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BUSINESS CARDS. WILLÏAM BI6GS, BUILDER 8HOP! CORJÍER CHDRCH AND ORLEANS ST Amn Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, DENTIST, OFFICE: Over Bach & Abel's Entrance by Kirst National Cank. 732tf WILLIAM HERZ House, Stgn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER. :O: PnperlnR, Glazlng Gilding, and Ctlcimtnlr? ana wort of eery desctiption done In the bft ityland vrarranted bO gire satisfsct'un. SHOP, HO. 4 WEST WASHINGTON ST Ann Arbar. .V.lonUsn. ¦ JSt' C. SCHAEBEKLE Residencc, 5T Soixtli Main Street. TEACHER OK Pía::, Tidiaaai kry cf M'iisi: Instructions given on plan of the Royal Conservatory of Music at Lelpsic, Saxony. FKED BAMFORD & CO., FRESCO ARTISTS. Dealers in Fine Wall Papers, Leather Papers, UN'CRUSTA, Paper Ceiling, Decorations, 8tore Shades, Decorativo Picture Mouldings and Centres. Estimatcs given and designs submitted for Frescoing and Paper Decorations 255 Jefferson Ave., DETROIT, Mich. DENTIST! t38l Hu Remored To Hii NfiW DENTAL BOOJkfr __ OTer Jo T. Jcobi' 8tarc 5Jtf JLL KINDS OF BLANKS PRINTED OH SHORT NOTICE Al' THE COURIER JOB ROOMS. B(ioU-''ï:ilimr quicklv lont a :i II program , in vi'sil ions, :mi eard i:i-(-fully IMMIK'll. L. SUTER, BOILER MAKER, Has ipi n, d a shop lor Building and Repairing Boilers Of every description, Stationary, Portable. Thresbinjr Maehiue Boilers, and every varieM of work known to the trade. Estimates furni6lied íor New Boilers od short notice. Shop Cor. Main and Caíliariiie Sts.. Opposite Courier Office. j. BEñrvsrT" The Practical TAILOR & CUTTER, Of the late arm of WIS'vaS& BEKEV, bas lo c ited his pla"e of business at o. 7 HU RON STREET, With a full line of SÜITINGS AM) TROUSERINGS, ADdwouldsayto bis old Iriends and new one tbit if they want a Oood Kit and :i Nobby í it a Kca-onable l'.ics, cali on hlm and they will be ure to get one. DEAN, GODFREY & CO., PAI1TTERS, ANDDECORATORS, 10? & 108 Grlswold 8t., Detroit. Fine Paper Hansings. Elegant Ceiling Decoratlons. Fine Friezes in all Widths. liouse Shades and Rollers. A large varlety of room mouldlng and hooks. FRESCO FAUTTIITGWc make a specialty of Store Shades and we wlll furnlsh estirnates and samples of colors on applicatlon. Shades Utted to roll from top or bottom of the window on Statlonery or Travellng rollers. Wn urnish Opaque shadlng to the trade cut to measu i fnr, ams AicBoit Savings Bank ¦áJTA' AlinOIt, 31ICHTGAN. Transacts General Banking Busines CAPITAL, $50,000. Organiied nndcr the General Bunklng L,aw of thlÍT i the " ckh"lder' ro lndivldvially Hable fo n aaaitlon! imount equal to the itock held b benïe'rosHo'rruT11168 f' $100,000.00. PTi-re1 er interest Is allowed on II omÏ ".""" of one dol"r " upwardi. ac Munrtï, rules of the liank nd "nterest oom E Mml-annuallr Mon y to Loan on ud¦ocumhered rea, estáte and oihergood ecarltj. I?,"1" -Chrlstlan Mack, w. w. Wine, R A. "mi h Im Ueubel' Wi Ilam ü- Harrlma. anlel Hlscock, and Willarc B Smlth. OFFICHHS. canAi,MAoipPres W.w.Wwib. Tlce-Pr.i, (JMA ¦ UUC00K, CiiUn, [tlt-SM


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