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BREAD AND CAKE J BAKERY. " IAI.I. AT ' 5 H. F. HANGSTERFER & CO'S i POR a ( Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, j Tabts, Boston Cream Püffs, DouaiiNUT?. MacaRooïis, Etc. 8 A. F. HANGSTERFER & CO., = ! ' 3O anl ' Jlnin Slrccl, lig d ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, l CET THE BEST je FIRE INSURANCE!'; $42,000,000. Sccurity held for the proteclion of the pollcy I holdere. CHRISTIAN MACK : Represent the followins: flrst-cla=8 companies, of which one, the _K;na, has Hid $óO,OUO,CKW flru lossea lasixtyyearB: .Etna, of Hartford $ 7,000,000 Franklin, PhiladelphiH 3,000,000 Germán American, N. Y 2,800,000 liOiidon Assnrance Corporat'n. 15,800.000 National, Hartford 1,200,000 North Germán, Hamburg 2,000,000 - Phcenlx, Iïrooklyn 2.S00.000 ] Underwriters Agency, N. Y.. . 4,G00,000 I.osses liberally adjusted and promptlv paid. ■ l'olicies issuud at the lówest rates ot premium. 1070-1125 CHRISTIAN HACK. W. TREMAIN, OEKERAL Insurance jgbncy! OFFICE : Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HURÓN AND FOURTH STS., i North British Insurance Co., Of Lomlon and Edinburg. CapiUl, $13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Aesets $600,000. Spriagfield lus. Co. of Massaclnisetfs, Cash Assets $1,800,000. Howar.l Ins. Compauy of New York, Cash Aeeets $1,000,000. Asriicultnral Ins. Co., WatertAWB, N.Y., CashAïsets $1,200,000. T.ofges Liberally Adjusted and Tromptly Paid. Ferdon Lumber Yard! JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. Mnmifaeturer and Dooier In SACINAW GANG-8AWBD LDHBBR Lath and Shingles. We Invite all to jjiw n a cali, and examine our stock befon purchasiuü elsewhere. ALSO, AGENT FOIl Jackson Sewer Pipe Co. AND SELLS FIRE BRICK. JAMES TOLBERT, Tnor. T. .1. KEKCH, Srrr. TENTHOUSAND -BARSWOODt FARMS IN MICHIGAN, FOR SALE BY THE Grand Rapids & Miana Railroad Co, Siiffnr Maplo the Principal Tiinber. Advantagcs.- Rallrondsalready bnllt, numerous townsand utieg, one of thu healthleat parta of the United State, pnnit wuter, good raarketi, flne l'rnit, good road?, ichoolö, c burches, large tnralpopulation, beet buildiní.' material at low flgnren, ood soil, low pricee, eaey terma, perfect title. For book?, mitps, charte, and uil addltional iulormation,uddreu AV. O. HüGHART, Land Commlssioncr, Oraod Rapld?, Mich. Or, 9EPTKR ROBKKT8, Traveling Agent.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News