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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Churcli. Rit. . Haskua, Pator. MiiiwtkMmee. 1H a, . and 7 p. m. Sun li. School ifler in imin? servies. PryiT meeting Fhnndaj eveninK at 1% o'clock. Catbolic Church. RlT. FaTUKR FlKlS, PitOr. Low M in, i a. h. lliirli Mi"-, lu a. ¦. Vaiperi r. . Snn Uy School, 3S ¦ Cougrcgatioual Church. Kïv. W. n. IQrvEB, Ptor. SUihiiii erTloe, 10H a. m. and 7V4 P. . Sunday School aftcr moraing st- I e. Prarer aattng Thursday i-venlixt nt 7V4 n'clork. Episcopal Church. Kkv. Wtuti Hai.i., Koetor. Sahtath irvlcui, W4 K. M. ud 7K V. u. 'Ol. %bi P. M. Kf HelonïerTi'CT, Thurd.i evi-nïuir iilTo'elockf Herman Methodist ('liiirch. KKt. 0. llKl M II). l'llSlot. SahhMti rvi, IO14 . . and 71 i-, m . Suri.Hy School, at uine o'clock a. h. Praypr meüttne; on Wedneaday. Lutheran Church. Rit. John Nïumann, Pastor. Sa')bith aerïicos, 10i a. m. and 7V4 p. . muy deüü'il aítüt morsin service. Priiyur etlm;, Thareday evoiiinfrnt7i4 o'clock. Methodist Church. Rkv. -lies Alau wibk. Pastor. S MUÏ sr -. 10% a. ¦. and 7 r. u. Sun 1 iv S:W)1 afler murnin ncrricii. Prayer mdOtlDgtTbandAJ eveninj? at 1% o'clock. Ymin.' PdoplTa tfeetlne, Saturday 7 r. u. Presbyteriau Chnrcli. Rit. Richard II. Stkei.i. D. D., Pastor. 8bln U irrlOM, Ifl a. M. and 7H P. M. Sttndiv S0H0 ilatid BinleclasBafterraoriilniiiervtce Prtyer 11 Jjlin,'. Thuriday evenlnR at 8 o'clock. V iuhk iv iple'i Heeilnjti Soada; BTWitag MUnitarinu Chnrch. lïiv. .7. T. rniKitl.vl, Pftutor. i'lh núrvlccs, 1UVÍ ¦ "ni1 W ¦ Su idiy Schuol at 12 . Stulents' Hlbl CIH 11 Ml a m. Zlmi Liithcran Church. Í... II. K. Beikr, Pastor. 8 .iniU -n-rvc.-. at 10 a. . :in1 7 r. . s 11 Uy .School n nediat ly iftor mnrnlng i-rvice. f}H;tvi' irvlr iVcdn.'aday oTentneat 7o'clock. BUSINESSARDS. ELIZABKTII I. POPE, W. ., l'HVSICIAi AND srnEOM, Special nttentioii ]ild to Ilv dlseaiei 01 vomen and ohlldren. city mui oonntry calis promptly attondcii to. OI'KICK, H JBFFERNO1 HTKKFT, Two Hom Btate Street. . , - 0. C. IENKiS, I OFFICE : lío. 32 East WasMngton Street. Pormarl) (waofrfed by it iPcDtMtiKham. ƒ . ilrültf HEMiY U. HILL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estáte Brokor, AM INSURANCE AGENT. office : 'o. I Opera House Itlix-k Anw Abbor, Mkh. 7i)5t 1 WILJ I AM HF. BZ, n)!!SK.S!ON,()RNAMKNTAL [f{KS(.'U PUNTER. iiwnr.n . .ÍD1..1 l', ndin and Calciy mlnln;,and work of evcrydccriptlon done in the bi-nt Ktyle, flin warranted (ojtivesatlsfaction. 'Shop No. t West WuhlngtonHtrt, Ann Artxir.Mtch. W. II. J1CK80Ü, XrbüïtistA tn e oTer urh c Abel'. tntrance hy Plrst Natlocal Bank. 7:u JF. SORö, OUBÍ, SlUN AND ORHAKIMTAL ƒ UNTBB. PapcrlnK. Qlazing, ƒ Ldiag, and work of eTerr tlon done In the beet etyle. ƒ ite, OIIb, and VarnlBhes on ƒ and for sale. Shop, No. 33 Washington Street, Ann ƒ ,Mlch. 60S1 f THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan, TRANSACTS SENSUAL BANKING BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. - _ Ornanizud ander the (uneral Banking Law of thle otate, the etockholdiTs nru iiidlvlilually Uable lur au dditloual amount eqmil to the stock held by them, thereby erfatini; a ¦ iiaraiilii' Kuml for the benefit of lci.o-ii,,i s f $100 000.00. Kour per oent. Interent Is alloweu on all savlagg DeDositB of on dollar and upwards, accordI tig to ihc rw" of ttig Ditnk.and intcrent componnded tcini ul.kI: Mouey to loan on unincumbercdrt'al astato and otlier good tocarlty. 'lirectori- Chrlutlan Mack.W. W. WlneB, R. A.Beal Wllliam Deubel, Willlam D. Harriman Daniel Hiscock, and WÜUrd B. Smith Officwi : OaUTRAB Maok, Pree. W. W. WiHis, Vice-Pree. Chas. B. Hiscook, Cashler. , 915-966 G To WINANS & BERRY KOR WMANT TAILORIN6 Kor the folio i iic rrBMonn: lt. Onr work i nll flmt i -lm-. l. Mr. Bcrry Is the onlvcntter in thu Simo who ?j V0U Pirfe:t flt 'rilhiinl li linti Ott, M. tba lürj-i-nt uHBurtmuil ia the State h"ine „ver IKK) dlffen-nt tyl( to iclect from in lornsmandttfmeitiú! (roeten and ltvietj. h. W sm dom nut ümt-claee trlmmlnis. oth. We r lull o per cení, below Detroit pricus. WINANS A BEIiRY, 100T-10V No. 11 Ronth Main Street, Ann Arbor .1. . 1-nilllMls LIVERY STABLE The beft and mooi cx'caelvc !n the clt}. HACK AND BUS LINE Rnnning to all trelni nJfU and day. OHLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT TR1WS. The he#t hack In th.; city for Iiuüpk calling. Orders lied irmpt!r for all kinds of conveyinie. Particular Attention to Orders for Funerala, COR. MlIN AND C'lTIIAKINK Stk . A AHBOK, MM Uil. W. 'J'H I lr"l'.'


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