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GRAND QPERA HOUSE, ONE Mi.ll-r OïïlT Wednesday Oct. 24th, '83, PAT ROONEY'S NEW YORK STAR COMBINATION. Comprlsing the fluest artlst in the pro fession, headed by the great and oiily PAT BOOIIf I v Accompauied by IThe wonderful Egyptian Juggler. ofTtheoí!re71ile.P,osturers and Contortionists Thi , ,d; Rlchar1 Rwe and Harry Athol. Tnat ?.rtflnInent w111 conclude Topack SnníT'i8 la"8hable afterpiece in one sccne, entltled Innkeeper and the Monkey. Full Brasa band and Örchestra. Prlces as usual. Admlssion 75, 50 and 35 Cents. No extra SÜiTLectire Association ! The opening leeture In the conrse of lgS3-'84, will be dellvered by HOI, I. W. VQORHEES, United States Senator, frora Indiana, FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 26. SITBJKOT: THOMASJËFFERSON ADMISSION 50 CENTS. Roserved seats can be seeured wltliout extra charge at Qeo. Osius & Co's book store and at Qeo. Moore's book store. The boards wlll openon Wednesday morning, Oct. 21, at 7:30. OTERAHOTJSE, Friday & Saturday.Oct. 19 & 20 EVERTBODY'S FAVORITE. I1TT ïi ÍÍÍÉ as JACQUINE, Supported by Mr. Chas. 8. Ko-crs. and a superb company. In Gayler's comedy drama entitled JACQTJINE PASTE AND Dl MOXDS. MISS VICKERS will introduce her faraous specialties Lonlse, the i.mnn Flower '' ïi retty as a Picture, and a cholee , medley of tlie latcst production. Admlsston, 35 and 50 cents. Reserved seats ' 75 cents, to be had at Bliss & Sou's Jewelry Store without extra charue. 1 Miss Viekers is possessed of a handsome, expressive face, an attractive figure, and a cultivated pleasant voice; slio combines with these advantages, au ability in the line of legitímate ncting wliicli renders her performances extremely enjoyable.- Hufl'alo Courier. taken possession of my planing mili again, I am prepared to do planing, scrol sawing, inoulding, sash, doors and blinds, and all work in my line, would be pleased to see all of my old customers and matiy new ones. II. IvRArF, 1162-C5 Detroit Street. The Appleton's Cyclopedia which we advertise in another column, is a library of information riot simply valuable but necessary to any one who reads, speaks, writes or thiuks on important questions. Iu many respects it is the best one Americans can consult, and it certainly is a comfort to be able to have t at hand ready for consultation at any time. Good Carpenters wanted at 19 Orlean street. Box 1243. The Armory Hall Academy of Dancing for 1883-84 has an opening social on Friday eveninr, Oct. 5th, 1883. The class in dancing for ladies and gentlemen begins on Friday evening, Oct. 12, at 7 p. it. K. Granger, Manager. Ladies. beware of iraitattons. The great popularlty of Ball's Health Preserving Coraets or Ball's Corsets with colled spring elastic sectlons hos induced certain unprlnclpled dealers to palm off on their unsuspecting customers a worthless lmltatlou for the genui ne artlcle. We have begun prosecutlons for 1 rui Ml and damagea aguinst several dealers lor thls practlce, and shall do the same with others as fust. as we get evidence of thls practice. The genoine artlcle can not be sold at retall for lesa than $1.25, and any one who advertisea or aells for less than that price, It Js safe to presume are offerlng a fraudulent artlcle. Any lady who purchases oue of the genalne corsets can return it after two or three weeks' wear if not satlsfted with It in every respect, aud the pi Ice paid for It wlll be refunded. CLEARING OUT SALE of a large assortment of Harey Flowerinjr MhruliH. at one fourth their value, at TOMS'S GREENHOUSE, MUler Avenue, Ann Arbor. Also a large assortment of Hardjr Flower Koot m The fall being far the beat season lor such remováis. Yours truly, 1182-üó JAMES TO1IS. OSCAR O. SORG, OFFERS PAINTS, OIL, LEAD, and WINDOWCLASS III Kil ril ASIY OTHRK I'AIM KR IK THE CITY. GO S. IMIIIfcT ST. UtB-65 M ISK STORE, % 1162-121)0 FAM FOR SALE 80 ACRES, C7 acres tl mber) three miles from Ypsilantl. Uood buildings, orchards, etc. TERMS VERY REASÜNABLE ! Call on, or address WARREN WOOLSEY, - AT- PAR8OX imids. Factory, Vpallantl. U4B-M Itchin? Files- Symptoms and Care. The symptoms are rnoisture like perspiration, intense ltchlnjr, increased by pcratching, very distressini, particularly at nijïht, sceins as If pin-worms were crawling in and about the rectum; the private parts are sometimes affected. If llowed to continue serious results may follow. "Swayne's Ointment'1 is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for tetter, itcli, salt rkeum, scald heatl, erysipelas, barbera' itcli, blotclies, all scaly, crusty skin diseases. Sent by mail for 50 cents; 3 boxes for $1.2.i, (in stamps). Address, Dr. Swavne & Son, Philmlelphla, Pu. Sohl


Ann Arbor Courier
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