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)t has Ijeea asFertcd by a few quasi íu-l dependente, hu(1 milk and water politi-l cians that thcic is nothln% in particular I dividing the two great partios of tiic a-l tiou to-day. Tliut statement is false, for I there is a great diflerenee between tliem. I The república party is tlie party of I the people. Tlie democratie party is the I party of oe sectio - the solid South. Republlcaniitn representa tlie best 1 terestsof all the people, worklngmen and capilalists alike. Demncracy representa the interestsof the British capitalists with their low priced labor. Republicans believe in protecting otir own industries and the workers tuereiu Democrats believe In throwing the doors wkle open to the conipetition of the world - wiÖl its pauper and slave labor. Republicanism mcans a nation strong enough to preserve itself. Democracy nieans a unión of stares, each one independent, at liberty to do as it pleases, respective of the desires of the others. In other words, Kepublicanism means nnlon and liberty. Democraey means ilisunion and slave ry. Republicana believe in America twr itself. Democrats believe in America for all the world- Great Britaiu in particular. Republicans believe in an honest ballot for cvery voter, honestly counted. Democrats believe in a ballot cast as they desirc it, even if a shot gun is necessary. Republicanism means progress. Democracy means retrogression. The two parties are now asking your tuff.'age. Which will you choose? The tide still rolls in, and presidenttal candidatos are yet being named. The latest candidato comes from the Woincn's National Equal Rights party, whose convention was recently held at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood, is the giil who received tlie glittering bauble of a nomination at its hand?, and she bas accepted. The ambition is a laudable one, but the realization is where the difficulty lies. Belva has a hard road to travel. ________ Ben. Butler's campaign manager at Washington says that his chief is not running with any expectation of victory, but "if he does not win thistime, he may nest." Why, bless your souls, thafs just the situation of Cleveland also, and Beha Lockwood, St. John, Pomeroy, and Blanchard. They are all building on the future. WeU, let theni build. The statement is made, but upon what autliority we cannot teil, that Gjvernor I Cleveland has been making overtures looking to the marriage of the democracy with the woman's national and cqual rights party. Belva Loekwood is their candidato for presidentess, it will be remembered. Grover should be carefu', for Belva, unlike Maria, has a husband. The road to ruin is broad, so tlie good book says, and its tempUtions are many. It really appears that Stephen Grover took the broad road. N. IÍ.- It does not lead to the white house.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News