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A Curo Guaraníccd in Ail Cases. i'cr O1U aun ifounp. Male and Fcmale g Mncnotio &Itlicine: A ífc , jarata ana Wiv i'oodi c" , ¦' i'cMlLivf ir Coral a iiir hosKey, , !k . '' rcnt DetlUtr, Leacurrhoo:i tiui-jfcüLJ OJKKOitKjrcrineas; and 'orull W -'cn íhj f aètüii of tho (enornUvií OrffnDJ In oitber ox tt U au UjaíViiíin(í uud Posiiiv i Onre. Tfinaaup tho (cUUii.'itoJ FY.-iieiiJ, iirrtrtnli lOTO'Qlt'ary liéhasgB, ramovei mont-ii ploom miJ dospondenor, and rfitoret wond rful pov4 1 th n üi t i cd n(íanH. ífiT'VVit]) eioh ili:r for TWELVÍ paokftfffll coompuDled wi h Ota dolían, ir wiii stn;i ;ur {jV ¦ II ¦ Nïkh tO ri-Jund Ujo nmni'y 1 tho tr ;u.tri!ent (to:::i net t-ttoci a cure. It fu tho 'rli'irTi i n.n Best1, McUlcine in the markt. Pull partí en ara li i'aniphJot. whifi'j v. u )nn4t freí lo nny u!drHi So'd by all Drugitlfltf, ne pa'l a e ftQ otf; tx fo J2.M, orwot bjr mail oa reocipt of prioa, by :ü drei'bintf the MAQ BTZC HE) TCINB ., Do 'rolt, Mloh. ïc'tülj in "iiin Z.iO'.r by ií. J. Itruwn & C(t Hml Wixll rtruyjiHts i-verywJiere. RandalFs New Photogmpli c Establishmeni is n i w reody fof uro. Cor. Wiüuíüi.s Sr. and ftfattison Ave.- Qpposlte Kasrt Grnul Circus l';uk Muke uppoiiitiijoms ateltherthe nw or "M place '.¦ WOODWAIIO AVf.., DU UOXI. (il'JT '8MUJ IJKSf Fire Insurance ; ¦¦¦.! iiy iiBlil for ilio protoctlon of ïbi , ttoMm GHRiSTlAN MACK Hitis8utí !h foilowirt' first-claea cihji.n ., of which one, tbe Etna, baí alón paíd ,io0!X),OOL) firo losses in uixty jeart: .Kelna, of Hvrll. rJ { 7, 00000 ('0 Krankün. I'MMelphlit ',:Vj'0M 00 (ieruiHn American N. V 2,S0OO''O 00 l,ondon A"-;iir:iiice CVupor.itlou lfi.830,000 00 riatlonh), 11 irtfori! 1, 200,000 CO Xorlli C.'.uiun, liiMiburg 2.0i'0,00u CO 1'tOBnll, Crooklm 2.8)0,000 Cd 'Jii-.'ernTlttrs kinoet N. Y 4,i00.00l O Locstw libe !:y ; djueted ad prnmplly paW. Pollc'fw issud at !b low9t, rates of premium. ¦ U73-I 2i ClIlilSTIAX MACK. T I NSRY & SËABOLTS BAKERT, GROCERY FLOUR & FEED STORE. We keep conotantljr on bscd, UIIEAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, 1-OItWnOl-KSALK AND RKTAILTRADB. We shaïl also keep a snpplj of SWI1T DEÜBEL'S BE3T WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, OKLHI F.LOUR, P.TB FLOUH av. KWUEAT Fl.OUK, CORN MEAI,, FKEÜ, c,, 4c. Ai t n lííiie and rataft A general stock of OKOCEBfpi AiD PKOVISIO.S constHUtir on hand, whlcli will be sold on as reuson ab)e terms as at any other bouse In the city. Cash pald for Bntter, Efgs, anJ Cono'.rj Produce ! senoialf. lQi)Ods dellTered to any part of the city wiiüout extra cberffe. TT. Rly3KV t SÜABOLT Ferdon Luinber Yard JAMKS TOLUiCIiT, l',f.. Manufïcturer and Dealer In SAGIItfAW GM(J:SAff E LüJlliBi!, Lath and Shingles H'ü cll bRlTna.a nll, rn i mmlnt ...,. Itoek bcTorj pnrduBing eisewhor AL' O AG NT KOK JCKSON SEWEB Pl?f ., And S"lls brick. JAHES TOLIl&ltr. [':: ! ' ¦ . .1. ICEKCH. . ,.h , ,,. I IN !S TJ Ti A TV O I : tu el BealEsíaíeñgencf of J.Q. A.SESSlOfciS DWfiliuga Soíil ov [tfittid Mr. Beatona has dotie un oxteiulve tnsnnMo business in tilia city frr fi.nrfuii rearo, and l-suoa pollclaaln theíollowta oíd and reUnble !¦¦ ,v [nBnranee compartes. Ptaffiolx ín, Co. ll;uif. iv Conn., s,. , í I . ( ll, 0 el ( iililornlii. Iiistirunce o., saseu .. . o Manufaotur v's Insurance o , Boston assets , . q ;J Hatos low ;ix aiiy oí In r Ihnüíüucc Ce, ET-I.O8KS llbemlly adjusted and pnjmp lpnld, Offlco on Hurontroel, oppoa te the i Houne ¦i mi Arbar, v ch, ), q._ .,,, ' . A F.HANGSTERFERiCn 30 and 32 Main St lea Cream Párlors :d O.víterOoean Restaurant, their CelebratodPiemiumlcel Cream, Water Ices, etc.,made to order on short ii otice. P rties supplied witli We ding; Cakes, Faney Pyr mids Charlotte de Russe, etc. We have in our employ the finest F;mcy Cake Baker.s nnd Orna. ment i , i the staf.e. Malaga Grapes, Orante, Fig.-.. Date?, Raisins, Nuts of all kif ds kept oonstantly on hand. "We also manufacture our 8 own Candies. Also Pvopriotor of the Hangrsterfer Ice Coinpauy. 5N raleohne -onnection W.H.H. ÜOYLAN&CO. . . i) PAINTERS s - And ¦UGN WRITEKS! h MS. MüiiNt, SccdikI Flour. ' BOYS ËMPLOYËO ! ,