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Wilson Harper.aCass county pioneer' is dead. Moody, the defaulting and absconde commercial agency man, late of East Sagiuaw ia now iu Cauada. Mrs. Alexander Carmichard, of Pon tiac, dropped dcad while about her houschol dutte, the other day. Ontonagon sighth for a court hous and jail, and U very moderate as regards cost only askingfor $35,000. Wm. Diffenbough, a switchman on the Chicago & West Michigan R. R., was kille by the cars at Muskegon recently. W. H Griffin, miller, at Albion, broke hls rlght arm 'oetween the wrist and elbow whl.'e repairing some of the machiuery. William Aldrich, butober, in Muskegon, had one of his arms nearly severed by an accidental blow with a cleayer the other day Wm. Ra.„ut of Marshall, recently sold five lambs to parties who shipped them to Australia. He received $50 per head for tlm, The lumber shovers at Bay City struck for 50 cents aa hour. At flr6t their demand was refused, but the yesselmen finally yielded. Capt. W. L. Coffinberry, wbo has been a resident of Grand Rapids since 1846, 6ays that the flood of 185? rose U inches higher than the one of 1883. Ten girls in the butter-plate factory at Montague, one day recently, made 70,000 platea. The proprletor thinks thit they wil soon make 100,000 per day. George Goodrich, of Battle Creek, Jias one more wife than the law allows. ïhe offlcers got out a warrant for tlie young man, but he got wind of it, and "sktpped." Wm. Diffenbough, switchman on the Chicago and West Michigan railway, caught his foot in a frog at Muskegon and was run over and killed. He was 26 years old. Philip Dash, a farmer of Woodstock, Lenawee county, while cleaning a revolver, aceidentally shot liimself in the abdomen. ThD wound is a very dangerous one it is thought Warren M. Swartout, at Grand Rapids, had one of his eyes put out a few days ago by a splinter f rom a wagon spoke while he was tending a spoke driving machine in a wagoa factory. Rev. D. C. Cooper, D. D., profossor of Greek language in Rutger's college, has been appclnted professor of Philosophy in Michigan univerfily, in place of the late Dr. Cocker. Mk. David Segary, of Saginas City, was thrown from a buggy by a runaway horse and instantlv killed. She was an old resident 49 years of age and leaves a family cf six children. Dr. Herman Keifer of Detroit has received the appoiutmeut of United States consul at Stetin, Prussia, at a salary of $1,000 per year. Dr. Keifer sailed from New York on the 7th inst. Lorin B. Todd, a well-known and respectcd citizen of Carmel township, Eaton eounty, a resident of that counly for 40 years, died very suddenly the other morning of heart disease, aed 74. Latham Kassick, one of Jackson's oMest citizens, and heretofore of unblemishcd reputation, has been arrestcd on a charge of larceny from a store in the day time. Kassick admits the crime. A ürc in Detroit the other day destroyed the cooper shop and warehouse of Mr. Sauer, and five dwelüng houses. Loss alout $30,000. A little boy was killed by beinz run over by the hose cart. When the case of W. ï. Campbell; eharged witli shooting Dr. Wilson with intenl to kill, was called for examination at Mt Clemens, Dr. Wilson aeain faikd to appeaT' ,ind Campbell was discharged. Alexander Grant of Utica for 10 years postmaeter there, and for two terms reprtsent.ative in the legislature, has been appointed leputy collector of interhal reverme for the eventh coneressional district. James Eddy, of Coe, Isabella county, et up and eapped the wheat which two cradlers cut íd i" y, and was ready for work ncxt day. "1 he nmarkable part of this is tbat Mr. Eddy ts overy 80 years of age. In the second trial of Daniel Loomis, the telegraph lineman arr8ted at ilm-son for vandaliem on public shade tree, the jury brought in a verdict of gullty. The company immediately appealed the case to the circuit court. The new Scandinavian hall at Mauistce la rapidly approachiDg completlon, ad rhen fintehed, the Demccrat says, will be the flnest hall for general purposes in No.thcrn Michigan. It bas seating