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Aooordtng to the latest program publislied by the republican state Jeentral committee, Hon. James G. Blaine, our candidate for president, will pass throagh Ann Arbor on Saturday morntag next. The train leaves Detroit at 7:4,5 and is not booked to stop between liere and Detroit. Tliestopat Aun Arbor will be for five minutes, and the train will probably be ctue at about 9 o'clock, as it takes an bour and a qnarter usually to make tbe run. Just ask Deputy Clerk Robison if lie has received a telepbone froni Monroe lately. Miss Rosa Sanders, of Ypsilanti, and Mr. Geo. Hurrell, of this city, will be mariïed this evening, at the bride's resiilence. The register of deeds should be au accommodaüng, ready, gentlemanly official -and such a man the republicans present in the person ot Chas. J. Durheim. Oq Saturday motalng, Octobcr lStli, Ilon. E. P. Allen will speak at Saline and on Tuesday evening, Oct. 11, Hon. John K. Boies will speak at the same place. Miss Cleveland delivered her Cleveland piece before a good audiencc at the opera house last night. She liad it all by lieart, as the lightning calculator does bis figures on tlie blaekboard. Mis. Page, of Boston, took part in the recital of the school of music last Friday aftertioon, and was heartily applauded. She has been the guest of Miss Ida Belle Winchell for a time. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Cheever gave an elegant reception to their many friends on Timrsday, Oct. 9th, IVoni 2 to 4 p. M. Flowers In abundance lent an additional charm to their lovely home. Capt. E. P. Allen, and Hon. John K. Boies, spoke at Augusta Center Tuesday erenlDg - the old home of Hon. J. Webster Childs - and were greeted with a fine house and close attention. On tbe 28tb iust. Senator Thos. W. Palmer, of Detroit, and Hon. Edward P. Allen, of Ypellanti, will address tbe citizens of Ann Arbor, at the opera house, upon the political issues of the day. We got ourself into trouble last week by giving the age of our foreman's baby at " 14 months." It isn't true. The little darllng isn't even 14 weeks o!d, and will not be 14 months old until ll}4 montlis froin non'. . An immense petition has been signed by the people of Ann Arbor, asking for the re-instatement of Milo Pulcipher in his former position in the Western Union office in this city, and the same has been sent to lieaiiqnarters. Albert Case, of Manchester, who will handle the county funds for tbe next two years, is a man of tlie stiictest integiïty. He is a farmer of mature years, good business ability, and extremely popular arnong nis neighbors. Another electioneering dodge is at. tempted by the Free Press, but it won't work. That paper publishes bis appointments under tlie name of "Hon. Dinsmore Cramer," attempting to pawn him off on a confidlng public as a son of Erin. It s of no use. The color won't wash. -- A small tea party was given on Friday evening last by Mrs. A. W. Ames in honorof the birthday of Mrs. Alma buniner and of Mrs. Catbarine Abrams, motherin-law of Mrs. Ames, each of wbom were 76 year3 old on that day. To witness the spirit with which these two ladies enjoycd the evening and eutertained their friends, one would be convinced that 7G does not always signify an old lieart or feeble frame. There will be a unión meeting Id belialf of the Citizens' League in the Presbyterian churcli, on Hunday evening next, Oct. 19, at 7:30. Addresses will be deliveredby prominent citizens, Pres. Angelí and others, setting fortli the nature of the work to be done. The league is absolutely non-partisan, and is so broad in its platform that all good citizens of all beliefs can heartily co-operate. Similar meetings have long been held in the prominent churches of Chicago and other cities with the best results. The public generally, and especially tax payers, are cordially invited. Last spring, just before the city election, It was remarked that certain of the aldermen whn sought a re-election were very much interested in the state of our streets and were to be seen daily driving up aiu down the principal streets with the xtreet, scraper. We never had had better roads. But lo! what a change carne over the spirit of our dreams ! For no sooner wer the city dads re-elccted when the scraper liaving done its doublé work, was locked UP and has scarcely been seen sinc April. The consequence is that now thej m in a poor condition. Main and Hu roa streets, especially along the cour house square, División and inany others abound in ruts, holes and stones. Of lat drays have been allowed to stand on th corner of Main and Huron streetf, an Uw constant stamping of the horses