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Stud poker" lias strtick Mt. Clemens. IIikIsou'h Y. M. C. A. bas climbetl the golden st.iirs. The sales of Michiífün alt durinsr the yeitr 18S4 were 2,748,164 barrels. Marshall' Germán benevolent associatioupaidimt $1,000 for chai ity lastyear. Grand Rxplda proposes to take tlie lend witii a mniimoUi roller riuk 250x100 feet. Caro proposes to have her cheese fa;tory 000 cdw powur. and no "pftsú'' protd In. It is sald 00 bachelors and 348 bachelcta reside in Midland. Believe the story a base canard. Traverse City keeps rlglit on putting hd building jan as if it wasn'tcold weatber or hard tunes. Nexí Mmiday Lansing is to vote upon a propoMtioH i bond the city in the sumof $100,000 to build wnterwoiks. Tlie surviving members of the 7th Michigan cavalry ure talking of holding a reunión iu Lansing about April 7th. Kalamazoo is the seventh city in the state in point ot population, bul claims to bc the third in receipts ot' itl I'. O. llemetnber the 12th annual gession of the Supts. of the poor and union asociations at Lansing, Jan. 37th. Reduced tare. Tlie Lausing gas company has bought the electric ligbt plant in tliat city, and will t'urnish either light, as custoiuefs may desire. Sehau'i Holme, a saloon scruhber in Grand Rápida, has bad f 10,000 left him by ii relatiTe iu Sweden. What will thehaivest be? The state oll inspectorshlp umHo s,orio for lliu state above expenses, and tlie re; duction of tees to ten cenU perbbl. is recominended. The Young Men's Christlan association of Michigan nu-ets in convention ut Ionia, Janum y 22-25; 200 delegates are expected in aitendauce. Vermontville people are all agor, and property there bas gone kitiug. All because a nasty, dirty, gaggy, repugnant mineral well has been UruCK there. Cliildren of school ages wlll not be allowed In the Hastings rink durinir school hours, nnless accompanied by theirpirente. Otlier townsouyht to iidnpt the plan. The liead waiter in the Michigan Exchange, DKroit. drew $75,000 in ,i soutliern lottiry scheine, one dy last week. Wliich is said to havo spuiled a good waiter. Alpena numbers a population of a bont i,")00,with 13denomiiiaiions and 11 clmreh edlUceí, the ones not fcupplied with liouses beinif tlie Gerniiin Baptist and a synago;iie for the Hebrews. Eilmore Jimrna): "A little United Statedeteetlve work is very niuch needed In ibi locality. Counterfeit dollars and half dollars are wending tbeir way into the money pouclies of the unsuspecting." The tenth anmial session of the Michigan 8iortsmen'sa!'sociiition wlll be beldat Lansing, cmumencing at 7:30 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday, Kei. 3, 1885 Everyclub In the state is invited to send delejrates. President Ashley and two eastern men wbo neem to have pockets full of "rocks" ai.d b.iiikaccounts back of them have been propectinjr in Wexford coui'ty and tbereabouU tlils week. - Evenlng News. They are a live lot of republicans at Cadillac. A club has been formed, named alter the late Senator C'hundler, and red hot political work is to be pl.mned for the next cainpaign. That's business, gentlemen. A. J. JLei'"!íS secretary of the state flsh comoilMloD announces that all applications for brook trout, etc, must be made ly Feb. 1, with a full description of the waters they are to be placed in. His adel ress is Detroit. It has cost the county of Jackson and olheiconnected with the Cronch murder trials, fully $50,000 so far. And no one convicted, and the mystery no nearer solved. The lawyera arejfetting rich and justicc hitngs its head in sliame. Owosso hal tbree fnrniture factoricp. one tannery, one casket factory, one each of ax hamlle. ipoke implemeut bending and eigar faetones, twoplaninp milis, two 11 uu ing milis, one broom factnry, and two hiick and tile yards. And still sho reaches out for more, and is not happy. The consumption of oil in Michigan has IncreHsed fi-om 60,002 barrels in 1877 to 178,381 In 1884. Inppector Smith, reports 1,040 bal-rein rejected lastyear; $23,189.53 in tees received by self and deputies; $17,25(.t45 disnursed in salarles; leaving over 15,000 lo be poured into the treasury as surplus. Tlie board of control ot the state school at Coldwater, appeals to the public for funds and facilitiesto introduce the teaching of industries in the institHtiou so that e very boy will know uow to earn his own hvelihood when hegoesout into the world. This method would doubtless better than the present one of binding the boye out to whoever will take them, which is ofteü very unsatisfactory. Henry W. Fairbank, state commissioner f iniinigiation in his animal report estlmates that rlve per cent. of the 625,000 Germán Immigrants that canie to the United State the past three yean settled In Micliifian. This is about 31,090. The percentage of Irish immigrants landing in ihe United States that come to this state is estimated at 2.6 per cent; Euglish, Wilsh and Scotch combined, 3.2 percent; and Scandanavian 1 percent. The executive committee of the Michigan state agricultural society held its annual winter sesxion at letroit last week. The report of the the business cotninii tee showed that the total expenses for 1884 in the iiepartment were $26,374 37. Tlie tieasurer reported that on Jan. 1, 1884, there were$26,134 54 iu the treasury. The receipls from uil hou rees during the year were $27,218.86; disbursed in expenses' and premiums $38,452 37; on hand $15,lOl.Oit. Edward Mann, ai;ed 39, was killed while at a charivari party 2) miles nortli of Ho well, last week Wednesday. and four otliers were wounded. Joseph A. Dibble was the man serenaded, who was married Jan. 3d., to a widow of Salem, in tliis c-iunty, having lost his tonner wife about two months previous. The neighbors feit so incensed over hls baste that they had " horned " him sevcral times befóte, mucli to bis annoyance. He denles doing any shootiiig, hut his son Georgo, aged 21, bas been arrested therefor, and another sou has lit out. Mann leaves a tamily, wife and tour childreu in destitute ciicunistances. He was old enough to know better than to engage in any sucli business, and though the shootingwas not ju-tiüable. yet the provocatlon wasjrreat. Those who took part in the disjrraceful proceedings dld a despicable deed, as mucb to he condemtied as was Dibble's hasto in taking unto himself a new wiíe.


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