capicity for neirly 1.9C0 persona. Bav City, aiter the shore railroad is dlsposed of" wants to put Ihe Midland road through and 6ecure the conetructiou of a branch road from tbat city to a conntction withthePontiac, Oxford Caseville railroad at Gagetown or Cass City. The vvht at harvest in Shiawassee county is ended, erop secureil in good shapc and thrashing is commenced. They do say the yield is less than expected. So far it is found that the berry is very much shrunken. Corn s a dismal failure, but the oat erop is A 1. Dr. James H. Jerome, one of the oldest and best known physicians and citteens of the Saginaw yalley, is dead. He leavee a wif and several grown up childrenandtUree brotb ers ex-Gov. D. H. Jerome and the Hod Timo thy Jerome of Saginaw and the Hon. Oeo. Jerome of Detroiti President Arthur and party were entertained by the Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians at Fort Washakie the other day. The two tribes were very mucb pleased with the appearance ol the "Great Fathcr," and made him presents of a fine pony, moccasins, leg gingsand the like. Mrs. Cady, a lady over 80 years of ag rrived at Shelby last evening, to visit her only brother, Lyman Matlhews, living about five miles east of Slielby. The brother and siste had not nut for fifty years, and until quite reeently each had supposed the other dead.- Shelby Independent. Fire broke out in Long, Hubbell & Newson's planing mili at Manistee receHtly totally destro' ing it; also the residenecof Mrs. J. Brlley, Splixr & Co.'s blaeksmith shop, the Jarves hotel and two tenement cottages belong ing to Col. J. W. Fowler. The total lofs is $30,000; Insurance $12,000. A little giri of Charles Lambert's of Wixon, was shot and instantly killed by her brother, a lad of 13 summers. The boj had been the day before to the 6tate encampwent, and wantod to 'play soldier" with hls sister. He tooit down hls fataer's shot-gan, and p!ay ¦ fully pointed it at her, killing her instantly. About the lst of July last Mtt. A. Gray, of Battle Creek, became the mother of three boys, which vere named Torn, Dick and Harry. For three weeks they were as healthy as any new-born babies, and people carne to see them f rom miles around. They have since all died, Dick, the last, having died Aug. 11. Frank Fillmore, aged about 20 years, son of Ebenezer Fiilmore, of Long Lake, was iillcd while engaged in repairing the flume of Ransom's mili, near Trayerse City. The timber pavcd in, crushing his head and shoulders. He vas taken out dead. Hls brother Etmnet, at work with him, escaped with slight injuries. The Dutch Reformed church at Cooprsville was burned to the ground a few mornngs aeo. The building was not yet completed nd the society was divided upon the question f building thí-re and considerable iil-feelmg was engendered. When the fire was diseovcred t was burning in several different place3 and as plainly the work of an incendiar}'. The Frankfort Express, having been taken to task for sayiag that Frankfort bas a large number of "surplus cMIdren," espíales that thie has been a very wet season, producing all kinds of surpluses. But this attempt by the editor to ehoulder off his own errors upon the weather bureau is altogethcr too thin. The twenty-fourth pardon of the year was granted a few days ago. The prisoner who received executive clemency was Willjam Damogth, sent from Barry County Fehruary 9, 1888, to three vears in State Prison for ing and entering a shop in the uight, time." ' Daoionth has been in the hospital at the prison for some rnonths and is in tiie luit 6tages of consurnption. The encampnient of state troops at land Lake, near Brightcn, is at an end, thq otable spcetacles of the concluding day being grand reyiew of the brigade by the governor nd his staff and a well-mauaged sham battle, en. Withington has resigued his command of he brigade and Co). Smith of the 2d regiment las been appointed in bis place, the change to ke effect in October. Edward Cotter pnd a companion, of ba, Lapeer ecunty, both being drunk, attcmpted to enter the house of Mrs. Storer, a respectable