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HANGSTERFER'S OYSTEB A.nI) ICE CREAM PARL OK, 30 AND n MAIN SF. CATERING FOR PARTIES ANO BANQUETS A SPHCIALTY. Wedding Oakea, Ier Orwn, Mncaroon and C'ream Kin l'yramlds MADK Tl) Eli OH 8I1ORT NOTICB. Whllman's Frcnch Candles. Frcsh PÍR9, Malaga Qrape, Florida Oranïen, &c, Ac, KEPT CON8TANTLT ON HAND AT HANGSTERFER'S 30 AM) 32 A1N STKEET. BOATS TO RENT .AND FOR. 3ALE. 959-1010 OINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKEUY, GKOCEK Y AKt FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep conatantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLBSALB AND RBTAIL TRADE. We Bhall also keep a supply of 8WIFT DBDBEL'8 BEST WHITE WIIEA1 FLOUK, DBLHI FLOUR, KYB PLOUR, BUCKWHBAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FBBD, c, Ac. At Wholesale and retail. a general stock ol GROCERIESAKD PROVISIÓN! const&ntly on band, whlcta will he sold on as reaion able terms as at any other house In tbe city. Cash pald for Butter, Egge, and Conntry Prodno generally. tGoods dellvered to any part of the city wit! ont extra charge. yr KIN8BY 8BABOLT. FERDONIiUMBERYABD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufactnrer and Dealer In 8ACINAW IÍAM-SAWED LUMBIR, LATH AND SHINGLES. We invite al', to give us a cali, and examine oui BtDch beföre purchoslng elsewhere. ALSO AGBNT FOR JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SELLS PIRB BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KEKCH, Hupt. feb.12,'79 ANTON EISELE, DBALER IN MAEüUTEinn J - JB= :-J7. The public is iuvlted to cali and examine specimens of Jhe celebrated KNOXVILLE,TENN.,MARBLE Of whlch we have a eupply of ncw designs. It Is superior to any marble in beauty and durabllity, and tafces the placo of Scotch (nmite. PRICES LOWER I II EVER. WORK AI.L WAItBANTED. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Catherine Sts. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. 9l5tf TO AGRICULTURÏSÏS Tlio undrs!gned are now mnniifacturiug a ;í salt for fertllizlng purpoges tliat Is pecullarly ndapled to the use for whleh lt la designed, II is entirely Jree frora dlrt, or hurd lumps, and is made ly a procesa whleh leaves lncorporated in the salt all tbe valuable plant food, as well as Ingredlent8 calculated to free aud render soluble the Ammuuia already contuined In the soil. Wc propose to place the prlee so low that shall be deterred trom glvlng it a fair trial. The use of Bult for fertlliziug purposes Is uo longer an experiment, but hos beon fully proven, not only sclentifleally and theorell OftUjr, hut practically, by scores of our most suceessful agriculturlsts. 'AC horewith present the experlence and oplnions of some of the leading Farmers and Siicutists of tlils and other couiitries, hopiB that the perusal of the same raay be mutuall) bsnefidal. We shall continue to gather such statisllcs us wc eau on thls (subject, aud hope each anil i ei y one will aid us in thls by giviug us the i "iicdt of his experience. Oidcrs and Communications raay b6 ;iildNHM lo either of the undersigned, who wil furuish uil nccessary inl'orinallon as to piice.s traiisjiortut ion, etc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, tast SaKinaw, Mlcli. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT C0„ (Limited) Syrucuse, N. Y. THE 0HI0 RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO, Clnclnnati, Ohlo. Mr. .lame: Tolburt, per K. G. Brown, has this sal for sale at the Ferdon Lumber Yard in this city. 988-yr Filiks' les The Standard of the World. ECLIPSE WINDMILLS The Strongest Mili Made. SAFEST TO BUY, Because Warranted tho Heat, and Warr&ntoe la eubstantlal. Coutalna all lmprovementa. l'rlces Ijoweat - Quallty considerad, üeaá for catalogue descrlbiuK artlcle wanted. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., in and 113 Lake- -. Chicago. 1003-1010 8500 REWARD ! WE will pny the abore rcward for any case o Liver Complalnt, Dyspepsla, Sick Hcadache, Indi gestión, Constipation or Costlvoness we cannotcur witli West'e Vegetable Llver Pille, when the direc tiotis are etrictly complied with. 'l'bey are purel Vcgotablo, and ncvcrfall toglvesatiBfartion. Suga Coated. Large lioxcs, containing 30 Pille, Ü5 cents l'cir talo liy all dniL'gUts. Bcwaro of counterfeit iiud hinhitionx. The cnuine manufactured onl l,y .tollN a WEST & CC)., "TIn' l'lll Makeri," 18 t US W. Madlsou St, Chicago. Frce trial packag nent bv mul] prepald on recelpt of 11 :i rent ntanin. ata KM9


Ann Arbor Courier
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