniazoo is crecting a now postotfice building. A braps baud is to blow uiusic at (Justor, heresfler. Owos.mi lm H rousinp Garfield and Arthur club. Ilon. Philo Parson, of'Dulroit, bas given $50,0U0 to ülivet college. Two Iiultle (?rook bands liavc coiifolidated into ona grand oalliopc. Sanilao county is to have fout fairs this l'.ill. Nothing unfair about that. They kill wild bear.s in their chicken coups, ut Crystal, Oceana county. Tlio Niles soldiers' and sailors' recent rctirii' ii notted $185, Crouj generou.s donors. At Armada the Hancock anj Knglisb flag i.s attaohcd to a shot gun. Significant: Tlicy arrest young woruen at Jackson for stialing utnbrellas. Mighty mean town, tbar. C. H. (iillett, in the agricultural implcnient business at lonia, has made an asinrue:t. C'iazy A. Briag, ot Platte, Benzie Co., put oo uiuiortility by the aid of a ropo last weck. JJowei ; UornèTs, Kont county is to have a ncw M. B. ('huruh Mt50 feet, with spirc 95 (eet high. Denioeraits out down u Garlield and Arthur pole at Wuldron, Lonswec couuty. Democratie frccdom ! The heavy ains havo done so ui e good, for in Oheboygan couirty riró fbrenl 6rcn were extinguished hy them. During August Bay City sent 58 crimináis to jail, and Saginaw county had 33 paupers iu lier poor house. Mr State Salt Inspector Qarrigues, of Kast Saginaw, has written the best carupalgn song of the seasoD, so they say. Ilon. Iï. (!. Horr v:i!l l.e the ncxt coniesniin from the Sih district. His.inanly letter to t'ne cmninittcewill elect hiiu. 600 Inishels ut' wheat from lt'i acres of land is what C. A. VanderhQol', of BenDington, Shiawassee county, raised. Next. The meanest man in Michigan Uves at (rand llapids. He stole the crape off a door-bell while the corpso was stilt in the house. The body of Thomas Johnson, aged G5 yoars, a brick uiason, was found in the river at East Sasinaw Sunday. Foul play suspected. The3d Auditor General, E. W. Keightlcy, is to t-ike the stunip in Michigan, commencing business at Constantine toniorrow. Tlic product of the Michigau salt wells for the month of August was 301,301 barrels. Ttie largest amount ever produced in one month. Stanton Uerald : The two iron cells of the oíd jail were moved on runners this weet to the engine house, which is Stanton's only public building. Chas. D. Randall, of Flint, won the West Point cadetship at thecorupetilive exaruination held at Lansing. This was for the sixth congressional district. Politicians take notiee : An augur 33 years old, and as bright as when new, was found irj the walls of an old house being repaired at Masón, Michigan. The briok and tile makers of Vassar, Tuscola county, are to send specimens of their work to the Cincinnati exposition. They claim them to be of the best quality made in the union. A conipany has been formed at Detroit for the purpose of manufacturing "commercial travelers' cars." They will have Bleeping and dining accommodations, and rooms to display samples. Tlie Grand Trunk 1{. R. Co., wants Port Huron to give it $50,000 f'or the locationof the shops at that place, and the running of a track along the river front connecting the upper and the lower depots. Wodncsday evening a bridgo in Maplc Grove, Barry county, broke when a steam (lircsher was crossing it, and the township will have $75 damages to pay, bosides the cost of building a new bridge. Jqab Deboe of Grand Haven, was found floating in Grand river last Saturday, after ten days' absence. He was 49 years old, well educated and had been in public office. Drink the cause of self destruction. Hon. John T. Rich, of Lapocr, has been nominated by the republicans of his district, which includes Lapeer and Macoinb counties, for state senator. His ripe experience will give to these counties a valuablo officer. Daniel Parkhurst, agcd 35, at East Saginaw, on the 2d inst. , got caught in the stones of a lime kiln, as the crust caved in, and roastcd alive. The details were sickening. He leaves a wife and four children. It is stated that Prof. G. Campbell of Minnesota university, Minneapofis, has boen offered the principalship of the state normal school at Ypsilanti, to succeed Prof. Joseph Estabrook, who goes to Olivet. Milo A Boynton, the Grand Haven lawyer arrestad in New York for trying to sell certain southern bonds which were stolen during the war, has been rcleascd from custody, but the bonds were not returncd to him. At Battle Creek a Spaniard, Geo. Codo, has