wouaan of Lapeer. After warning ihcm away several times, the woman fired through the door, and the ball entering Cotter'e body, just above the collar boue, ranged dowmvard through theright lung. Hischauces of recovcry are very 6liai. 11. J. Baker, a prosperous farmer who lives five miles northeast of Greenville had thrce cows poisoned with paris green recently two of them since died. üu investigat ion there was fouad salt and paris green m'.xed in sevural places in the lot where the cows pastured. Mr. Baker thinks that the cowardly act was done by some unfriendly person, The West Bay Cióy water works are threatened with ruin from a singular cause. The pipes take water from near Gage & Co. 's salt block, erected siuce the pipe1! were laid. The water lately has had a aoltj fiiYor, and it is found that the hydraut valves and the ron pipts are rusting ha,dly. This Is duo to the escape of brlnc from the Gage well. As a emedy it is proposed to move th? inlet pipj tome distance. The last rail connecting the Grand Truuk extensión with the otherroads at South Lyous, was laid the other afternoon. joy n as expressed by the citlzens and a grand eupper was given in the grove to the men cf the tracklayer's gang, as well as to the graders i of the Air Line road who are now fiüisliiug thelr work at that place. The ladies of that place and vicinity arrainged the feast, and it did them ereat credit. Mrs. George M. Harrison wiites to the Paw Paw True Northerner that she was partly paralyzed before she was shoeked by a stroke of lightning about three weeks ago On recovering f rom the shock her symptomsof paralysis werc goae, and she has sincj been better than she had previoutly been for months. Though she wouhl not care to risk it again, it possible that another stroke oí lightnine woi ld cure her completely, if it failed to kill. Krs. David Haijrahan of Corunna, sceing a storm coming on, sought to drive several Httie pigs under shelter, when she was attacked by the sovr an? injured in a terrible inanner. Her shoulder was broken and she was sevorely bruised about the hips. The infuriated beast would probably have killed her if it had not been for a dog which led an attack, and thus diverted its attention from Mrs. Hanrahan uotil her daughters, who had hord her cries, carne to the rescue and got her into the house. Wm. G. Garward of Cleveland, Ohio, a white man, marricd a eolored girl at LfXiDgton aboat a week ago, and when the faet became generally known a gang of men wel supplled with tar anti fcathers surrouixled bim and torced b'm to strip naked, when they completely coated him with tar and feathere, after which they ti-eated him to a rail ride and stoned him out of town. He isa flrst class painter, and a nice appeariug man and ver} geütlemanly, but is knowu to have a wife living. The normal school, umler the supervisión of the Hon. Edwin Willets, the tam principal, is undergoing a general overhauline Thegrounds have all been graded, and a uumber of the trees have been trlmmed and thinned out, and the building has been paintcd outside a lieht drab with dark trimmings. The inside of the house has been fixed up. The woodwork has been grained a light oak, the walls and ceilings calnimined, and workmen are now busy frescoing and decorating tli chapel Oíd studente wiU hardly know th interior when they return to school. Mr. Georgc T. Clark of Muskegon i examining aud having analyzed the water o thevarious wcllsin that city. He flnds th water oí most wells unQt for use, and som daogerous to lite. Three deaths from typhoi fever have been traced direetly to oue well ; an a prominent citizen, whose broken health ha causcd an order Trom hls physician to trave Ín Search of health, owes his prostratton to bi well. Muskegon needs a thorough system o water [works, taking water from some pur souree which will always remain secure from contamination. Young meiiiu search of an iudustrious wife will do well to read the following from the Charlotte Leader: "A young lady living tno miles from this towD, weiguing 116 lbs, aud only 17 years of age. arises at 