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uriCIIIOAN CENTRAL BAU,ROAD. - MAH V" ¦ f.Hn_eet June lOth.1883. _$ 4 ñññto kast. : B STATIONS 5tö Sl Ir A.mJp.M. ' P.M. P.M. P.M. ¦ aguo -gI8SSiS SS-Í8S SSV lliim.uond jj j } Sra ilw!f 1O4811W IG Poner Sí' nu 7 (X) 1127 12 35 0 68 Mu 1'hreeOaks 1 jS a.m. M feIV i Mlf.T.p Decautor [ 27 3 IS V Mattawan 9 ,J g A-M' 3 53 U i 11 Ostemo J f" 1 w 7 10 2 05 Kalamazoo f 7 28 AuKUSta } 23ü "w 7&S 2 4fl 4 37 9 40 S ilhion'0 1 í 3 41 -- 8 50 3 20 5 25 JacksonJunct. 8 IS" I as 5 I Wayno 6 W Jou 8 3lt.M. H ter" n t lB8g" '8an 1W --- WWWWTTÏ g.= cdh gS gv gg =2 =3 ¦ STATIONS. 5S P3 ?= EP E L.g -; I 3 " amUmI'MPMI'M PM PM 1 iDcarborn ' j 5 fanction 10 44 7 r 00 0 05 H 01 I jrionton' a 11 ÍB 7 25 5 25 9 : 11 38 S 2. iK'or SÜS J2 5 42 ,50.152 ter gsssa ÏChelsca j 83, ksííS. f S6BUC0 ÏSiA" o f0 g Sg , ]5 11 S 1 % o w I ¦ I ckson 10 40 " w 7 In ¦ Pnrma ]" , 10 ew 8 00 12 1" 1 -12 ¦ Alblon 11 " lu K? 8 r; 1: ... ¦ Marengo ,„ Í 1 a) ?r A Ml „ ¦ Marshall }J 150 3 27 ia 2 ¦Ceraaoo !?, 2 15 C5 8 55 1 OS 2 27 1 .28 I ¦ aattle Croek U a 2 15 __ j ¦ Augusta 1"3 aM 9 8S 1 ,,,-1 ¦ Cliilesburg 1 W .„''m ij 55 2 05, 8 07 12 U I Hlialaiuaïoo ï Si 5 21 Hostcnio I 232 ¦ Mattnwan 3 04 2 41 pfe. 1 ïs 4; Heliilíanuiiy j ¦ ïjK 5 3 5 60 C 4' orter í il S 15 14 li 11 C US nllestpn 30 L 6 37 Iarnniond r 3n - w 10 05 ' 5 ga88 "iftl filáis! -" püliEDO. ANN AKBOK & G. T. 11. K. COLUMBU3 TIME. Turougli time table In effect June 10, 1S. 3O1XGNORTH. GOIXG BOÜTH I 'JÉ STATIONS. I ó! I 8 " Alexis Jcfn 8 4.-; " 6 01 t; ík " '.I 29 " Monroe .Icfn ' '. 10 t : 6 14 " 'J -10 " Dundee 'J 0U " 4 ÍS I 2S " 'J 51 " Azailla 8 60 " fV 6 44 1 ík; '¦ Milán W " 8 60 B ;.'¦ ¦¦ 111 19 " Urania 8 ai ! -, 06 ¦ 10 25 ' , l'ittsiield s ijs , JB 7 1T " 10 8.) " lAr Ann Arbur l.v : .m ¦ ! S (I) " II ai " Ar South i_yon 1V I 20 " 2 40 8SÍ" 11 .Vi " Arliowell DÍiN'1-.v V PM 2(11 y lu " . 1 151' m l,ansing ''' 1" " 1' ¦ II o. :uu " , [pata ; an iioo ISaiUJI 5(H " Kilmure 1 g ¦ 9 00 6 4(1 " BlK HapIs 1 OU " : 7 Ín BaO" 4 4."." HowanH'ity 65 " 120 1; .1 ¦ retoskey G :t & I 8 aOAM s 0 " Maelnaw City 7 60 " Connection!: At Toledo, with callroads (Hvorütnir at Manhattan Junction, ivitli Whecllng .; Lake Krli R. R.; at Alexis Jum-tinn, with M.C. K. B., U S. & M s ltj. and V. 4 1' M. 11. B,;at Monroe Junotlon,wltti L. S.' .t M. tf. Hy. : at Dundee, wlth ,. B. & M. S. lív. atAIilan with Wabasb, St. I-iOUis & l'aoiüc Ry.j at 1'ittstieUl. til L. S. !i M. S. Ry.; at Aun Avhi.r, v.iti, Michigan Central lt. K., nd at Bouth Lyon with Detroit, Lansint; 4V Northern K. lí. 11. W. ASHLKY, General SllDt. y. II. BKXXETT, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Detroit, Mackinac fc Marquctte 1{. R. June 10, 18S3. Pioneer East and WestLinc throufih tlie l'ppei Península oí Michigan. 24O Mileii Slioi-i,.i. between all eattora :uu. norttiwcstt'rn polBta vía Detroit and 311 Miles Shortervia Port Hurón to and frolu Montreal and all points in Canada, tlmu via any other route. ' EAST. WEST. -. 