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Set Back 12 Ycars. "L was troubled for many ycar.-. witb Kidney Complaint, Gravel, etc; my blood beoune (liin; I was dull and inactive ; could lmrdly crawl about ; was an old, wornciut man all over; could get nuthiiiK to heil) " OUtil 1 gH Hop Bitters, and now 1 atn u boy again. My-blood and kidney h are all riglit, and I atn a- active as a man of 80, although I am 72, and l have no doubt it wíl] ili as well for others of my siRC It is worlh a trial.- (Fatlier. )- Sunday Mereury. A Fragrant Ureatli and Poarly ÏVetli Are easily obtaincd by clean.sing your teeth dailv with that justly popular dentífrico, SOZODONT. Composed of ïareantiseptic herbs, it imparta hitatoees to thateetb, a dclicious aroma to tlie brcath, and presi rvert intact, trom youth to old ajie, the teeth. Acidiiy of the stomacli will destroy lbo strongest teeth unlow its effeotl are eounteraetud with SOZODONT, and this pure tooth-wush protects the dental surfaces by reuioving every itupurity that ailheres to thera. Ask your druggist for SOZODONT. A small article of great efficiency is American Ball-Blue. A favorite in every laundry. Unsurpassed for purity and brilliant effect. All grocers have it. Physicians claim Hops and Malt Bitters are the best. Agents and Canrassers Make from $25 to $50 per week selling goods for B. C. IÍIDEOUT& Co., 10 ]iarclay street, New York. Send for their catalogue and terms. 10001 052. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Guts, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, SaltRheura, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is warranted to givc perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor. 1002-1034 A Wonderful Discovery. For the speedy cure of Consumption and all diseases that lead to it, such as stubborn Couïha, neglected Colds, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain in the side and chest, dry hacking cough, tickling in the throat, Hoarsene8s, Sore Throat, and all Chronic or lingering diseases of' the throat and lungs, Dr. King's New Discovery has no equal and has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use it in their practice. The formula from which it is prepared is highly recommended by all medical journals. The clergy and tlie press have complimented it in the raost glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular ?ize for $1. For sale by Eberbach fc Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1002-34 Castoria Millions of Mothers cxpress thcir deliglit over Castoria. It Is nature's remedy for assimilating the fooil. Unlikc Castor Oil, it is pleasant to take, aud unlike Morphine Sy rups, it is harmless. Castoria regiilates the Bowcls, destroys Worms, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC, and allays Feverishness. What givcs liealth to the Child promotes rest for the Mollier. Children cry for Pitcher's Castoria. It is the must reliable. eiTcctivc and popular article dispensed by Prugglsts. NEVER Slncc healins remedies have been used by SUrrEHING MAN has tliere been knewn such absolute Pain-relieving; agentó as the CENTAUR LINIMENTS. Thoy sootho. hea! and curo. They HEAl Cuts, Wounds, Galls, Old Sores, Brokcn Breaste and Sore Nipples ; CURE- Pain in the Back, Rhsumatlsm, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Barache, Tetter, Pimples, Itch, Salt Khcum, and all flesh, bone and mueclc aumente of Animáis ; Inflamniation and Swelllnge ; Boils, Felons, Ulcers, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Quinsy ; EXTRACT- Pain from Burns, Scalds, Stings, Frost-bites, Sprains and Bruisei. The eiperience of centurics has made the CENTAUR Xiiniments the most speedy and effectivc curative agents for OTAN