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otisviiie lelegram : The Caro Advertlser although bul oneweek under the new management, already presentí b wonderfully freshened ap appearanee. A practical man at the helm Isthewhofa thlng In a nutslicl!. Sa-inaw IIer;ild : Mis. ChrMianey's father teatlfled In Washington the other dy, that prevloos toaocepting Mr. Christlancy, hlsdaughter had reniaed twenty-flve ofleri oi nmtriinony. Boe ongat to have made it tventy-.-ix. Tecumseb IJerald: The Grand Rapidspolioeman lio was suspended for refasing to Bhave offhia beard, bat now beeen dischartrcd. Xext thing they knowthe pólice of that city will be obliged to part thelrhalrin the iiiidille and wear spit curls. BlgRaplds Current: In Constantino a saloon keeper sawed bia butTding in two in the niiilille and built ends to eaeh part to evade the law whlcb forbkU tbe running ofbllliard tables in the same building witE a saloon. The law bas no such terror lor the saloon keepers in Big Rapids, whc pav no more attcntion to it tlian to thfl wind that blows. Midland Sun: A party of gentleo went round to St. John'i Sunday afternoon and put op the store pipe, bo the church was quite warm and cozyln the evenlng. We suppote ii uouid be clasatfied as a "work ot neceasity." Some pious people no doubl w .Mild cal] it a "work of ouarity" but the eflFect was too warm tor that- not as cold as charitj'. Adrián Press: Deaeon Spear, of Morene!, bas a lien 10 ycars oM (just the rlght age for a boardlng house), and when sne was 8 old. featbera changed from black to white. N(iu..-ivs the Horend, Observer, the bM lalely shed lier white l'eathers and is plumud in black, as t in mournlng f;r Garfled. It you doubt this story please In mind, what is to beeoine of unt)elievers. Republlcan : Petitions are to be clrculated in this state askinr for the taxation of Ohtarah property. The gentlemen at the bottom of il are ahvays found at the meetings of what is knowii as the Liberal League, an organizatlon wblch has been petitioning the Government to remove all restraints upou the circulation of improper and obscene matter throngh the mails. Of course they would oipose tbc consummation oí their plans. Newaygo Tribune: The Bfuskegon river is vet full of saw lofrs. Between Newaygo and Big Raplds there is between thirty and andlorty mllesof "solid jam," and between Newaygo and Mutkegon there is nearly fifteen miles. A large amonnt of tiniber willprobably have to remaln In the water tbrongh winter, owing to the dry summer and the consiquent low water of the river, although the late heavy rains have lielped the "river drivers'' wonderfully. Ingham County News : The common council of Lansing delibérate upon a great variety of quesiions. At their meeting last Monday evening, Aid. White dlscussod the subject of Mayor llobson's ultra-auburn hair, and traeed his pedigree, on the maternal side tO :i eanine. The mayor made ¦ muscular response, asingaa hls cblefargninent. a woodeii chair.whioli he bandled so sUillfully that his opponent was soon driven to the wall. The atl'air may end In a lawsult. Grand Rapids Eagle: Bayard is one of the Democratie leaders. But even he, when boosted into the cliair of President of the Se n a te by a disreputable parti-an proceeding, eould not lift hiinself above the level of the artful dodger in linmagngUm, but had the sublime impudence when taking liis Beat to lectors that body on the duty oflaylng asida all parttsanshipl Itwasan exliibitioii of hypocrlgy where some measure of dignity niight reasonably have been expected. Imlay City Berald : The warm rains we liave bad this fall, have been the means of bringing about many strange surprises in the agricultura] line; tmong the latest is a stem trom the strawbeirv patch of Jacob Buck, whlch he brought in to us last Baturday, on which was a blossom, two green berriesand one ripe one of medium size ami good form. The berry is of the common soit and we doubt if the like of it was ever seen before. Just tliii'k, strawberry fhni-fonh In OcLober ? VllIU. VUIH. Ii.iv City Tribune: A small boy was seen yesterday to snateh a quince fi'oni a basket in front of B irroeery on ('eneerl street and sneak arouiid thé conu-r with bis prize, whicG did look temptlng. He put histeeth into it just once, bul withdrew tliem witbout taking a hite. We never saw a lnn look 80 disappointed. llelnoked coutiovtsly around to aee it a ny other boy hail geen him. then aneaked back and returned the quince tO the basket He eould not have fall norse il he liad been a democratie senator and parlieipated In the. election of Bayard as president of the seuate. Baturday Bvenlng l'ost: Somebody blnndered when the militia were ordered to Mbskègon. Bul t wasn'tfor the boys to reason whv; their's but to go up ready to do or die. So they went lip, did - justlce 'o tlieir victuals - and retornad home, all belng lef't of tliem safe and uninjured. Noble two Imndred ! Bome one was badly seared. Bttt K wasn't a niilitiaman. The soldier boys only ilid their duty. and deserved credit lor the readiness with which they olieyed a disagreeable order. However there seems to have been little more Doeaalon foi their presence there, thanhere, ar ut Kalamazoo, or Detroit. Port Hurón Times: About six yoars ago Lihi. Burtoo entered cx-nmyor JacobT's clothing Btore In daytime ánd stole $75 drom the safe. Mr. Jaoobt raspected that lie had tbc moiii'v and sel i clcrk lo watch where lie went lo. H entered Miller's bank aml wenl to a room oceupled by bis father, "Cheeae" Barton, and deposited the money bebiod the wash basln. He was anested aml senteneed to the state prison lor thiee yuars. Nothing more was heard (rom hini until Tliursday afterooon u lien lie retúrned to thecity and called al Mr. Jacob!! store. No onc kncw hlin and he finally uked Mr. J. ir' lie remembered the man wlio roblied his sale. He Süitl that he illlng and eamlng an houest living. St. Louis Leader: Last Tliuesday.Sijuirr Fitten and Charles Weaver went turkey hontiug down In the woods of Betlianv. Aner sconring tbe woods In aearch oí i ín: aiiovc nme, Ehey Bal down on log and ¦Mr. Bitten commenoed eallinz tarkeyi witli hte ban di to bis mouth. It happened that olie (ico. lluey was al-c) out huntlng turkcys in the samo locaüty, and hearing what lie Hippoèed was the cry of a bi;í ffobbler he crepl Blowly toward the point trom whlch the sound oaine, and peering sicaiihily throngb the liusiu-s dtsüovered :i monstrOUS turkey, as he Sttppowd, and blazed tway. The bal! went throojrh one of Mr. 1-ittiMi's baudi wltbln two Inchi his nosc and glanoed IVoin the barrel of WcaviT's gun. It was a close cali f or Mr. Fitten. LanstngRepablican: Qarfield momorial projecta setting extremely plenty. Besides the Tailwis monumenta and hospifafla talUcd of, Hülsdale ooilege is ir ing to ralae f 1U.0O0 with whlch to bullda Qarfleld ball, and a circular jusl at hand atlo SObccripttons lor tbc parpon of endowlng a memorial prafesaoraoni in Williams college. The circular is dated Chicago, Oot. 11, and is signad ' K. Kiitrcdyc, 118 Ashland avenue, and Vm. Broas and il. NV. Pattenon, edltorllü rooms of the Tribune building. Tin-c gentlemen wereappointcd by the triitees ol tbc college to receive lubscriptiona. Garfleld memoriala all right, but the people of Uichlgan oughi nol to loseslghl ot the tact that destltutlon and sutlcrin Itül prevail in the burnt district.