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A Cure (inarantecd in All Cu Per Oíd and Youne. Malo and P,. M#' Biorrm.t,.rrh).., Ini,,,ter,c, "Ir' ÍV I fiÊ-S tcuí lieollity, J.c.wrh,,,, ," .Mf (BEfORejrennes nnd íorall wakn, ""-l Unfniling nd Positivo Cil i "" entintes, rem ,Te mental loom and 0, "7 "' and nt"re omimul p. er to thV.í '' 1 Rccon.panied I h ve collar. we,)i„ "" GtfK ntee torefund tl.ernoney r ih'it, "" 01" ' does not effect n cure. It ís iLe ,' i,.. ""; tme . Best Medlcioe ir. the ro-rket. K,,u artíSfíS lamphlet wiiich t maii free lo n, . 'ln BoKI lynll Drnmitotí, one Pa,ee 50 ,'""," IS.60 orientbmallon rectlpt of Prlo 'tí ,'? v.j; i ƒ¦ ar rcrjvs co Derolt, Mléb JÍTijoM ln Ann Arbor br 11. J. Broun 4 co nni[ hv nll r1niírylstJ ''vprywhere. Randall's New Photograph'c Establishment Is now rcarly for uso. Cor. Williams St. and MadlsoQ Ave.- Opposite Kast Grana Circus Park. Makc uppointments ateitherthe new or oíd place 290 WOODWAItn AVE., DB1BOIT. GET THE BEST Fire Insurance -$42,000,000 Swurity held for the proteetion of íh pr.-l holders. CHRISTIAN MACK BepreBent the followir.s first-class couipaqí", of which one, the jEtns, tías alone iaM 6o,'000,000 ore loases in sixty jears: etna, of Hartíord t 7, 00 0)Uni FrankllD. Phtladelphia 3.3')ri,Oi0 1)0 Germán American N. Y a.Si'üO 0 00 London Assurance Corporation 16,8H0üu N Ntlonal, Hartford l,2.iü,0(K) ll North Germán, Hamburf? 2.00,(h'í 10 Phoenix, Brooklyn 2.8in,0jü W: íTn.tT AffpioT. N. Y 4lfl00((Hrl '.. Loesasliberally djusted and protaptlr na1'' Poiicies issucd at thelowestratsof proir.iun.1 MI3-1 25 CIIItXSTIA.X T íNSEY & SEABOLT'8 BAKERY, GROCERY AND FLOTJR & FEED STORE. Wa keep ooretantl; on hna. UREAl), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., fOR WHO1J53ALK AND KBTAILTRADE. We hall alo keep a snpply of BWIFT & DEUBBVS CE3T WinTE VVHKA'f FI.OLB, DBLlll FLOUR. KVB F1.OUR I5UCKWUKAT Fl.UUR, CORN MBAU KEEI, te. o. Ai wtlc?a;e añil retí ! A general stock of círól'Ekies ad puovisií' constanlly on band, willen irtll beiold on aa re-''Ti able terina as al ary Ifir hnuse In the cilyCasn paíd fer Buiter, r:gs, ai". Uoun'.iy Pror'uoa Keneía'ly. twt} '(ids dellrered to eny psrt of the o í riiboul exira cbarKa. DanLlitfirs, Wives, ffiotíifirs 1 i OR. J. B. IARCHISe! UTICA.N.Y., Discorerer cf D H. MAECHISrS UTEBDíE (JATIIOLICON, A FO:iTIVE CU' E FD:"! FEMALECOMPLAINTS. 'l'hia remctly will act in liarinony witli tlie Femalesystem at nll tme3f muí alo immedintely upon thc alnlominal nnd iitírme máseles, and restore them lo a healtby nnd etrong cundition. Dr. Marcliisi's ITtermc Catholicon will cura fallbaL of the womb, Lueooiieek, Cbronic Infiamma lion and Clccratlon of tbo Vomb, Incidental ÏIcmorrlinca or Floodinf;, Pninful, Suiipresacd aud Irreguínr Slctistnintion, Kidncy Coiupl.iint, aud Í3 cspecially a(la]Tcd to Ihe Chango of Life. Send for pamphlct freo. All letter of inquiry freely answered. Adr:'?B ns :hov?. FOJt SATU I5V AU, DUUUGISTS. Price S1.5O (fr bottJo. lie emo and ask foi Dr. JIarchi?i's Utcriue Cathoiicon. Tako no otber. For sale by II. J. BROWN Jt ( O. 1 74-1 JC w.h.k:boyíatix): PA6NTERS AND SIGNWRITERS! I( S. Maiu St, Second Floor. NO BOYS EMPLOYEDI A F.HAÑGSTERFÉR&Co., 30 and 32 Main St. Ice Cream Parlors and OysterOcean Restaurant. Their Celebrated Premium Ice Cream, Water Ices, etc., made to order on short notice. Parties supplied with Wedding Cakes, Fancy Pyramids Charlotte de Itusse, etc. We have in our employ the flnest Fancy Cake Bakers and Ornamentara in the state. Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Figs. Dates, Ttaisins, Nuts of all kinds kept constantly on hand. We also manufacture our own Candies. Also Propriotor of the Hangsterfer Ice Company. Tale phone Connection ' BUCKLËNÏS ÁRNICA SALVEN" The beatSalve iu the worljl forCuts, üruises, SoreB, Ulcers, Salt Rlieum, bever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hauds, DhilLlains, Coriis, and all Skin Erupions, and positiveiy cures piles. It is ruaranteed lo g'e perfect satisfactiou r momey refunded. Price 25 cents Wrbox; FdrBale by Eberbach & Son. ' jJLL KINDS OFBUÑKS"" PE1XTE Ox SHORT NOTICE AT TUK ÍOÜRIEB JOB BOOMS. look-hiiuiiiig qufekly loucmul tiHiogiam-,iiivitiiiioim, and curd tnwtefully priuteü.


Ann Arbor Courier
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