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TO BUILDERS. Sealed bids will be received by Leonlard Gruner for the construction of a School house In the Gth ward of thia city, mtil Honday evening, 19th inst. Plans md specifi catión s may be seen at the )fflce of Judjre Hariiman in the Court [lonse, afler Mouday next. - Right to reect any and all bids reservcd. Bt Committke. iVnn Albor, Peb. 1, 1883. 1188-30 AYER'S Sarsaparilla cures Rhenmatism, Neuralgia, Kheumiitic Gout, General Debllity, Catarrh, and all disorders caused by a thin and impovfrished, or corrupted, conditiou of the blood; expelling the blood-poisons from the system, enriehing and renewing tbe blood, and restoring its vitalizing power. JJuring a long period of unparalleled usofulness, Ayek's Saksapaiulla bas proven its perfect adaptation to tbe cure of all diñases originattng in poor blood and a weakened vitality. It is a híghly concentratad extract of Sarsaparilla and other blood-purifyliifc root, combinad willi Iodide of Potas slum and Iron, and is the safest, most reliable, and most economical blood-puriiier and blooü-tood that can be used. Inflammatory Rheutnatism Cured. ' Aveu's Sarsaparilla has cured me ( tbe Jnttammatory Rheuinatism, with which I have sufïered for inany years. W. H. Moork." Durham, la., March 2, 1882. " Eight yearsago I bad an attnck of Klinmiutl mui so severe that ï couM not move f rom the bed, or dress, without help. I tried several remedies without inucli if any relief, until I took Aveu's Sahhaï'AKILLA, by the use of two bottles of which I wa completely cured. 1 have not been troubled with tlie Kheumatism since. Have sold large quantitieö of your Saksai-ahilla, and it still retains its wonderful iopularity. The many notable cures it bas elïected in this vicinity convince nie that it is the best blood medicine ever orïeretl tothe public. K. F. Hakkis." Kiver St., Buckland, Mass., May 13, lt&t. 11 Laat March I was so weak from geiMrtil il#bility that l could not walk without help. lollowiug the advice of a friend, I couimiiced titking Avi.ii'h Sakhapauilla, and before I had u;3 three bottles i feit aswull as I everdidhi my liie. ï have been at work now for two months, aml thiuk your the greatest b) ni medicine in the world. Jamks JIaa naiu," 520 West 42d St., New York, July ly, losa. Ayeb's Sarsafarill.v cures Srrofula and all ScrofulouB ('nipliiinls, KryHlpílaH, Kv zema, King:worint lSlotches, Soret Builx, Tiiniois, and Ëruptlons of the Skin. It rifars the blood of all impuritiea, aids digestión, Htiniulates the action of the bowels, and thus n-stores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottles ?. a" I RROMLEY'S g11 ELECTRO PLATE WORKS. 5 48 Wooaward Avenn, DETEOIT. MIOH. I (Establishcd J7ycars.) rajJUiJh ¦% fli . Cl k) É f (9h j GQ _D, s LVÉ R AND NICKEL tLargcst Flating establishment in the State. I ALL WORK FIRST CLASS. ; REPSRBNCE5 : 3 M. S. Smith & Co. , Detroi t Safe Company or ¦ "TTÜTSnany prominent citizenlTTTTTT?! HICSEL f T o f Detroit. PLATINO. " 1129-1154 GET YOUR PROPERTÏ INSURËÏTbY C. XZ. MIZiZiZlT, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Kítablifhcd a qaarter of a century ago. KepreeentinK the iollowine flrut-class compauiee: Homelasurance Co., of N. Y 5 7,010,000 Continental Insurance Co., of N. Y „.. 4,2W.20 Niagaw Insurance Co., of N. Y 1,735 563 (iirard Insurance Co., of Phila 1,132,486 Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartlord 1,419,522 Commercial Union, of Londou 12.000.IKX) I-ft'" líales l.ntv. Losjes lihenilli ailjustcd iuiii prumptly pald. C. H. Millen. 1115-1140 II 11 il ni"ot' "le ls sweepinp hy, eo and dare Ijl fcU I Ibeíore yon die, Bomethinir mi hty ¦C W % anf snblime leave behtnd to cotiquer l I time." $G0a week in your own town. II II I ó outflt fn-e. No rif k. KvervthiiiR il.BJkJJ.uew. Capital not required. Wewlll furnish you everything. Many are mukine tun Ladies make as muci as men, anu boyi1 and lrle make great pay. Keader, if yon want buaine at which you can make reatpay all the tim-, write t'oj partlculars to II. Halliit a, Co.. Portland. Maine.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News