5 a. m. and rnilks eight cows, helps her mother get breakfast, takes the team and cardes the milk of 33 cows to the cheese factory,twó miles distant, and brings baek a load of whey; then hitches the team to the machine, or rake, as the occasion rcquires ; does all the mowing, reaping and rakinj; on the farm of 300 acres; at the close of each daj 's work she milk6 the cows, assiste hr mother in finishing the housework and retires at 9 p. m. Besidee this, she kecps the book of the farm, is fair looking and intelligent. Gen. Orlando M. Poe's report of the improvement of the rivers and harbors of Michigan has just been made public. Vp to date $335,000 have been appropriatcd to the improvement of Detroit river, and the amouut required for the completion of the work is $237,000. As to Clinton river, Gen. Poe says a considerable sum has already been expended to improve tlie entrance iutn that river, but with no favorable result. He believes thiseftn only be accompjished at sreat cost, and questions whether the objeets to be attained are of suffieient importance to warrant such expenditure. He reporta progress on all otbtr rivera aidharborsin the state, and makes sensible recommendations for the more speedy aceomplishuient of the work. Last June Elmer Hinebaugh, an Eckiord lad, was eent tq the {onia house of correc'-ion for cruelty to animáis. About four weeks ago he escaped, and nothingwas heard f:-om him until officer John Bean, who has beea quietly investigating the c'.ues, arrested hita at Coral a few days ago and took biin aga to that iustitution. There was considerable surprise expressed by officials at the Mine of his escape that he got out of the county so readily, wcarlng the prioon regalia, but when retuken he explaiued the operation. A farmer uorth of Ionia gave him aaother suit ia exchange for the prison clothes, and he was thus enabied to travel without exciting suspicion. Tliere is doubtless trouble ahead for the farmer who ass's.ed him to efcape. Eugene Hamilton, passenger conductor on the Grand Rapids and Indiana road, who Hves in Grand Rapids has severa} times recently been annoyed by tramps or burglars trying to enter the house when he was absent. The other night 7r. Hainilton rernained at home and armed with a navy revolver took position behind the kitchen door, where he could command a view of the doors and Windows and waited for the annoyance to be repeated. About midnlght he feil asleep, and his wife hearing a noise at the kitchen window, rose and went out there. Mr. Hamilton woke suddenl? and sot.iug the form oí hia wife supposed it was that of a burglar and nreü, tbc ball btiikingovir the eye, glancirg around, and coming out over the righi ear. Mrs. Hamilton is in a eriti".al condition, but may recover. Can repairers of a telegraph line cut and 6lash trees, either timber, shade or fruit, wheneverin their judgment wirss are nterfered withï Thisquestion is likely to bu set,led in cases brougbt in Lrnawee county for wanton and reckltss slaphing of beautifu] hade trees at lludson cemetery hy cmploves Qf the line. In Adriau, whenever these comauies see fit, they have slashed off big limbs qf fine trees oí a quaf t"r of a cetf ury's caie n he part of owners, and have paid no heed to the proteste of the pcople. Oue suik at Hudson las resuited In (onvietion and a fine of $100, and anothcr is on trial before a justice there. Phe parties are also under arrest and held for rial in the Circuit Court. The Lakc Shore Coinpany plaated ten or tvvelve ycars ago tre on both sldes of the track. In uuay cases the trees have reached the hight of the wires, but the vaüdals promptly c!J) off the tops, and lt sfeared the eompany wlll order the entire lot of nice trees cut down. A Sad Accident. A sad and fatal accident occurred at Brightton, the flrst dav of the encampment of the M. S. T., which cast a gloom over the v hole camp. In the evening a party from the Flint Blues (company A, third regiment,) wentto Brighton. One of their nuinber was Wiley Randolph, a private, who is a cigarmaker at Flint. After spending some time around