1 STATIONS. I EXP. ACC'M. lACC'M. EXP. 9.00 pm S.iiílani L Marquette Ai 5.50pm 7.UU ani X12" ll."3 " Onoto L83 " 5.45 '¦ J.3T " 10.W " a 11 Train tUO " 18 " .22" 11.25" jiuuiinie 11.18 4.:í; ¦' l.lóam 1.15" Siney 1JB " .'.:¦" 1.ÚS " 2.16 " MoMillan 12.:U 1.53 " 2.20" 2.4U " Dollarville 12.10 " 13 " 2.2o " 2.50 " .Newberry ll.'iOara l.-'i " Ti.4") ' o.'jj ¦¦ gt. IsñaM I 8.50 " 110.00 pm 5.1IU pni 136 ata 'hav c'lty' HO.Oóiim 1.40 pm .4 " si.22 " i Ijapcer Junct 7.3 ll.liiiim 11.20 " 10.S " p,,,, Hur.n. 4.2J 1JÓ " &.: h 1 gM .. Saglnaw City 8.50 " 11. tii " SIS - 10.45 " rÁnSblg 5.55 v 8.10 ' !U'i " la.üópml Jackson 4.35 " ¦ 0.13 " ILliiin Detroit 6.20 pa) 'J.10 " Via Q. lt. i I. II. K. 1.2.) pm fi.lOani Grand Rápida Ül.OOpm 10.2n;pm 2.4" 4.4:1" ¦ Howard ( ity 12.40am " 180" 1.00" FortWayne ht.lápiB 3.10" 6J0" d.05 " l.ansins I '.1.40 " H " 11.15 " I Detroit 1.1 SM " Ö.4.") " Connectiorjs are mude at St. Ignac with. The Michigan Central ttaitroad l'or Detroit and all joints in Hlohlgan, amllntlieonst. southaml south east. 'Irania leaVe Mackinac City 6.:U a. m. and '.i..' p. ni. The Grand Rapids& Indiana Hailroad for Gianr. Itnniils, Fort Wayne. umi ihc'M.iuli and east. Alsi with stKiinu-rs of the Detroit .v Cleveland Stean NavigftttonCompRnyor Port Hurón, Detroit ami ( OTeland, Xc, and with boata of the Northern Bllcnlcaí] J.iuu tor Chicago and MHwaukeo, and with different boat Miles for lake thorepofnts. Connuetions niade ít Marquuttc wuti Toe Marqnette, HmiKhton 4 OntonaBon I{. R. foi tlie Iron, (oíd and Sllver. and Copper District?, une. witli bout linos for Diiluth and the N'orthw st Nteht traína run daily, have Pullman Sleepen M ached . D.MCCOO1., P.MIIjUQA; Hen'l .Superintendent, Getfl Kit kPasa "t Alamuette, Mich. Marquette, Mk-li. ' GET THE BEST F i re Insurance mr $42, 000,000 "inty held for the protsotion of tba pol!c5 bolíers. CHRISTIAN MACK i (.-iirensutu tho followiiiff first-class eomyaI Ao.000,000 Bre loases in sixty years: I Kom, of Hnrtforj . -. .nn ,,„,, . íranklln, Fhl:adelphla...::;..;V ' I'jSS SÍS g I ;.-r.uaii American. N. V „JZZ SOo'ooo 00 I .;ond..n Ajjuranc Corporation li.sooiooo 00 ¦ ..inoiin,, Hartford 1 !mm . v..rlll B.rm.o iIamburg ;;;;;;;; ïj$;.ooo öo i ¦' .¦, hrooklyn 1800 000 I 1 IndwwTltcn Aency, N. Y 4',8Ou!odJ OH 1, .¦? lihPi-.iiy ídjustad ana prompüy paid m iu.d t tho lowtwt ratrs of premium. "¦' '5 VBMItTIAlf JTACK. INSEY A SEABOIr8 BAKERY, GROCERy! FLOTJR & FEED STORE. w keep oonstanUy on hand, Bread, crackers, cakes, etc.J ÏORWHOLISALi AND RBTAU.TRADB . We thall alo kep a rapplr of WIKT HKUBBL'S BK3T WH1TK WnBAT KW)Ull. DBLH1 rLOUR, RTB FLOUR BUCKWUBAT Fl,OÜR, COKN MEAU, KKKD, 4o„ ic. i n. ioi ana retan. A general itock of I ttKOCEBIEa A1%1 PKOVISIOKS I conmntiT im hna, which wlll be oíd on as ce jon ( bl mmi, , t nj othor houo Ín toe cltT. onermU '" "" Bu""' Kn nd tJountrj Proano. j "utt"l?ra't.1r'"Terl " '"17 PBrt ' th clty wlUl"Í "¦ RIN8ET & SKABOLT


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News