and BEAST the world hae ever known. The Centaur LINIMENTS have rol to veil more bed-rldden Crlpple ; licaled more I rllul ui wuuiid, and ved more valuable animáis than all other linimento, ointments, oils, extract, piasters and uo-callcd "pain killer" and "skin cures" combined. PhyMlctans and Vetcrinary Surgeons#endorse Centaur Linimento; mllllona of men, women and children In all conntries use lliom, and Ilousekecpcrs, Farmers, Planters, TraveUrs, Llverymen, Teamstera and Stock-growers, are their patrons. They are clean, they are hand}', they are cbeap, and they are reliable. Thero is no ache, pain, or welling whlch they wlll not alleviate, subdne, or cure. Sold throughout THE HABITABLE SLOBE for 50 cent nud ?l.00 a Viotlli-. Trial bettlM, 25 ccntM. Catarrhal F0IS0N Wel De ITIeyer' Troatlue on Catarrh cxplainti the following important facts : 1. That Catarrhal Colds become a poimiious n fectioii, at first local, and flnally constitutional. 2. That, beins Constitutional, the infectlon i be yond the reach of mere local remedies. :. That imjiiirUUe in the nostrils are neccsüarily swalloweit into the etomach und Inhaled into the lunas, thus jmisoning the Digestlve, Kespiratory and Genito-Urinary organs, 4. J7tat Catarrhal viru followe the potoM m-inbrüntj and causee Venneus, Dyepcpuia, Chronic Dlarrhrea, Bronchitis, Loooorrhoea, and Conoump liun. 5, 'lliat timotes. Douches, IiihaiiiLion, and luiulu ble Suulia, caimot posslbly remove infeeUoQI iDflun matlon from the organs named. 0. That tin nnliilote for Cawrrh muot possess an an inoculativ? afllnity for, and the quality of bcini? absorbed by, tho poralent macaai wht n utr located. Bascd upon these plaiu theorles, Wel l)e Meyer's Catarrh Cure has proved to be iufalllble. - It not oniy relieves, it cures Catarrh at any stage. Home fesf iiiiiiii. : Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! V. D.Woodl, 17 Droadway, N. Y., Cured of Chronic Catarrh. F. J. Haslelt, 859 Broadway, N. Y., 4 years Catarrh. G. L. Bruah, 413 Broadway, N. Y., 10 year Cutarrh. S. Benedict, Jr., Jewelor, 097 Broadway, N. Y., (lady friend), cnred of Chronic Hay Fevcr. Mrs. EmmaC. Howes, 89 W. Washington Square, N. Y., cared of 30 ycars Chronic Oatnrrh. Rcv. Geo. A. Reis, 169 Jay St., Brooklyn. "It reutored me to my ministerial labors.1' llcv. Chas. J. Jones, New Brighton, S. I. " Worth ten times the cost." Rev. Alex. Frees, Cairo, N. Y. " It ha worked wondere In sixcaso In my parish." L. F. Newman, 305 Fulton 8t., Brooklyn, cured of i years Chronic Catarrh. Mrs. J. Swartz, Jr., 200 Warren St, Jersey City, cured of 18 years Chronic Catarrh. fee. &c. &c. Ac. &c. A real care for this terrible malady is the most important dlscovery for the relief of human nftring slnce varrlnatlon. Wel Ie Meypp's i n tarrh Ciure is sold hy all Druggists, or delivered by D. B. Diwry Jfc Co., 48 Dey St., N. Y., for 1.5O a packaee. To Clubs, slx paoktgM fur S7..1C Ir. Wel Ie Meyer'H TiUÉtlMl, ith fnll cxpliiiialiun and oviTwhelming proofp, i poNt-pall and sent free to anj'body. 1002 - eow L M& Outttt nt friv (o tboiK wlio wiHb to tOKl in " 0 ÍTÁ M3 1'1'ni' i"1 1'nitlttU builneia kuown. Kvertblitg I ' ,,rw C])ul Dut rwiiilrwi. We will ..u erjIL L-tw thlng. $10 & '1T ml tilwnrdl U ea.llj nm'io without m tavlng sway from home over nlgbt. No riik bftlevar 11.1 Mnr "- ¦ ntrl m.iiw. nj ¦ mklng ]¦¦ fortunct at tlm uuiinptt. I.Kdle aa luu.h M meo, T tJ i,,,,] vdung boys toii glrli uake RTat pay. No uov who ( williDg to work fKlli to make ïm.remom-y e, cry uy than cao be niaile ín a e-li al noy ordinary empliiyuieut. Thoiü wlio cugage at oDre wlll üod a Mhort road to furtuof. Aflilre II. H.llbtt at Co., rortlaod, alm . '"'


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