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What They Say Of Him

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We continue quotations from our contemporaries this Week, respectinj the [Ion. E. P. Allen, candidate for congress in this district. The Hillsdale Standard tlms endorses iim: CATT. AI.LEX. The nominatlou of Hon. E. P. Allen for congress for this district is well reeeived by llie republlcans of this oouuty. He Is uot a stranger to the people of Hlllsdale counlv where he has for several campalgns made limself favorably known for hls labors lor Uie republican canse by hls speeches in almostevery townshlp in the county. Mr. Alii luis au envlable record Uiroughout llie state as a leglslator in wlilch eapaefty he has served his county three aeaaiona, taking a prominent positlon in all prominent mensures before (bat body, and neverfound shlrkugduty or responslbllity. In Mr. Allen the Recond district will have a faithful represeniative, and the banner republicau couuty will giye L lm 011e of her old time inajorities. The Ypsilanti Sentinel, one of the deepest-dyed demooratie papers on the face of the peninsular state (or any other state) speaks In Oklahoma style as i'olloweth: Cant. Allen went Into the republican congrossional couveution and "got ihere." Capt. Allen is our fellow cllizen. He isa pharlsee republicau of the strictest leot, aud would not vote for a democrat lor be sake of lriendship, where he thoiight a poUUoal principie was involved. And he would be veryapt to think votin" for a democrat against a republican for auything, iuvolved apolitical principie. We don'tsay tbat be nt;ver would vote for a democrat. lle wou't object to democrats votlug for hiiu. lu fact he would rather Iikelt. The more he ueeded their votes the better he would like it. iiut he would like itagreat deal better not to need.them. ile is a loud speaker. He is a long speaker when occasion requlres. He can speak to the purpose, when he has a purpose to speak to, and il he lias no pui pose, still he eau speak. ïhatspeaks weü for hls wind. He has never been to congress, but if he gets there he can learn how to go. He won'tlike McCutcueon, try to make hls Diggest record the flrst sesslon, but lle back, load, and get a good ready before he fires. He is a tnorough temperance man But he Is not a prohibltlonlst. Kecause he don't believe that prohibitlon wlll prohibit. He goes to churnh, sings in the cholr. and Is a good fellow generalij J He is a protecuoilstclear up to the hub. Hls party record is perfect, without a windshake, frost-cheek, knurl, kne t, prong, woodpecker's hole, or lnghole's nest, from tap root to top twig, so that if democratie votes were flyingas thiek as snow-flakes in a blizzard, It would be hard for one to flud a place to light on h mi. Ferliaps that is the best recommeedation we can give to his party. Rut we hope It wout weigh too mach ; we only sive It as our opinión. ftomeof them may know better.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News