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Mr. John Keek has gone east to New York, Philadelphia and Boston, and while absent will parchase a large stock of Carpets, Mats and Rugs, which line of goods he will hereafter keep in connection with his Furniture store at Nos. 58 and 60 Main Street. Look for advertisemetit soon. T) EPORT OF THE CONDITION - OF THE- mm & mecíais' wi AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At ilic close oí' Business July 2, 1883. Made In accordance wlth the General Banking Law of Michigan. KESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $ 72,581 50 Overdrafts 70 47 Une from Banks and Bankers 28,680 68 Revenue Stamps 1!) 00 Furniture and Flxtures 3,473 16 Expenses _.. 1,060 22 Bonds, U.S. 4 per cents 1,400 00 Premiums Pafd 287 2-5 Cash on hand 9,8tiO 86 $117,203 20 LIABILITlES. Capital Stock $ 50.000 00 Due Deposttors 65,154 82 Discount, Interest and Exchange .... 2,048 38 Í117.203 20 I do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my kuowledge and belief. William A. Tolciiard, Cashler. Snbscrlbed and sworii to before me, this Thlrd day of July, 1883. ¦ Wm. w. Whedos, Notary Public. Yital Questions ! ! Ask the most eminent physician Of any school, what is the best thing in the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves, and curing all forms ot nervous complaints, giving natural, chikllike refreshing sleep always? And they will teil you unhesitatingly "Some form of Hops!" CHAPTEU I. Ask auy or all of the most eminent physicians : " What is the best and only remedy that can be relied on to cure all diseases of the kidneys and „urinary organs; such as Bright's disease, diabetes, retention or inabilitv to retaln urine, and all the diseases and ailments peculiar to Women" - "And they will teil you explicitly and emphatically, ' liucliu.' '' Ask the same physleians " What is the most reliable and surest cure for all liyer diseases ordyspepsia.coustipatiou, indiiïestiou biliousness, inalarial fevcr, ague, etc," and they will teil you : Mandrake ! or Dandelion ! Henee, wlien tliese remedies are combined witli others equally valuable A compounded into Hop Bitters' sucli a wonderful andmysterioiis-cmative power is developed which is so varied in its operations tliat no disease or ill health can dossibly exist or resist its power, and yet it is Harmloss for the most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest cliild to use. CHAPTKR II, H Patientg "Almost dead or uearly dylng" For years, and given up by physicians of Brifrht'sandotlier kiduey diseases, liver complaints, severecoughscalled consump tion, have been etired. Women gone neaiiy crazy ! From agony ot' neuralgia, nervousness, wakefulness and various diseises peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from excruciating pangs of llheiimntisin, Inflamuiutory and chronic, orsufluring from scrofula! Erysipelas ! Salt rheum, blood poisoning, dyspepsia, indigestión, and in fact almost all diseases frail nature 8 heir to, have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which can be found in every neighborhood in the kuown world.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News