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STATE OF MICHIGAN. To The Circuit Courl for the Vouiity of WashteiKiw, in Ciaitccry : The petition of William C. Stevens, Auditor Geueral of sald State of Michigan, respectully shows that the lists of lamts heretnafter et forth and marked "Kchedule A," cuntaln description of all lands in said county of Vashtenaw, upon which taxes were assessed ir the years mentioned tliereln, and which were retu rned as delinquent for non-pay men t f taxes, and which taxes have not been piiid; (ether with the total amount of such taxes, ith interest eomputed thereon to the time xed for sale as provided by law, and the cost I advertislns and other expenses oí sale of ach of said pareéis of land. Vour petitloner further shows to the court ïat said lands were returned to the Auditor General as delinquent for the non-payment f said taxes for said years respectively, and hat said delinquent returns were made prior 0 the rirst day of July, 1882. Vour petitloner furlher shows that the sald axes on the said described lands have renalned unpald for more thau one year from lie tirst day of July nextafter their return to he Auditor General, and the said taxes not aving been paid, and the sanie belng now ue and remalning uupaid as above set fortli, our petitioner prays a decree in favor of the late of Michigan against each parcel of said uids. lor the pay men tof the several amount 1 taxes. Interest, costs of advertislug, and ther expenses of sale, as eomputed and exended In sald schedule, agalust the several pareels of land contained tliereln, and in deault of payment of ttie said several sutns omputedand extended against said lands, hal each of said pareéis of land inay be sold or theamountsdue thereon as provided by aw. And your petitioner wlll ever pray, etc. WILLIAM C'. STEVENS, Auditor cieneral. SCHEDTTLE .A_1880. CITY OV YPSILANTI. i i e tí S 2 a 5 g & ñ g V 14 of a parcel of land commencing at s e COT of w M of n w ! sec 10, town s n r 7 e, thence w 20 rods, theuce n ÍS rods, t henee e ai rods, thence s li rods. t.51 HM Í .0 !.6ó McCormick'ë Addition to YpsilanH. Town 3 South liange 7 East. ,,it :i. $ .'M $ (86 $ .lil) Si 8 1881. i i i i i t Ï? -j z ■ s h a o h ZYUU -' SouiA o lianje J Kust. Jo acres lying n of R 15 líates lu s e % of s e ' , 12 -.-) ÍI.O í .2 .i 1.9s V. í acres ín s c ! í o r n e !.; boiinded norttl by MiH i'reek, e by Vanoruan's land, s by M C Ti It w bv Jamen PcmlegrasK. 12 13 50 14.02 5.95 .03 1M.17 Town s South oj Rangt i .'.sí. S vf ' Tof n w Y B5 40 6.86 1.85 .60 '.1.31 i Town 4 South o tange 3 Eust, S Wof 8 eííofnt' ,. 24 20 2.52 .W .60 3.K0 Totcni South of Range 4 Kust. e 'i of s e ex 10 acres s slde. 13 30 1.73 .47 .6.1 2.S0 8 sitie ofsc 'í of s c 'i. 13 10 .:Mi .10 -W) LC8 ïbfi 4 SoníA 0 Range ', Kast. V side of w ', of n w .,. 1 85 SUS 8.-10 ftl 40.12 ■ ïnJii ! SowA of Range 6 Kast. ti 40 .73 .30 .80 l.-V; pieceof larui conimencingat a point n llie W Une o( s' 21, 7 chalus and M links s of n w cor of said sec, ruunlnjj tlience e parallel witb in.' d line of said sec, 40 etialns and 50 links to the qunrter line. Tlienre f on said . quarter line 3 ehains and 7ó links, thence w liarallel witli the n line of said sec 4'Jcliaius and 50 links to tue west line of said sec, thence n on Baid w line 'S ehains and 75 liuks to the place of beginning. 