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She is over-worked, poor ! Proud, honorable, faithful, womaniy, she determined to keep expenses down, and do the work herself. Right ! nobly has she done it, but at terrible cosfc -The sparkle that was in her eye when she was a bride is gone. Her once plump and rosy cheeks are now hollow and colorless. She used to step lightly and gracefully, but nowshe drags one foot after the other with painful weariness. For the. sake of the family she does not. mention her aching back, her acutely-painful.nerves, her rheumatictwinges,herdyspeptictroubles, or the heavy weight she feels in her right side, that tells her her liver is going wrong. She thinks nobody knows about all that, and she will suffer on in quiet and unrepining patience. Alas ! her secret is an open one, for it tells its own tale. Whisper this in her ear, she ought to know it: Madam, Brozan' s Iron Bitters willhealyour back, calmyour nemes, killyour rheumatism,drive ohi your dyspepsia,andccrrcctyour liver Dollar a bottle. Ncarest druggist. DOES (A,r WONDERFUL WUii CURES OF V K'PNEYDISEASES 0) AND A LIVER COWPLAINTS. ""''■i' i4 fis on the 1JVK1!, BOWKLS and K1DNEÏS at the Rnnit time. Because It oleanoc the ystcm of the poinonub humor that develope in Kidney and Urinary Daeases, BüiouBness, Jaundico, ConBtipation. Piles, or in Bneumatiam, Neuralgia Nervous Disorders and all Pemale Complaiat tWSOUD PROOF OF TUIS. IT WTLIi 8UBELT CÜBJI CON8TIPATI0N, PILC8, and RHEUMATISM, By cauaine FRITE ACTION of all ttie orean and functiona, thereby CLEANSINC the BLOOO restoring the normal power to throw off disease , THOUSANDS OF CASES Lf th "ort fprms of these terrible dlneaae havo been qmokly relieved, and in a short time A PBRFECTLY CURED. PRICE, 1. MIJ11D OR DRY, 80LD ï DRI M.ISTS Dry can be ont by mail. WELLS, RICHABDBON & Co.. Burlington, Vt. 3 htud tijmp l„r Diary for lfc.


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