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BlfflESSCARDS. WILLIAM BIGGS, BÜILDER. HOP: [OBNEH CHL'BCH AND ORLEANS ST. ABO Ar 'oor. W. H. JACKSON, DENTIT, IIFF1CE: Over Bach & Abel's üntraoca by Vml National Enk, WILLIAM HERZ House Sign. ornamental auFRESCO PAINTER. .. PsDermg. Glailng. Güdnc, nd CMtadBi' au'" ort of every decr!pt!un dODo In the bi st?"ina watranted to sive Btllf nct'on . 8HOP,NO.4WEST WASHIX1TON ST Aon Arbur. Mlor.Utan. ¦ 8üt' "CTSCHAEBERLÊ, Residence, 57 Soutli Muin Streel. TEACHEU OF Piano, Violin and Theory of Music. iDStructions given ou plan of the Royal ConBerratory of Music at Leipsic, Saxony. FKËD BAÍ1FOKD & CO., FRESCO ARTISTS. Dealers ia Fine Wall Papers, Leather Papers, LINCRUSTA, Paper Ceiling, Dt-corations, Store Shades, Decorativa Picture Mouldings and Centres. Estimates givun and designs submitted for Frescoiiig and Paper Decoratious. 255Jefterson Are., DETROIT, Mich. 1KIVTISX!K Ua RamoTSd To Hti NEW DENTAL ROOMS Orr Jo T. Jmeib' 6gtf RLL KINDS OF BUNKS PRINTfiD O' SHOi.T XOTICE AT THE COUR IER JOB ROOMS. Book-ii'.xltn--r qiiickly lf.eand allpi'oi'iiiii-. iiiviisiiins, umi cnrd intefully UI i II Wil. The Practical TAÏLOU & CUTTEE, Of the late flnn of WIN'SAN'S & BEURY, has lo cated hls plae of business at No. 7 HU RON HTliEET, Wlth n full line of SUITIJÍGS AM) TROUSERINGS, nd would 5nj to hU old irlends and ner nne thit If they want aGootl Kit and :i Nobby Int t Keasonable filces, cali on . hlm ana they wlll be ure to et one. DEA!!, GODFREY & GO., ï PAIUTEnS, - A.ND CECOEATORS, ' 107 Jfc 10B Grliruold 8t., Detroit. fine Paper ïlangings. Eiegant Ceillng üccoratlons. Fine Frlezes In all Wldths. House Shades and Hollers. A lare variety of room mouldlng and hoüks. FRESCO PAINTIUG. We make a spcclalty of 3tore Shades and wo wil) farnlsh entimates and samples of colore on applicaUon. 81u.ds fltted to roll trom top or bottom of the wimlow on Stationery or Traveling rollers. Wlll farnish Opaquo shadlng to the trnde cut to measi Winans & Stafford -FINE- Custom Tailors. . WO. 19 Main St, _OUR- Fall and Winter Stock is very elegant and 1 plete. Prices as reasonaable as consistent with the high grade oíworkïnanship. 111] tf% P pcople are alway s on the look mMITL""1 '' ' chancea '" increasc ¦H P ""'ir earntngs, and in time bef ¦ I gj come wraltu;; tliose who do "uot improve thelr opportunitics remaln In poverty. We oSer a great cliauee to make money. We want many men, women. boys and girle to work ior us rightintheir own localities. Any one can do the work properly irom the flrst ftart. The busluess will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expi-usive outat íurnished free. No one who engage3 iails to make money rapidly. Tou can devote your whole time to the work, or only your epare motnents. Full Information aud all MjÉtUMmkil ir-' '"¦¦ '¦'¦'-- girssoN &


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