a pet monkey, and the animal stole a riñe from aboarder reccntly. The boarder sued Codo for the offence on the ground that he was responsiblc for the actions of his monkey. Judge Pratt rcfused to enter a nolle pros, in what is kuown as the grand stand cases, growing out of the breaking down of the grand stand upon the Adrianjfair grounds, and loss of life thereby, and so Lawrence, Sizcs and Armstrong will be tried for nianslaughter. T. D. Green, ofCharlotte, hiredaconstable to watch his house to keep out burglars while the owner was gone. The constable slept there, and burgiars broke in and stole the constable's pants, pocketbook containing $83, and revolver. Lic is the maddest man in that section. The heavy rains of last week gullied out the bluffon Mason atreet, at Grand Rapids, to the depth of 60 fcet, tearing out a 20 inch supply pipe of the water works, and thus flooding the city bclow. It will cost ihc city $10,000 o repair the works, and .ripples the water supply immonsely in the neantime. Tlio WyaudoUe llerald gives an account of the capturo of a tramp who attetnpted to outrage a littlo eiglit years old girl in the town of Taylor. Such brute3 ought to be condamned to suffer slow torture. Perlutps the rack would be a good tbing to resurreot fot thcir benefit. Hanging is too good for thein. If Detroit does get that boulevard and the Butler road, and a bridge across the rivi i-, and expends $1,000,000 orso on Belle []o l'urk, with a few hundred thousand dollars bridge running thereto, won't sho put on style though ? And won't the property own.ers swear when tax time rolls around, too? We notice tliat ia several sections of the state fruit trees have been girdled by iuiscreants. In one instancc it was the peach orchard of a widow ; in another some applc trees of choice varieties, and so on. The spirit which dictates this dastardly work is fit to bc coopctl up in ;t body condemued for a lifo time to a stale prisOQ, and ought to bc tberc. Coolidge & Daufe'hter is the titlc of a law firm in Nile?, tho junior luciubcr being Miss Helen E. Cooüdgc. Sharp practica even in naming the firm, for you wee Miss C'. Cüuld takein a lile partner and still the firm name reruain the Mme, while if the firm hml been styled C'oolidge & Coolidge, or the samo with initials prelixed, that event would have spoiled the firm name. Hero is a warning lo people from a Roche.ster, Midi., paper, and at the sama time a vcry curious incident: Lwt Friduy Mr. Philo Sinith, aftcr using a eotton elotli (o oil the dashboard ofhis light wa#on, using boiled linseed oil, put the cloth up in big barn, and was soon after surprised by the anoounecment that his barn was on fire. Whenhewent out therc he found the rcmai'is of that oiled cloth- ashes. Fortnnately it was so low that the blaze did not reach tho hay above and the fire could not spread further. The following is a list of the eounty fairs to bc held in this btato, this fall. Kno. Die. State Agri A Hr Detroit Sent. 11-17 tastern Michigan Vpsilanli Scpt 21-2! Western Michigan (iraní! Kapids Sept. 20-25 Central Michigan Lanalag Scpt. j; Oct 1 Central Fair Ass'n Hnbbardston...Sept. S, Oct. 1 Farmers' Club Vollnlo Oct. 4-5 Union Fiir Oviil Stpt. j--, Oct. 1 Northern Berrien and Mich. I.ake Shore...Henton Harbtt Oct. C-S ShiawasseeCo Owosso Stpt. 21-23 Eaton Charlotte Scpt. -'i---; Mitson Ludington Stpt 21 ït JUanch Coldwatir Sept. 21-24 Graticit Ithaca Beft ji-ji Livingston Howell Sept. 21-24 Í)ass 1 ¦¦runlli s,.j,t J2-.M nghatn Mason Sc-pt. -'2-2) Benzie Benzonia Scpt. 23-su Manistee Bear Lake Scpt. 2S-30 Mecosta Big Rpids Sept. 28-30 Osceola Evart Sept. 2S-30 Berrien Niles Scpt. 2 Oct. 1 Snnilac Lezlngton Sipt. 20-10 Hillsdale Hillsdalc Scpt. .';, )ci' 1 Bay Hay City Sept. 2, Oct. 1 Qenesee Klint Scpt. j Oct. r Grand Traverse Traverse City. ..Scpt. 2S, Oct. 1 Kalamazoo Kalnmazoo Sept 2S, Ocl 1 Lenawce Adrián Scpt. 2S, Oct. 1 Oakland Pontiac Scpt. :8, Oct 1 Oceana Hart Sept. 2S, Oct. 1 Washtcnaw Ann Arbor Sept. S, Oct. 1 Macomb Mt. Clcinens Scpt. 29, Oct. 1 Tuscola Vatrousville....Scpt. 29, Oct. 1 Newaygo Newaygo Sept. 29, Oct. 2 Wexford_ Shernian Sept. 30, Oct. 2 Cheyboygan Chcyboygan Oct. i-c Calhoun Marshall Oct. .-7 Jackson Jackson Oct. 4-S Clinton St. Johns Oct. 5-S Alleiran Plamwell Oct. q- Van Huren I'aw l'aw Oct. 5-S Midland Midland Oct. 6 8 llurou Bad Aic Oct. 7-S


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