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Itofetef I'Iim -S.viii.t.tms and Ön The vmitom are moWnre llke pe" nlmttnn, üitenas iteWnf lncrawd ijy SrotoUlnir. rery UirtreMing, parfteuliurljr „t uUrht, ew v r plu-worm were ...awliMK In and bout the n-rium; the nrivate pMitsaif onietimca uffectea. it Sllowed to ooBtlnue wriaiM rMiilte may tbllow. "8wyne'a Olntment' is 8 plcas,nt Bure cure. Al-o for letter, itcli salt rheum, mW head, eiyripela, barbera Itob. blotcbe, all scaly, crurty Kin uueases. Sant by mail for 50 canta ; 3 boxei for $1.2r. (i" stnnip-). Atldress, Dr Swavne & Sou, l'liiladelplnu, Pa. bold by Druggists. ; c HAS BEEN PROVED The 8UREST CURE for 1 I KI D N EYJ) ISEASES. " Dom a Urne back or dlBordercd urine lndi catothat you are a victim ? THEN DO NOT E HESTTATE; uao Kidney-Wort at once, s eist recommendiOandit will apeodily . ooms the disease and restore hcalthy aotlon. e C I afliao For complaints peculiar L LClUlvOi to your sex, euch na pain -I v and weaknessos, Kldney-Wort is uniurpaaoed, wUl act promptly and safely. J, EitnerBer. Incontinence, retentlon ofnrine, O 2 brlokduatorropy deposito, anddull dragglng C 0 pains, all speodüy yield to lt curaUve power. 2 BOLD BY AU. DRUGGI8T8. Prlea 1. CASTORlA Old Dr. Pltcher'g rmedy for Children'g Complaiut. 'Etpeciaily adapted to childrên" Dr. Alex. Robertson, 1057 2d Av., N. Y. 'Ptttuant, Hurmlesi and Wonderfully EJIcaciout." Dr. A. J. Green, Koerton, Ind. 1 Iprucribt it u superior to any known remedy." Dr. H. A. Archer, 82 Portland Av., Brooklyn. Caitoria i not narootic. Mothera, Nursei and Duotors ngroe that for Sour-Stomaoh, I'latulency. Diarrhoea, and Constipation. notbing is so prompt m old Dr. Pitcher' Castoria By asiimilating the food, Castoria girei robast health and natural sleep. (entaurJíniment The Great Healing1 Remedy. An lnfallltle rure ftir Illiuumntlsna, Sciaticii. Neuralgia, onn-1-, Burnit. sprains, NtitT tfoin . h, Spaviu. aud J,iiiiiimis from ny cause P.T.Barnum, tho great Showman, saya : - "Among my vast troupe of Equestrians Tcamiters, llorsefl, Cameli, and Elephanti, some are al waya atraiifd, -bruised, or wounded. My Surfeont and Vet crinarles all ?ay, tb at for cuaual ities to men and animáis, nothingr is 00 effioacious aa Centaur liiniment.1' 438 Fifth Av.. New York, May 9th, 1871. eow-urm 1074-112Ö 320 ACRES FREE! -IN THE- Dcrlls Lake, Tnrtle Mouutaiii Aud -Mo 11 se Kivcr Couutry, NORTH DAKOTA, Trlbutary to the Uuited States Land Oflice at GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. SKCTÍONAL MAP and FULL particulars malled t'HKE U any a.liiieHM by H. 0. DAVIS, Asslstant General Passenger Agnnt, St. Paul. Uinneapolis l üiaitebi R. R„ 1127-1130 8T. PAIX, 1IIW. CJHjOLlVEIIOlXr CABINET CREAMERY. WaaÖCÏÏ""' o' -iirèiinn hiii Kan. (g '1 '-'¦!'; 1 ' i Ail ties for d: iry uv fncffl ¦..;-, IMI;-"; ttiry F(.r conveniencc ¦ .; Tl fj; ff hiiudliiiu', r. Wny thtIJ t-. .-. ¦ -- en;: TH i.lückly bllcl th'TB S l L ' L W ""iL'-tiA . :.uil e niur, air," '¦¦¦¦l Dairy impiemsr.} Co., 1I30-1U2 'S? ÊUnfaiung , ForailSkiX f Remedy; 6llcHA$ Diseasesj 7rTTER.1TCH. SORES. PIMPLIS. ƒ VRYSIElASi WRING WOBHV TmérWs Sjmptoms are moisture, Btinging, itching, worao at ftigbt ; fleems ;ia if pin-worms were crawling about the rectum ; the private parta are often affected. Aa a pleaunt, economical and poaitive euro, Swatni's Öinthint ia superior to any article in the markot 8old b f druggists, or aoud 50 ets. in 3-ct Stampa. 3 Boxea, 81.24. Addresa, Da. Swiym & Som, Pbila., Pa. ' 1129-1180 AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. ¦ No other oomplaints are ao insidious in their ' ackaathoseiitfectiiig the throat and lungs : uoiie o trifled with by the majority of sullerers. The 1 nl.nary cough or cokl, resultins peihaps from a rifling or unconscious exposure, is ofu-n l.ut the eginuiugof a fatal atetan, .nfl Chekky J ¦kctokal has well i.rovcn its sfiteaej In a fi,rf I earB1 flght with throat aml long dlsauea au liould be taken In uil cases without detoy. A Terrible Couffh Currd. "In 18571 took aeOYereoold, whlol nffectedm Mlgs. I had a terrible cougl, ai„l ,, ." ' , uï, fter n.ght without sleep. Vhe ,1.,.. ,„, veíSí p. I tned AYKR'S CICEKXY PECToaAlT whlSh Bl.eved ,„y l„„gS, ilKiucc(1 8lt. ,„,', y ' h j ie rest necenaiv for the raoovery af ,ny slr, -, L"h ly the couimue,l use of the Pbctob l a w ¦, ent cure was effected. lam now nuTSi ¦ Croup. - A Mothcr'8 Trilmte. "While In the country last winter niv littl y, Oree y.-ars ol.i, WM taken v ti. r . , i! si aÏÏÏÏÏiW '" -"rlliiiut In lessthan all an hou, the little patiënt was bieathing easÜLLStÏÏLLlL? ïüU Wü"u;r at T l.ake Cryatal, Mtnn., Marci 13, 1882. ¦terir?"1'1"' ''"' eigl" yrars lrüln BronohitJi. and Byhalia, Miss., April r, 1$? Waluk---" ' l'alestme, ïexas, April 22 188?' BKAU1)ÜM-" No case of an affection of the throat or lunga ï ts whieh cannot be greatly relieved by the us' Z Avkr-s Chkkrv Pectoka,, and it wii alu-ay. PREPARED I1Y ,, r-J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. s" Sold by all DrugglsU). j


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