ha raadegreat holes and hillocks, dangerou aüke to passing horses, wagons and bug gies. They could just as well stand dow Hurón street east of Main, on either side nu there would be out of the way. Nu iiierous complaints have been made, an 't the streets cannot be leveled in an other way, let us hope for another eleciion to wake the aldermen into activity Eleven persons unitod with the M. E. hutch last Sunday, mostly by letter. ? A ncw concrete sidewalk is being laid i front of the Episcopal ctanrcb and paronage. One ot' the most bcuutiful suusots last atorday night ever sccu in this locallty - sky red as blood. The Unity Club has ita lirst regular neeting next Mondny evening. All are ordially iuvited. The first appearance of Jack Frost in this vicinity this season, was on Wednesday night last, whcn he gave us a keen nipper. The connnon council held a meeting Saturday eveningto provide proper places or the registration boards of the various wards.J A delegation of upwards of 500 Ann Arborites visited Detroit Tuesday, to see the next president of the United States, ames G. Blaine, of Maine. Some one- or ones- have taken the gasoline lamp from the post corner of N. State and E. Catharine streets, and the authorities are on search. There will bc a general republican rally at Saline station Friday, Oct. 17th. Pole raising in the afternoon, speaking in the evening by Hon. E. P. Allen and Hon. A. J. Sawyer. There has been a general inquiry as to who "Miss Cleveland" is? The latest solution of the vexed question is that she is a young lady somewhat older tlian the Cleveland boy. The Rcv. A. D. Mayo, D. D., will deliver a lecture at the Unitarian church, Friday evening, Oot. 17th, entitled "Bducation in the South." The proceeds go for the benefit of the Unity club. The effect of the Ohio election was so inspiring that a good strong democrat helped elévate a republican flag this morning and seemed to rejoice over it as ïnuch as the happy republicana did. Nothing suceeeds like suocess, gentlemen. Testorday wíis what migui have been terined a "field day " at Meridian Street church. Dr. Alabaster baptized three chiklren, receiyed seven new members by letters from other churches, and iifteen into full membership. - Indianapolis Journal. A noiseless roller-skate has been invented, but there is probably no device the in genuity of man can con trive that will make noiseless the man who uses such skates the first time, and sits down upon the back of his head with his legs shooting lieavenward. Xothing but death ! J. Austin Scott and J. E. Beal were In Port Huron yesterday to attend the anmal meeting of the gas compiiny, at vhich meeting the latter was elected secrctary and the former gentleman and Wm. Wagnerweie elected directors. The most of the stock of that company is owned in this city. Three of the Ann Arbor boys who went o Detroit Tuesday left their watches there, in the hands of some sly pickpocket, who was anxious for good time. The boys meeting with the loss were Frank Hangsterfer, Titus Ilutzel and Wm. Frank. It is evident that there were some democrats in the crowd, after all. Monsigneur Capel, the famous Cathoüc divine, wHl be lu Ann Arbor on Wednesday evening, Oct. 29th, and in the evening will deliver a lectnre at the opera house, under the auspices of the young men's lecture association. It will lie an occasion that many of onr people will be glad to avail themselves of to hear this gentleman whose fame as a scholar nnd linguïst spreads over two continents. The following brief paragraph from the Kalamazoo Telegraph is quite pointed: "Miss Cynthia Cleveland of Dakota is sreaching " Cleveland and reform '' from Michigan rostrums. The Lord isgraciou?, aye, long-suffuring, and mayallow Cynthia to go through her conscientiousless and unwomaniy role, butshe will have to meet Maria Halpln in eternity, and other woaien whom "Cleveland and reform '' hasdebauched and his honored. And there won't be any democratie apologists for Clevelaiid's moral there to speak a good woid tor Cynthiï." The November meeting of the Waak:cnaw Pomological Society will be held the lst of November, at 2 o'clock f. si., in ;he court house. Tiiis is the most important meeting of the year. The annual meeting of the State Horticultura] Society will be held at Ann Arbor the first week in December, and it will be the largest ever held in this state. Delegatcs from all parts of this country and Canada will attend. JMr. Charles W. Garfleld, secretary of our state society, will be present at our November meeting and yery important topics will be discussed. All the metnbers and friends of the society in Washtenaw are cordially lnvited to be present.