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LIGKT HEALTHY BREAD Byeastgems Th best dry hop yeast In tha world. Bread nlsod by ihls yetst Is llght, white nd wholocome llke our qrandmother's dellclou bread. CROCERS SELL THENI. Prlce Baking Powder Co., MaiTrs oí Dr. Piice's special FlaTonnj ütraca, Chicago, III. 6t.Louï8,MO. ÑO PO1SON IN THE PASTRY IF exIracts Vnnllli,I.iii.ii.rana:-. ¦(., llnvor ('abrí, lreiim.,I'ii.lillint.,.v..n dellcntely and natarully aa the fruit IVom blvb tUtzy ¦ r u.uuc. FOR STREXGTH AD TRÜE FRUIT FLAVOR THEÏ STASD ALONE. Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. MAKERS OF Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder AMO - Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems, Best Dry II..,. V.ii.1. WK UAKK ni!T ONK OlIil.lTV „i fivTpTTrtlta ch Bitter" le ihUlgOl tl Plfarticlc for yuu, it nVEllBRATtOMj-tin!"!',. tie fallPp P hik enerelee, lnvlgmjJ&A &m È unnae ratieae.KiTei frCÍÍít)tr. ' rnl'wedvl(rortothe ¦W. tTnuiru b entg are safe, snd lig BfctTOMCHf credenllal. which QVaiP'# 3 cuu-i-t in the huirty P 1 W W eodoriement ot per ¦ ¦ ¦¦" Boni of every class of BOCiety, are most convlncinsf. For aale by all rDiiKjrists and Dealer frenerally. TT. HAÑGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR 8ELL3 MIXED CANDIES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Fresh Stick Candy for 15 cent per pound at A. F. HANGSTERFER'S, 28 South Main Street. French Mixed Candles for 15 cents per pound, at A. V, HANÜSTERFER'S, 28 Mala Street. Nlce Oranges only 15 cent per doze, at A. F. HANQSTERFER'S at 28 Main street. Aü kinds of NUTS, FIO 8, DATES, RA1HIN8 and MALAGA GRAPES, at A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, No. 28 Main Street, - Ann Arbor. Mortgage Sale. rKFAULT I1AVIN0) BKEN MADE IN TIIB XJ conditlone or a cortaln inrienture of morüraee eiecuted by Laura Barker to Johu Lynch, botb of Ann Ariior, in tbe county of iVashtenaw la ihe Siate or Michlgnn, her nu date, the elghceenth day oí October, A. D., 18T7, aDd recorded in the offlcé or the Keyuter if Deuda for ihe Cotnty of Waehtenaw, in Liber56o( Mortgaïres. paga 9S, and as slgned on the 25th day of May 1881, by wrltten assiKnment to Johu Smith, of Ann Albor t:wnshln In the county atoreaid, and which sslenraiMit is recoided in th.: office aforesald in Líber Seyen of A-ii;iii]]i-n'" of Norteares, on page 162 and bv which delault. the power or gal containtd iii faid mongs(?e havlng bccome operative, and no nlt or proceeding at law or l.i qulty, havine been Instltuted to r. cover theamonntdue on sala mortfrage or ihe bond acci mpanylng thc same and ihi-re being miw claimed to he due nn ald bond and mortgaue ihe lum of Foor hnndrcd and eiirhty-ntne dollars and ninetj-twj ct-ntn (489.SB). NOT1CK Ih there'oie henby (rlvtn, tht Mld monga e will be rnrclnaed oh 8aiu dav, the 18 h day of April, A. D. 1885, at ten o'clock Ín t'.e forenoon of that day, by a aale at pnblic auctlon to ihe highfBi bidder, at the Eist Door of ihe Court Houae, In the City of Ann Arbor, in thc Couuty aforesaid,(eaid Oonrt Hcnue, beii.g the place ol holding the Circuit Conrt for sald Uonnty) of the mortgaged premle, dicribed iii said mortgage or o mach thereof, as may be necessary to ratlnry the amouut ot principal and Interest rrmalolng unpatd upon said mortage, with reasonable coma and expense ; whlcb premlses are descrtbed in aid morigave aa follows : All those certaln pieces or preel f land, Hltuated and belng In the C'ttv ol Ann Arbor. In tbe Oonnty of Vashtenaw and State of Michigan. Hnd deecribed as follows towlt : The west-hult of lots number Filteen and Slxtetn, In block Lnmber Five (5) outh of Huron meet, in Range number Eigbt eaet, agreeably to :he Ann Arhor Land Company's addition to the fald City of Ann Arbor. me Dated, January 19, A. D. 1885. ' K. D. KINNE, Anslgneo of Mortg'age Att'y for Aisiffnee. lWO-'iJ.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News