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The Common Council

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At tli regular meeting of the cmnmon rouncil last Monday niglit, bilt little was done iside froni hearing various reporte, i smnmary ofwhlch we preseul herewitb. liillstothe aniount of $4(il,:i7 wcre inWuded in the montlily report ot' the coramitteeon linance; $3.V. were allowed to the menibers ot' tlie lire departinent tor lite past year. The report of nicmbershlp n the difieren C companies shows 16 n Protectipn Engine, 18 in Piotection Ilose, ." in Vigilant Engine, 10 in VigilaDt Hote, 2." in Huron Engine and hose, ind 16 In the Hook and Ladder eoinpany. The lntter company did not receive an allowance ai tliis week's meeting. Uuring the inonth of .(anuary amounts M follówí were expended in hehalt of the puor in theditl'erent wards : liirst, $41.84 second, $38.03; third, f8ii.7(i; fonitli, $46.89; (ifth, $t2.28; total, $36S 67. l!y the report of the chief of pólice, J. S. Nowland, for lat-t veai, we flnd ."iT artests have been made. On these the total county charges is !lt2 ;.'f, and the aniount laid recorder is $ÖO.7". Six c:ises cimrged to the coiiniy by Thos. Clarkens were also reported. On those the amonnt clalmed tvas$lft;34 ; anionnt allowed,$18..-4. From the animal report of C. J. Dinheiin, city recorder, for the year endliig Jan. SI, 4, we take the followlng, showag the amoimts paid out of the various tiiiula and the balance in eaoh : From sreneral fund, $4,388,77 ; balance, $1,040,12; trein general street fund, $2,196,08; balance, siufl.fil ; from tiit ward fund. W43.8Í; balance, f;n4i.01; from second ward rond, $1,088,77; balaDce, $128.66; froill third ward fund, l,042,6tf balance, 1311.28; from fourth ward fund, tl. 130,IS: balance, $-J(0.10; fiom flftli ward fund, M80.51 ; balance, $2:G :i7 ; trom sixth ward fund, $1,130,50 ; balallee, $30.59. Dog ax fund collected,$216,M;pald out $nr;.)4, leaving balance SI0O. Unpaid taxes ;oing to delinquent tax fond, $7')8,(i'J; out, $240.00, leavinjr balance overIraft, $887.74 The engine house fund ot i;,00.,(;.r) was baliinced, so also the sixlh ard rngine house fund of $800. From lie contingent fund of $16,34(i,04, $8,817,. ■" were drawn by transfer to other funds te, leurlng balance of $8,028.0. The ota! aniount on band is $12,0!tt),41. Deuctlng from tliis the over draft of $"27 - i, there is a balance of $11,571.87,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News