the village, he In some way became separated from his companione, who rcturned to camp withouthim, thinking he had gone ahead of them. He was not missed untll roll cali in the morning, shorüy after which a dispatch was received from one of the railroad officials by Quai termaster General Shakespeare that an unknown man dressed in a soldiar's uniform had been found on the track about one mile west of Bnghton dead and cut in two by the cars. Surgeon Mills and a squad of men went out and identifled the dead boy. The body had been horribly mangled, the head neing smashed all out of thipe, and the body lifcrally haeked to pieces. Candidates lor I'riixit:. Cadillac News. A horrible occurrence took place on Simpson Street last Sunday, by which Master Eddie Drury, aged 5 ycars, came near being instantly killed, and is at best seriously mangled and perhaps permunently disflgured. As a practical joke two boys persuaded young Drury into the adjoining yard and had him stand over acan of gunpowdcr which they r ad placed in the ground. While he was in that position and wondering what ihey were doing they explod cd this de6truciive mine into whieh they had purposely entrappcd him, by igniting it, rtlling his face and body with sand, so that it seemet almost marvelous that he should have survivec the shock. By eareful treatment and attention the fears of fatal results have been averted and Eddie is spared to his fond and loving parents who on that day were mourning the death of an Infant daughter that had just d parted this life. The boys who concocted th explosión are more than twlee as old as Eddl and general contempt but feebly expresses th feeling of the communlty toward the.-n. On of them If we mtstake not Is already record'e as belng an accomplice In binding and mutila tinjtanotherlad in the woods idjoining th eemetery grouads a few months ago. Tlie Copper Ontpnti The following shows the monthly yield (i mineral) of eachof the reporllng mines of Por tage Lake and Keweenaw Districts fr the eev en months ended July 31, 18S3: Calumrt Hecla J L? 9gg -i 1,65? ?65 AtlanMc iiig e? Franklin f? ,2 Aiiouez ;;; ]- Pewabic 47fi ,H Península ".'"""y. 340 ' Grand Portaee pss 1 iya Hancock...... SÍ }'2?í Wolverine SS, rS, Phoenlx .' ; J'fflo Copper Falla '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 297 885 Lotal ,....18,437 1,855 The six lead(ns minea in the aboTe Hat show a pfoduct for the seven months of this year of 8,882 tons, 9S9 pounds, aeainst 16,600 tons, S68 pounds for the correiponding perlod in A.ylniu lor In.ane ( rJmiiiMl a_ loula. Exchange. The board of cowectlona and charities has selected Gordon W. Lloyd, of Detroit, to prepare plans and specifleations for the asylum to be erected "adjacent to the state house of correction and reformatory at Tonia." for the treatinent of insane crimináis. The exact site for thÍ3 asylum has not yet eenchosen. The board of oorrections and larities, accompaniedby the governor, and adsed by the managers of the state house of corection, the wardens and superintendent of sylums of the state, have viewed the grounds t Ionia without making a decisión on the mater of iocating the proposed asylum. That uestion wfll be decided af ter a conference with ie architect Recently Mr. Lloyd and Dr. Van usen have looked over the grounde and a reference was expressed by the architect for site eouth of the prison walls, overlookibg the line of the Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee railway, and the highway leading from Ionia into the town of Eaton. The next pref erence to thte site is on the north side of the wal 1 on the reservoir hill, OVerlookiug the De;roil, Lansing fè Northern railroad. Mr. Lloyd will prepare his plans after a visit o Aubtiru, N. Y., and other asylums, wherehe will go for the advantage of sueh suggeslions as experience there affords. If the architect's plans are submitted in time and the site of the asylum selected soon, the oard of managers of the state house of corretion will procecd yet this season with the work. Those managers are Hons. A. H. Piper and John Heffrt-]. of Detroit, and Hon. Geo. H. I Stephejson, of St. Johne. The inmates of the Keforma'xn-y havirg a car or mo.'e to scvve, to i,he numbcr of neary 200, have been working at shoe uifk'ng for ! C. H. Fargo & Co. of Chicago, at foriy cents a I day,withfour,or choremen frec to every ! 