21 15 18 2.61 .70 .0 3.01 Toirn t Souti of Range 0 Kaai. Bonnded n by quarter line, w by Huldy and Hpence, s by Uoraath, e by Chesier. s w U. ■Zl 7 5.22 1.41 .0 7.Li Toum i South of Range 0 East. y, acre of e !i o( ff J of s w ií bounded n by Ball, s bv Dillen, e by Johnson, w by st. 31 1 50-100 7.11 1.92 .) 9 63 "-100 acres w y of w % of s w M bonnded n by Gnsertv, e by Ford, s by st. w by town line. "31 SS .85 .23 .60 1.63 Toum 4 South of Range 7 Kast. EKodw li. 25 80 1.82 .4! .60 2.91 25 80 1.83 .49 .60 2.91 Ejí'ne U. 25 80 1.82 .49 .60 2 91 '25 80 1.82 .49 .60 2.91 S w U of n w U. 25 40 .91 .25 .60 1.76 S e 'i " n w ï. 25 40 .91 .25 .HO 1.76 V 30 acres of n 50 acres of n y of n e ü . 26 30 0.49 1.75 .(10 8.84 E 20 acres of n 50 acres of w % of n e % . 26 20 5.11 1.38 .6J 7.09 CITY OF ANK ARBOR. S:'i of Iots7, 8 and 9, bik 6. lying north of a line drawn east and west tbrough the center of bik Os, r6e. 1.4.- 89 60 2 44 LOt 10, bik 7 s of H.St.,rl2e. 5.49 1.48 60 7.57 Lots 1, 2, 2, 4, 5 and 6, bik 7 s of H. St., r 13, e. 11.70 3.18 60 15.54 Und. U of lots 0, 7, 9, 10. 12, l.i, 15 and 16, bik 2 n . r 15 e. 3.30 8(1 0 4.79 Lots 4 and 5, bik ö s, r 2 w. 2.57 89 HO 3.86 Lota 11, 12 and 13. bik 5e, r.lw. 4.50 1.21 1,0 ï :ï t Lot G, bik 5 g, I :. w. 1.28 ;!5 l 2.23 A piece of land bounded e by Wlldt'S land, s by Chubb'M ruad and w to a point and n by ll.'imlin's land. 2 13 58 iü) 3.:il Bills Addition. I.olk 21, 22, SS and 21, bik ;;. 5 49 1.48 60 7.57 IikjuWs Addition. Lot I, bik ■ n, r 15 e. 1.00 27 80 1.87 Lots 4 and 17, bik 3 n, r 15 e. 1.32 30 61) 2.28 Omisby and Paje AcUUtion. Lot 15 and e y, of lot 14, except that part sold to Mrs. VValport, bik 2. 5.94 1.60 60 8.H Lots S and 4, bik B. 3.96 1.07 60 D.ft" ParliUiji Addi'iou. Lot 15, bik 4. 1.01 27 60 1.88 Lot 9, bik, 54 13 60 1.2U í. S. SmWt's Addition. Lots 81, 91 and 95, 9.60 2.59 60 12.79 House and lot bounded e by Forest Ave., s by McDonald's, w by Wood and n by Wood. 16.47 4.45 0 21.52 CITT OK YPSII.AXTI. Original Plat, I,ot 01 and n 3:!-165ths of lot B8. 17.68 4.77 ü'i I3.0E CITY OF YPSILANTI. Jlatfiolomeui's Addition. Lots 65, 67; 08, 71, 72 and 75, 3.94 1.06 60 5.60 Lols KW, 110, 112 and 114, 3.61 !I7 60 5.18 Davls't Addition. Lot 14 and wof lot 13, 3.2 86 60 4.66 N Y, Of lot 22 1.28 ij 60 2.23 Fvllett, Yvugltt and Ilolme's Addition. Lot 606 29.29 7.91 60 37.80 IJuhter's Addilion. Lot 81 1.28 35 00 2.23 Lot 98 3 57 96 60 5.13 Lot 104, except n 1 rods in wldth. 5.3ÍS 1.48 60 7.43 N U Of lot 105, 1.79 48 60 2.87 N lürods iu wldth of lot 235, 1.2S 35 60 2.Z", II. W. Ijxnthre's Addition. Lot as 1.21 88 60 2.14 " .",1 2.70 73 IÍ) 4.04 Mafte Addition. Lot 1 I.8S 3i 60 2.31 "49 and 50, 4.50 1.41 60 6.31 Norrlt and Cross Addition. Lot 293, 15.07 4.07 60 19.74 ü rods In width off s end of lot 301, 305 and 30 1.28 35 60 2.2.') Lot 329, except 22 feet In width and w 16 ft. In width 18.00 4.86 60 23.46 Aorrij, Follett, Joslin and Sklnner's Addition. Lot 540 6.40 1.73 60 8.70 VII.I.AOE OF DKXTEK. Lot 6, bik. 3, 3.76 l.CJ 60 5.38 Villaije of Manchester- O. and M. Addition. Lots 1 and 2, Bik. 2, .78 .21 .60 1,59 Vlllage of Saline. Lot 15, 11 1.05 .45 .60 2.7(1 ' 11, 18 4.47 1.21 .60 0.23


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News