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ma'ter KrdiC'79'V!Stedh!S:llm!l As a quaint story teller Mr. Ck-ments takes the golden arm. Or. Obetz and famllyare toepend their vacation in Coluinbus, Ohio. E. M. Balléy, law '84, sticks out his sningleat Waynesburg, Ohio. Prof. M. McMahon, llt '78, s now a professor in the Oregori universitv Arthur Gelston, lit. class of '82 is to be m.irried on the 21st to a young lady of Bay W. A. Kreider, former membei of '8,7 s dowugouth on oneof theRovernmentsurA. C. Wrislit, M. D., '81, Ims gone to San José, California, to lócate permanently. John M. Opsalil. who left his class, '86 bejause of 111 bealth in the feil, wlll not return thisytar. L K. Holden, lit. '58, is now the proprietorof the Cleveland Plain Dealer. He made a haudsoine fortune in Utah in silver mininor. Edwin Williite, of Crawfordsville, Ind., Cr who wa9 stahbed on the I. B.' a . R. K., near Kochester, Ind., last raonth is said to be in a precarlous conditlOll Vpt. wuii yci. The problem published last week was not solfea by either Clementa or Cable 1 ou will remember it was the name of a book and its autlior, j by . And reads In no sense (nuoceiice) A broad, bv Mark Twain. - Register"1' W''at 'S " SLlb-fresh."anyway ? Not being a gradúate, of course we labor at a disadvantaare, hut from the above slionld tüke Chambeiïain tobe a fair sample of the genusof which he seeks information. R. T.Chandlee. lit. 79, has linislied his Sludy of the modern tanguages in Europe, and is now In Arkonsns observmg the workingof the Engllsh language as manipuhited by Ar-kan-saw jaws, probably. ft was quite noticeable that those who passed out after Cable and Twain boie apon tteir fuce3 a happy expression, and many of tliem asthey stepned out into the nirht llnked their arms with other arms, which if not "golden" were precious. University clones Frlday, the lOth for the holidny vncation, and will commence apain Tuesday, Jan. 6th. The students have made arrangements with railroad companies for reduced rates, and have chartered a car to Chicago for those desirïng to take advantage of it. Louis A. Foote, M. D., of Xashville, the physician whom Orno 8trong,of the Nashville News shot, bilt unfurtunately did not klll, is a ifiaduate of the medical department, class of '73. In a recent trial of Strong for the shooting he was acquitted and now Dr. Foote issaiii to have improved the atmosphere of that locality by his absence. Vice-President Hendr has sent tho following letter in reply to the communication of the democratie students: Mr. Norman V'. Haire, CliHirman of the Students1 Cleveland and Hendrlcks Club of the University of Michigan : DkakSir - I have received your favor of the lKt instant, incloKing resoluMons adopted by the democratie aud independent students of your university in relation to Ihe recent election of President and Vlce-President of tbe United States. I beg to axsure you that I appreclate the honor by these resolutions to the uational ticket, and i deslreyou to express my very sincere and eurnest thauks to the young gentlemen who adopted them. I esteem it as no ordinary honor to be so indorsed by thoe in attendance at so emineut a seat of learniug asthe University of Micliigan. V'ei'v resuectfullv vours. People in looking after Holklay Goods thia year secm to want the useful as well a the beautiful. We have the two oomblned and as the Holklay trade tliis year is not as good as expected, it fiuds us overstorkeil with Goods, and we propose to close them out at pnces tliat will astonish yon. Dont think that the Goods are of an inferior quality, aa thcy are not, bot are taken froin oor refalar stock. We have CJt u good niany of Ihem 33 % per cent Cali early. C. IJLiss & Son, .No 11 South Main St. Koui)d;trip ratea to New Orleans via Toledo & Arm Arbor R. K. have beeu fixed at $25.10 for tickets good 40 days, and $37.05 for tickets good uu til Junelst, 1885. A special car for excursión Monilay, Dea 2-, will be decorated Saturday. E. A. Phillips, Ag't T. A. A. & N". M. R. K. The White SèwlBg Machine s five years ahead of all o the re In meL-hanical construction and improvements. Lt will pay yon to examine the White before you buy. Best oil 5 and 7 cents per bottlë; newlles for nearly all machines J0 cents per dozen. Grinnki.l Buos,, Agenta, Aun Arbor, Mich. For the Xew Orleans Exposition. 1 nui prepared to sell tickets via all -outes. Persons deelring the shortest and luickest route will lind it via the Toledo milAiiii Arbor K. K. to Toledo, C. H. fc D. R. E. to Cincinnati, and "(Jueen et Jres'cent Route" trom Cincinnati to New Jrleans, bein}i about 100 miles shorter han via Chicago. Leaving Anu Arbor 7:27 A. U„ will irrive iu New Orleans (i a. m. second Dornlng. Time carda, mapa and inforDatlou cheerfully furuisl.ed. Baggage liecked throiifth. E. A. Phillips, 2-25-20 Ag't T. A. A. & N. W. R. RB. C. at Marshall means Battle Creek. i. C. at the Saginaws means Bay City. ow, B. C. meani something Gu different it Ann Arbor.


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