00 meu or fraction of that numbcr. This is under a contract made with the Siate by the J hen warden, John J. Grafton, September 17, 878. The contiact will expire January 1 next, and the present warden, D. li. Waters, has ciuly j advertised that labor to let. The pvoposals for latwr closed July 17, and opened. iu the presence of the Board of Manageru July IS. Messrs. Fargo & Co. bid I brty-five and a half cents, and subsequently at different limes raised their bid to fifty-flve cents. Ou Saturday last the Warden, advised bj the , Joard oL Managers, deterinined to notcontraot kis labor, but.toemploy it ior and in the name Of the State. Tuis is, done in. deferenea to a popular ' n.anrt that the contract Byetem be nbolished, j ' and the State make all there Is to hz made out ! of thls labor, instead of the contractors. This will be an experiment in pri oq i ment in Michigan, and if surcesiful will : uaps lead to legislation at the next session of he Legislature looklag to the abolishmeat of be ontract systeni froin both the States ' ous. It is hardlj to be expected that the first ' year will be mach of an advntage to the 8: ate ' Treasury. On the contrary, the flrst ou'-lay for stock and machinery will be io itB ; yantage. Butif the venture is n suecess 1 ually, a policy will soou be established that i Will inaHe the prison a source of public revenue and poiBibly with some flnaneial benefits to the pneouers themselves. If it is a failure, it will I . bí at least an important oontribution to the subject of prison muuagtment, worth the cost. It li not believed that the State will make lees by employing the labor itself than it is now eetting or is offered. DETROIT MARKETS. Detroit, Aug. 14, 1883. Wheat- The actual dealings in wheat for the past. weck have been much larger than usual. The market is remarkably steady at, the followicg prtces: No. t, white, $1 12@ 1 12 V; No. a white, 1 03@l 03%: No. 2, red, t! ni@i ia. Flook- The local demaad for flour is actiTe and there is considerable inquiry for quantitlcs t chio to points on the shore of LaktHuron. Jobbing rates remaln unchanjed at the followiag quotations: Mich white wheat, low grades $3 50g4 00 Mich white wheat, common i 75 Mtch white wheat, cholee 5 OOfti Mich white wheat, roller procese. . . 5 50@5 75 Mich white wheat, patents 6 50@6 75 Iinn. bakers' 6 00@6 '5 Minn. patents 7 50@8 00 Kye @i 00 Fed- There is little or none to be had, and prices are unsettled. Coarse feed is nominal at $13 13 50; flne mUdlings, $16@17. CoN - The market 16 qulet and without esaentlal change. The eupply is fully equal U ihe demand. Prices range from 52 to 56 cente Oats- Steady at 50 to 54 cents. Protiions - Detroit mess pork, $12@15 50: famüy pork, $17@17 50; clear pork, $1850@19; lrd, in tcs. 8%C9c: in balf bbls., 9%@9%.-: i palle, 10W@11e; name, 14c;shon]dcrB. 9(S9Ve: driedbeef, 17}(18c; bacon, ll%@13c; m beef, $12@12 50. LITB STOCK. Cattlb - Tho cattle market is dull, al though tbn ruD of stock was quite jood. Price declined 15@20c from last weeks's rates on al fïecpt 6tockers, which remalned abou the same, ranging as follows: Extra steere, ti 75@5 25: eood to clioice $4 IQ&i 75; Rood butchers' 13 75(34 25; medium, 13 50@3 75: eommon, $3 25 @ 3 50, etockerf., f3 50@3 85. Hoos - Market Tery dull. Yorkers, good t choice, $6 25' 35: ligbt, Í6 10@6 16; gooi to medium and hcay j, dull at $5 50@5 65 ; n pifs on tie. SHEBP-Receipta light; marketdull and lower , quotably fair to good western, $4 35@4 ; choice to fancy,$5 85@5 65. ' Clover Seed, bu 7 m m, o o Dried Apples, 3t g & %U as&::::::: si í Potatoes, om -# bu::::::::::: 25 @ 50 Potatoes, nevr, "# bbl 1 65 @ 1 75 goney jg g Beans, plcKed 2 10 2 15 Beans, unpicked 1 00 @ 1 50 ay 9 0014 00 Straw 10) @ 7 5o


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