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ANTÓN EISELE, DEALER IN lUBSU & fiHAlITE UOIDMEITS I The pnbltc le iuviti-d to cali and examine specimen! of the celebrated KNOXVILLE, TENN.,MARBLE i Or whlch we have a supply of ncw ili'slgng. n i superior to any inarblc in beauty and durmblilty, aml takee the place of Sr Wi Oranite. I'KK l LOWER THA ETER. WORK ALL WAKBANTRD. Shop - Cor. of Detroit nul Catherlne Sts. ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN 9151Í ! ü iNtítíy & SEABOJl'S BAKERY.GROCKRY 1D FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep conatantly nn band, , BREAD, CKACKKRS, CAKföj, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE AND KBTAIL TKADS. We ha'l al Unep a npiily Dl ' BWIFT DBUBEL'8 BB8T WHITE WPBA1 FLOUK, DBLH1 FLOUK. KYK PLOT K. BUCKWHRA'I' FUMTR, OORH MEAL, FSE1, f.,C At wholesale aod retai). & general stock ol GROCERIESAND PROVlitlOKü concuiutly od hand, whlch will be -oid on f "¦-¦(. x t able terms as at any otber house in ihe city. Uaen paid for Bntter, Sgge, and Country Prodnr ' generalfy. Goodndellverod toaay parlof the itt; w, out extra charge, yr flINÜK' . -KA-ïOIl ! TO AGRICULTURÍSTS The unders'.gned are DOW miimifarturing a u saitfor fertihzliiii pnrpsK tlul is pecnllarly adapted to the nse for whlch il is UcmkiichI. It is inlirely free froni dlrt, ir hard luinps, and is made Ity a proces wliii-h toavw iiicm-poruted in the siilt all the valiiahle phmt lood, u welt as lngredients cak'ulaU'd to free and ronder Holulili' the Ainmonla iilready cotiUklued in the sol]. We propoee to place the iirire so low that none xliall be deterred bom ivlug il h fatr trial. The use of salt for fsrtllUIng pui poses Is uo longer an experimeut, hut hivs lici'U fully proven, not only sclentifleally and theoreti; eally, but practlcally, by siiires o( onr most i nccessfal agrlculturisis. We herewith present the experlence and opinión of gome of the leadlng Farmers ad BcientiaU of this and other vouuti ies, hoping . that the pornsiil of thp saine inay be mutually ' beneflclal. We Mliull continue to gather such stat is! ios a we cn on tlils subject, and hope eaoh and , everjr one will aid u.s in tuis by givlng us the benefit of liis oxperleinv. Orders and cominiiniiatlonR may be ad ; dressed loeilherof the uadeniigned, wha will i furnlsh all nceeHíHiy InlorinHtion as to prloea, ! transportation, et THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Ka-st Xuglnaw, Mioli. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT C0„ (LimitedSyiacuso, K. V. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., Ciucinnati, Ohio. Mi. .lames Tolberi, por K.";. Urown, has thln alt : for eale at the Fcrdou Lamber Yard in tkia cily. : i)x8-yr " VVombaiittS -íiífru WASTINC DISEASES 8n-h sk i'nuMimiitiiui, I'.nnii ¦l-i'i. AihniH General Uobllliy, Brain Exhaustion, Ohronic Uonstipatlou. c'ln mie , D;ipoula,or I.OSS OF XKRVOIS POWER ! Ar.' ixwilivcly enfed b KKI.I.OWS' l'OMl'orNl) SYUll-OK Hïi'UI'IHl'lll I K. As pboéuhorai eutors bo lart'ely into the untmal 1 econotny, 11 tietbmaêpuratetlUmetth ti.-i reaiele wilh whlch to aetpclMe ilic othfr viullllng tni;redl! eut of bcalihly Blood. Nene and Muc!''. In Pellowï'Hyiupof HvpoplioephtteB an comblned all the Kiibi-tance fonnd Duceasary to Insure rohnst h'-allh, and wheriae il was inventcd witli n vla to snpnlv ivery defleiency, il i'cruiuly Iuik performed orno woiidiTliil curee. MANcnEPTr.n, N. H., Jnnc 18, lsso. Mr. Jmh I. FKH.uWf. Mor air.1 I wish to ncknowledre tho .'n-at benefll I liavc leceived from the na of "Kellown' (.:niimiiid Syropol Uypophiwphltex." I have boeD ui inval ld for nerly two jear, witti a bronchiial am-ction ihal has bacume chronic. In the Kall of 1S7S 1 had a jiliy lclan elhty dayp tn anflomslon, balden tbe i of nevi-ral othtrs. lhey (;ave me but little iMicotiraguI ment, some of them none. Liat -luly I wat advied to kIvc your remudy a trial. I did ío. and la less thun one week ibere was a marked Impn.vcnunt for Iho Itelter. I have coutinucd lts uae from that time n u 1 1 Ike present. improTlng all the Hm-, and I can t uthfnlly say I am muro ihan a htindrcd por cent. better than when I commencod it use. I have lncremied in weiKDiaoul uiteen pnunds, aml mij coucli. whtc.i was fcarful. hao nenrly dlMppeared. 1 belleve bad it not been for your Kyrnp, 1 shonld ere thls havo baan beyond the caree of thls lile. Very truly faan, ALIiKKT S'I'OI ¦ Y. tyDo not be deceivd hy renadiup beving a similar : roottier prepararlos i Bobfrttnte for this, under any cirenmorances. 1015-ltf iftË-OPENEDT Wp wish to aniiounot' thut the oW r.'liaWe Alhambra Dollar store, fnn been reopeneti t the old number, 92 Woouward Ave., Dotroir. A cordial invitution is extended to all to lo )k through nnd examine our new and elegant stook. New noveltiea received daily. 1004 20 ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ bv YouraelvtM ly raiklog MOOtn li#n m koMod I I I ¦¦ hum U offnrwl, f Iwiohy m k im( ixm ¦ II rij from yur d..r. fho wbo lwiji mlie II I P lntaK .'f th gxl cbftliott Tur niHkiii; D ; ¦MP tbat ru nTlcn-.i gooerulty h I caitltv, tille thou whu ¦! nul luiurov sub I I I chkDOta r.m.iD In povBrtj. V, wul m&uv " mMmmm. mu. wouun, boTi ud (Irl to wrk for hè rtgbt in ihflr owu hMAUcfe. Thp hiulntis s ill i.;iy unr tliaa ti-k timen ordintiv wm. We furoiah an t[M-mivr uuinc nd uil tbt jou nerj, Tm. N mr tío eníg- fallí to mat moitej irj rplm. Yu od d.-iuii" T..ui wbtile tiKM iw Uio w..rk, or -¦ij It Tour moment. Kuil Information nn1 il! 'hu' !¦ iiJM -ni frr. kêdtmê Sris-.. &. Oo . PortUad m.i


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