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Card of Thanks. ! ... Anh Arbor, December 16, 1884. I wish to return my sincere thanks to my frlenclsand neigubors iu Ann Arbor, also to the teachers and puplls of tho two different, ?;'riSsaTrthSe8rOe,fv1reVtCmemberC1 "" '"" ruliyemSêrèl81111 r6SPCCt w111 be rat-_i EVE A. BANQS. Catarrh Is undoubtedly caused by lmpure blood. Henee a medicine which puriñes the blood removes the cause of the disease and opens the way for a thorough cure. Tilia ia exactly what Hood's Sarsaparllla does, and itmakes the cure complete by giving the system health and strength, and enabllng lt to throw off the depressliiE effects ol tho disease. Catarrh Is permanenlly cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. Mr. A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y., says : "Hood's Sarsaparllla has helped me more íor catarrh and lmpure blood than anythlng I ever used." "I have taken Ilood's Sarsaparllla for catarrh, and thiuk lt has done me a great deal of good. I recommend lt to all withln my reaelu Hood's Sarsaparilla bas been worth everything to me." JLuthek D. Iïob8IN8, East Thompson, Conn. Catarrh May be breaking down your health. Be wise In tune! That flow f rom the nose, ringing nolse In the ears, pain in the liead, inflammation of the throat, cough, and nervous prostration w.ll be cured if jou take Ilood's Sarsaparllla. " I had been troubled by general debllity caused by catarrh and humors. Hood'a Sar saparilla proved just the thlng needed. I derived an immense amount of beneñt from it " H. F. Millktt, Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. i slx for $5. Mada ouly by C I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. 12J0- 122. MUM! 1 1. HEI i CL, SUCCESSORS TO J. W'M. HANGSTERFER, Huron St., opp. Court House, WII.Ii GIVE RKDUCKD PKICES FOR TBE HOLIDAY TRADE ! 3f The Finest Hand-Made Creams in Ann Arbor, 25 ets. per lb. Fine Hand Mixed Candy, 12 ets. per lb. Extra Fine Stick Candy, 12 ets. per lb. Caramels, 25 ets. per lb. And all other kinds at Corresponding prices. All our own make, and strictly fresh and pure. A FINE LINE OF FINCï TÖÏS AND CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS VERV CIIEAI'. A liberal reduction tochurches andparties. W. H. Burleson & Co. the m yöi ml oïs isas. A PAPER DEVOTED TO AM EBICAN lTliiïi;vi CAJSOBMKT REPCBLICAN (IK(I !. ITION IJS AMERICA. The Tribune begins the new subscriptiot year with prospecta unparalleled in iU hls tory. lts clrculation for the seven days ending November 9, 1884, was as follows : Monda y, November 3 !!),! 0 Tuemday, November 4 101, 5UC WrdnFday, November 5 188, 60C '¦'luii-KClay, November ; 107,100 F'riday, November 7 160,60(1 Saturday, November 8 1 72,00(1 Sunday, November 9 lL9,0Ol Weekly, November 5, exclusive of all short term campaign subserlpüons 1 l.t.üld Senii-Weekly 38,300 Total nuniber of Tribune prlnlcd and sold during week endlug November 9, exclusive of oampaign subscriptions 1,202,110 Ninety-four tons of paper were used In p-rintüig the week's issues. Thls wa of course an eleclion week "spurt." whlch "broke the record" in New York. Setting back into lts "Hteady galt," Tuk Tribunk'.s record slood on (Lie following week : Average daily lr nlallon of the Daily Tribune. for week eutllugNov. 15, 1884 121,400 VJecklj Tribune, Nov. 12, 1884.142,650 Svmi-Ui'i'fcl) 36,700 During 1883 The Tkibune will strlve more zealously and liopefully than ever for its political faitli. The reiurn to power of the party that brought on the Hebelllon must make the coming year one of the most intorestlng in our history. The more the people know of how Demócrata deal wlth their (jovernment, the surer is Republlcan sneeess the nexttime; and The Tkibune appeals lo its t'nends to help spread suchkuowiedge broadca-st. The Tribune glves the news fully, fairly and early ; it Is a safe and attractive paper for the family clrcle; and is the persistent advocate of work for American workmen, a great, paying home mavket for American grain and meat, the extensión of our foreign trade, and the general protectlon of American interests. It ftivors every practical effort to check inlemperance, and isalwayson theside of momlity. reform, and progresa. lts Weekly and yemi-Weekly eültions contaln notably complete and valuable Agricultural Household, LUerary and Juvenile departmenta. with serial storles, abundantcorrespondence, interest ing iniscellany, and some fun. Every mcmber of the family, old or young, flnds in it instructlon and entertainment. Every postmaster and club agent is invlted to lorm yearly clubs at once for Thk Tribune. 1 he lbllowing premiums are offered In combination with subscriptions : Unabri'tiied Dictiouary.both Webster's and VVorcester's. Wood's Household Practice o( Medicine, 2 vols., illustrated. 19 and !M2 pages. The Library of Useful Knowledge, 15 vols., nearly 9(iO pages each, embracing Chambers' Encyclopedia, complete with American additiuns. The Waterbury Watch, a popular and successful premium. Pidpath's Uiuttrated History of the United States. .Specimen copies. Rhow bilis and circulars, with details of valuable premiums, will be sent, free, upon applicatlon, or can be bad from your postmaster. TERMS TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS: IVËEKL1 . S1.23ayear; in clubs of ten, tl a year. with extra cnpy to man sending club. SI5MI-WE12KLiY, Í2.50 a year; in clubs of ten, $2 a year; with extra copy to iuau sendlng club. lltlL), wlthSunday, ÍH.50; without Sunday.ï7 per year. v i M V TUIBl'NE, f 1.50 per year. Sunilay'd TRIBUNE, Monday's, Wednesday's or Salurday's, eau be subscrlbed for separately. Counting postage. The Tribune costs about two cents a copy. all editions Address, simply.TIIE TRIBUNE, New York. PROPOSALS FOK WOOD. Sealed proposals (or 150 cords of wood four feet loug, young, green, good body or straight hickory, hard iniiplo aud second growth white or yellow uiland oak, in ijuantities of uut less tlimi teu cord", will le recelved by the undersisned until the 8d of Junuary. 1885. inclusive, up to (i p. in. The wood to be dellvered In the next glxly days afler awarding the contract, at the different uunool lioTises in such quautities as directed. The rielit loreject any and all otrer is reserved. L. QEÜKKB, No. 8 8. Mftln St. Cure for Piles. The iirst symptom of Piles is an intense telling at night aftergettin warm. This unpleasant sensation is iinmediately j lieveil by an applicntion of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Kemeily. Piles in all fonns, Itch, öalt Rheurn and Kingworm can be , raanently cured by the use of this great remedy. Price 00 cents. Manufacturad hv the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Company, Piaua, O. Sold by Eberbach & Son. 1 1202-1253.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News