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WHO IS UNACOUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHV OF THIS COUMTRY, Wil.L SEE BY EXAfllfilNO THIS MAP, THAT THE j i. iii ¦ ¦ j--TTy"7rrg Ohigago, Rock I3l.and & Pacific Ry, Bolng tlie Crcat Central Line, aifoMo to travelers, by reao9 of lts unrivalsd geographical position, the shortcst and bost route between the East, Northeast and Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Gouthweot. It Is üterally and strictly trua, that lts conncctiono are all of tho principal linea of road betweer. the Atlantic and the Pacific. By lts main line and branches it raadlos Chicago, Jollot, Peoría, Ottawa, La Sallo, Ceneseo, Wollna and Rock Islanc!, In Illinois; Davenpo-t, Muscatlne, Washington, Keokuk, Knoxvllle, Oskaloosa, Falrfleld, Des MoineD, West Liberty, lowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harían, Guthrie Center and Council Bluffs, In lowa ; Gallatln, Trenton, Cameron und Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaveti" worth and Atchlson In Kansas, and the hundreds cf cltlea, vlllages and towns Intermedíate. The "GREAT ÜOC& ISLAIMD ROUTE," Aa It Is famillarly called, offers to travelors all the advr.ntageó and comforts Incident to a smooth track, safe bridges, Union Oopots at all connectine; points, Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOU&, WELL VE1MTILATED, WELt HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELECANT DAY COACHES; a line of the MOST MACNIFICENT HORTON RECLININC CHAIR CA..S c r built ; PULLMAN'S latsst designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPINC CAttS, and DININC CARS that are aeknowledged by presa and people to be the F1NEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In whloh superior mealf re served to travelers at the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. THREE TRAiNS each way between CHICAGO and ne MISSOURI RIVEK. TWC TRAINS oacl, way betweon CHICACO and M JNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, vla the famous ALBEGIT LEA ROUTE A New ond Direct Line, via Saiieca and Kanltakse, has reeentty boan openod, between Newport News, Rlchmond, Cinclnnatl, Indlancpolis and La Fayotto, and Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Minnoapolia and intermedíate polnts. All Through Passengrs carrled on Fnct Express Trains. For morodetailed information.soo Mnpcand Folders, which may be obtnined,as well as Tickets, at all principal Tlciiet Offices i:i tho United States and Canada, or of R. R. CABLE, E ST. JOHN, Vloe-Pres't & Ccn'l Manager, Cen'l T'k't &. Paes'r As'tt CHÜCACO.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News